TSA’s Quiet Skies Is Being Revealed

More on the program is coming out, and I think it is part of Trump’s plan to slowly open people’s eyes:

Taylor Usry’s routine work trip in July began like any other…

Usry, a 39-year-old social media manager for an arts-and-crafts company, recalls buying a chicken biscuit and a Diet Dr Pepper while she waited in the terminal for her flight to Florida for a meeting at the Home Shopping Network.

She had no idea she was being watched during her humble meal — watched the entire time, in fact.

A team of armed federal air marshals was shadowing her every move — recording whether she touched her face or sweated, where she went, how she looked, and other seemingly minor details as she made her way through the Charlotte airport. The air marshals even flew with Usry, closely watching her until she left the Tampa airport, according to records reviewed by the Globe…

The documents show that Usry was swept up in the Transportation Security Administration’s Quiet Skies program that morning, one of roughly 5,000 US citizens subjected this year to extensive monitoring under a controversial domestic surveillance initiative designed to catch potential or unknown terrorists.

Since the Globe first reported on the program last month, TSA officials have repeatedly asserted that Quiet Skies doesn’t monitor ordinary travelers.

“I would say to the American public: Ordinary citizens don’t need to worry about Quiet Skies,” TSA administrator David Pekoske told USA Today. “They don’t.”

But such claims seem contradicted by Taylor Usry’s experience of being watched and followed, along with numerous other apparently ordinary citizens identified by the Globe as having been subjected to Quiet Skies scrutiny for reasons that mystify them.

“I’m not a terrorist,” Usry said upon learning that she was followed by air marshals. “I don’t do anything subversive. . . . I work from home.”

Usry, a mother of two from Williamsburg, Va., was targeted because she had recently flown to Turkey for an arts-and-crafts course, a country that is a focal point of the program, according to documents and air marshals with direct knowledge of Quiet Skies.

In addition to Usry, other targets identified by the Globe include star WNBA player Courtney Vandersloot; a working flight attendant; a business executive; and a law enforcement officer for another federal agency, according to documents obtained by the Globe and air marshals with direct knowledge of the surveillance.

The findings underscore concerns that Quiet Skies is infringing on people’s privacy for reasons that are unclear and may yield little gain — to date, air marshals have put roughly 5,000 people under Quiet Skies surveillance but none deemed worthy of additional scrutiny.

Several air marshals have told the Globe that Quiet Skies surveillance routinely includes passengers who pose no threat whatsoever. They said the program is misguided, pushes the boundary of law, and is a waste of time and resources….

But Usry, who makes greeting cards for fun and has online profiles brimming with motivational sayings, recipes, and photos of craft beer, said she is as ordinary as they come.

“Honestly, I’m not unique, I don’t do anything special,” she told the Globe. “I have two kids, a cat, and a dog. I drive a Suburban.”

Knowing now that she was tracked by TSA leaves her deeply unsettled.

“The whole thing makes me uncomfortable and really, really nervous,” she said. “I’m from the South, where you smile at people, hold the door and say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ And now I’m paranoid.”…

Usry said she traveled to Istanbul in May for a product-testing event for her company.

“I sat in a training development center for a week and painted things,” she said. “I did arts and crafts…”

Within 72 hours of her trip to Tampa, air marshals received a “special mission coverage” package including Usry’s name and photo, her birthdate, her eye and hair color, as well as an identification number. Air marshals were then given seats near Usry on her flight.

That morning, the surveillance mission was on… Usry does recall another aspect of her flight, something so out of the ordinary she mentioned it to her husband that day. It stands out to her now as a red flag.

“There was a guy in line that was super, super friendly,” she said. The clean-cut man boarded second to last, right before her, and was extremely chatty throughout the boarding process and during the flight.

“He asked where I was staying,” she said. “He was so nice and friendly. He gave me restaurant recommendations. In hindsight, it is weird and creepy.”

Her husband joked that the man was surely flirting with her. Usry believes the overly inquisitive passenger was an air marshal.

She said her odd travel ordeal extended to her return flight days later, an experience so exhausting and invasive that she cried at the gate. This time the screening and pat-down was even more rigorous.

TSA screeners were extremely hands-on and inquired about the underwire in her bra, she said, and asked if she was wearing a thong or panty liner.

Later she went through an additional random bag check, this time at the boarding gate.

