Turkey’s Erdogan Blackmailed Europe For Billions

ZeroHedge has a story on it here:

Following unfavorable election results last June, Erdogan plunged the country into civil war be restarting a long simmering battle with the PKK and proceeded to crack down on journalists and anyone else critical of the ruling AKP. Ultimately, new elections were called and AKP put up a stronger showing, effectively paving the way for Erdogan to rewrite Turkey’s constitution and install an executive presidency.

But Erdogan’s bullying isn’t confined to his domestic political agenda. Greek media has obtained an internal memo which suggests the Turkish strongman effectively blackmailed the EU by demanding cash payments in exchange for efforts to curb the flow of migrants into Western Europe. “We can open the doors to Greece and Bulgaria anytime and we can put the refugees on buses,” Erdogan allegedly said, on the way to demanding $3 billion per year in aid.

Just over a week later the dumbass grossly reduced his leverage when he shot down a Russian plane, meaning if everyone turned their back on him, Putin would have gladly dispatched him just for show.

I’m of two minds on that. The EU Green-lighting Putin to give Erdogan a Polonium cocktail for the murdered Russian pilot would be satisfying, but I see that leading everyone else down the road to becoming too r – too reliant on Russia bringing their balls to our battles. Sooner or later we need to begin taking our own trash out, or we will end up adapting into the cowardly r-manipulator ourselves.

This is another reason I do not fear the collapse. How satisfying it would be to hear of how Erdogan was found dead the next morning, and his replacement was some Mubarak-like puppet who would cease giving everyone shit. There is something viscerally discomfiting during times of r, when you see craven exploiters who literally deserve nothing rewarded with riches beyond anyone’s imagination, marching away with their blackmailed wealth while laughing at the stupidity of our side.

If Trump wants to perfect his comments about there being so much winning if he was President, he should point out all the losers currently playing us who would finally get their due. I think Americans want, even more than to win, to see the deserving evil finally punished with loss.

Regardless, Apocalypse will eventually punish, if Trump does not.

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9 years ago

[…] Turkey’s Erdogan Blackmailed Europe For Billions […]

9 years ago

With all due respect sir, Trump will not be able to accomplish half of what people are hoping he will. If elected, Trump will embody a minor and very temporary restoration. The entire edifice upon which he is trying to perch himself is utterly rotten.
A house of cards built on sand with high tide rolling in fast.

Russ Tovich
9 years ago

All the more reason to burn it down then.