“I was super, double-triple checked at every opportunity and I thought it was really strange,” she recalled…

Geoffrey Stone, a University of Chicago law professor, said Usry’s experience raises questions about whether the TSA program is legal.

“The reasonable justification can’t be she went to Turkey on a one-way ticket. That’s crazy,” Stone said. “That can’t possibly be adequate justification for picking her out for a search.”…

In early August, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil rights and advocacy group headquartered in Washington, D.C., filed a motion seeking details about Quiet Skies in an ongoing lawsuit against the TSA. The motion noted that TSA officials had been deposed earlier this year about agency operations, and failed to disclose the existence of the program.

In a March 20 deposition, TSA official Hao-Y Froemlingsaid the agency does “not perform intelligence collection on passengers at airports.”

But the Quiet Skies surveillance program appears to do just that, CAIR’s attorneys argue.

I hear Q saying they want you divided, which implies Trump wants us unified. As I read this, I actually feel like CAIR is an ally in the battle against the biggest threat to my country – the puppetmaster of Cabal who is pulling all of our strings. This might be the beginning of a brilliant play by Trump to unify everyone against the Cabal’s hijacking of our government. If you want to see blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, Whites, Indians, and Asians all unify behind President Trump, just keep pulling at these threads. Try finding out that a house full of twenty-something fratboys down the street was all gathered around speakers listening to your most intimate moments with your wife every night and laughing at it. Trump could unite the entire country overnight, if this all comes out, and I doubt he is blind to that.

Interesting point one. The TSA says TSA does “not perform intelligence collection on passengers at airports.” He might have been telling the truth as he knows it. Somebody deep undercover at TSA may have created this liason program without telling anyone, to hijack their machinery for Cabal, and now the higher-ups are scrambling to cover themselves. Somebody else may have exposed it purposely as part of a plan – as part of The Plan. Nothing you see is by accident, and we know everyone in the media has an agenda. Cabal does not let wildcards into crucial positions in media. This is here because it serves someone’s agenda.

And have no illusions. If she popped those flags on the Turkey trip, they saw them before she left and shadowed her in Turkey – and they knew exactly what she did there. They have also been looking at her since then, because all of this is integrated across all of government and every environment. They knew a lot more about her long before she took this trip, and they knew she was no threat. Her own family will not know her as well as surveillance. The Turkey trip is not why she is under surveillance.

Now, think about the post, “Being taught the American Myth can kill you,” which discussed how Americans are conditioned specifically to believe nobody will ever spy on them. It discusses how this makes them weaker in the real world where spying is as normal as breathing. Somebody posted this comment there:

About a dozen years ago, my husband and I drove cross country and spent a lot of time driving back roads and camping on BLM land. Met great people, locals, hunters, regular folks. Makes me wonder now, in light of lurking here, whether any of that was by chance. I’m just a nobody but still…

That is what it looks like, and we see it everywhere, but our conditioning blinds us.

In the article, the husband’s first thought was she was being hit on. It has to be innocent. But if this had been Communist East Germany, or Iraq under Saddam, his first worry would have been that he had done something to turn the intelligence services on him and his family. Who would have had the better grasp of reality? Ironically, I would not be surprised if Saddam’s Iraq had less of this, even as everyone was more aware of it there. It is a testament to the power of a controlled media feeding propaganda and manipulating minds purposely. Because have no illusions there either – most of the media knows.

Some things you may not have realized in the piece.

Her flight to Turkey being a concern was probably a pretext, a sort of parallel construction for surveillance. I suspect if you looked closely at anyone, we all have such things. Maybe you crossed paths with a KKK member who runs the local grocery store, unbeknown to you, or maybe you exchanged messages with a Muslim on a watch list, on 4Chan. And if you haven’t done that, they can have a Muslim on the watchlist, who they own, contact you on 4Chan or strike up a conversation in the grocery store, and all of a sudden its happening for you. Trump’s campaign is the model for exactly how it works. They can send in the threat that gets you coverage.

They are keeping a close eye on her for a reason, probably her aspirations of a national brand that is sold on HSN would be my guess. But I would love to know her political activities, affiliations, and who all is in her family. Don’t forget, they do “Chaining” in surveillance. That means, Carter page’s FISA warrant almost certainly allowed them to do either two or three hops, meaning with three hops, they were allowed to fully surveil Page, as well as all of Page’s associates, and well as all of the associates of the associates, as well as the associates of the associates of the associates. That means before all was said and done, they could have had Trump, everybody who had contact with Trump, and everybody who had contact with someone who had contact with Trump, all under full 24/7 coverage, completely legally. Not a word anyone of them spoke would have been said outside their reach.

Ever play degrees of Kevin Bacon? It wouldn’t surprise me if they have a supercomputer that picks a few hundred people a year to generate FISA warrants against, which gives them carte blanche to surveil anyone they want in America. On average, the FISA court has generated over 1000 warrants per year, and it would not surprise me if the average the first few years was ten warrants, and the average under Obama was six or seven thousand per year. It would be interesting to see, if those warrants were to be fully used just how many Americans could be put under full, 24/7 surveillance using just the FISA warrants from 2015 and 2016, and following every possible hop. I’d bet at least 85% of the country, and 99% of the online world.

Something else you probably missed, or didn’t think of. When was she picked up? Were there twelve agents, a normal Mobile Surveillance Team (MST) sized unit, standing around the airport looking at their toes and kicking stuff, listening in their earpieces as one person ran around the front entrance saying, “She’s here!… Wait, false alarm, not her. She heading for Gate 6! Oh, wait, not her. Hang on, I think I’ve got her… Nope, not her. Wait, I think she’s….”


They were set up on her house, probably with ears inside, probably as part of a much longer running operation that had embedded itself in her neighborhood, on her street. They called out her awakening, listened to her conversations with her husband as they laid in bed, listened to her going to the bathroom, heard her shower, heard the forks get thrown in the sink when she was done eating, heard her kiss her husband goodbye as her keys jingled, and then triggered a follow on her all the way to the airport where they handed her off to TSA seamlessly. They may have been irradiating her with microwaves or X-rays through the walls of her house from neighboring houses, or through her roof from passing aircraft, to see exactly what she was doing inside. God only knows what awaits her medically. It is a rough ride.

“But my God! That is paranoid! You think they put an entire team on this woman? Did they fly them out from DC, where all the special surveillance people live and fly out from? Did they have to import a whole ten man team of special surveillance people from a CIA Station in Germany just for her?” If you are thinking that way, you are not Apocalypse ready, because you have been contaminated with the American myth that America values privacy and freedom highly, and as a result, this is so unusual it has to be spun up and rolled out special. The machinery does not value privacy and freedom in this country, at least not yet. We are just told that we operate that way, so we don’t burn everything to the foundations and kill everyone in the wild orgy of violence and mayhem that would ensue if the full truth came out.

Cabal has fooled the American government into building a massive, embedded surveillance infrastructure, that lives where it works, all over the nation. It is probably right in your neighborhood, day to day, amassing ridiculously detailed files on everyone in that sector, in large part because it has nothing else to do.

Does your government import your local patrol officer from DC? Do they import your local mall cop from Germany? Of course not. Nor do they import the surveillance they deployed on this woman. It was the nice family down the street whose husband works in advertising, and whose wife is a real estate agent, and their three pretty children who go to the local public school. It was that house down the street with seven or eight twenty-somethings who live there, with neck tattoos and dirt bikes, which you think may be running a drug lab. It is that old retired couple with the oxygen under their nose, that live in the house at the end of the cul-de-sac.

The civilians run the gamut from the gung-ho and eager-to-play-spy types, some of whom probably have a sadistic streak that drew them to the work, to the reticent and overly-polite people who are genuinely nice, and who don’t like intruding on the lives of regular people in their community, but are doing it anyway for some reason. They are everywhere, and they look like anyone, and they all report, ultimately, to Cabal. Some may be bribed, some are blackmailed, some are coerced, and some are probably on a salary of some sort, to be on call. Whatever the motivations, all of them view this as vital to preserve, and/or a great thing in America.

It is a strange perceptual gap which I can only imagine indicates they either do not view other Americans outside of the clique as countrymen, or exposure of the program would flip deadman’s switches which would take them out in some fashion or ruin their lives. I do not see this being kept secret, or so protected solely off of financial gain, which is one reason I have even wondered about the cult/religion type model of control, if it is not full blackmail, or even foreigners imported from some place like New Zealand to run this.

Those civilian types all seem to know for sure something is very wrong, but the network Cabal has amassed also contains a hodgepodge of the unawares among the warrior class, roped in with superior authority, blackmail, coercion, infiltration, and probably threats to management, if the article is any indication. There are federal agents who signed up to fight terrorists for the public, who I suspect were slightly horrified to strike up a conversation with the target, and find she was just some harmless girl living her life peacefully – and expecting some level of normal privacy as she cried at the screening checkpoint (Don’t forget, it was agents like the one who struck up the conversation with her, who brought the whole “Quiet Skies” program to light because they felt it was wrong.) Cabal’s biggest weakness will be the protector-psychologies in the law enforcement apparatus, who volunteered because they were willing to die to protect others, and who don’t like making nice innocent women with craft websites cry. Notice there was a federal agent who was a target in Quiet Skies too. My guess is it is more likely he was not simpatico with the program, than that he was involved in crime. Even Ted Gunderson, legendary head of the LA FBI field office was targeted by this, and with his law enforcement background, he signed an affidavit saying he could not imagine how this thing could possibly be funded to this scale. It is that big.

There are beat cops who are probably afraid to ask too many questions, but who know there is something hinky going on in the nation. But I am sure they are told it is totally harmless and for the good, even as they see ephemeral linkages with cop-killings which should not occur under this. There are even elected officials who are part and parcel, who I would assume were placed. Believe it or not, I was in the bonzai stages of the early destabilization phase that occurs in response to you figuring out what is going on, (where they try to drive you crazy), and I was formulating a counter-strategy. At that moment, I received the only two calls, a couple of days apart, that I have ever received from any Congressman’s office, letting me know he himself would be having special in-person office hours when anyone could come in and raise any concerns with him personally, and I could stop by to alert him to anything of note that was bothering me. Coincidence? You have no idea how deep this goes. They have agents everywhere, who they own. What awaited me at that office? I’ll never know – I blew it off as a set up.

I will bet the Stasi could not have imagined what is out there, embedded in every major community, just like a local Police Department or municipal agency, only five times to ten times as large at least, made up of part-time informants/operators with real, regular lives and jobs. It operates below the surface in secret, like a local secret police department nobody will talk about, just for the Cabal’s use. All they need is a name and an address, to tune the tech that they have stationed all around to that location, and now you are under the microscope 24/7.

If my surmises are correct, she is a target for some specific reason. It could be she is a second cousin twice removed of some business magnate whose empire Cabal wants, or maybe her sister is active in Planned Parenthood, or maybe she is a secret Anon on 4Chan. But notice she has an internet audience online who she posts recipes and other things to, and she was trying to create a national brand that would be sold on the Home Shopping Network. And she apparently was close to succeeding, judging by the meeting. In America, those are both big no-no’s in Cabal’s eyes.

That is what I would actually rate as the most likely explanation. If she had told me of her aspirations, and said she was having a meeting with the Home Shopping Network (which means her audience must be sizable), I would have immediately jacked up the probability of her getting coverage in my mind, and the more likely I thought she was to succeed, the higher the likelihood would have gone up in equal proportion. You will not form a national brand in peace. They will come for you, and either seek to take your brand via a covert operation (everyone else involved in creating Facebook) or take you out (Martha Stewart). It is just how it works.

Cabal views everything beyond a simple mom-and-pop store on the corner as their domain. If you try to intrude, they have the machinery to look at you, and figure out if they want to let you become an employee (your only option), or if they are going to shut you out.

This dream of her’s is the type of thing which will get you Enemy of the State treatment these days. Think I am crazy? I knew Trump would have been buried under surveillance back when he started out, and you see what we find out now. Write a best seller, form a national brand, or run for office, and this is what you get. Become a successful rapper outside the machine, and you get even worse. Believe me or not, I know how it works.

It would not even surprise me if the Turkey trip was dangled out there in front of her knowing it was perfect for her business and super-cheap, so she would take the cheapest flight and it would create a pretext for future surveillance. She might even have said to a friend months back, that she was always enchanted by Turkey, and they picked it up and mixed it with a business excuse to go there. Once you are under, everything that you see on your computer screen is actually under their control, and it can be perfectly tailored to you. Very little that seems coincidence is honestly coincidence.

I predict we will see a lot more of this, gently opening the public’s eyes, and acclimating them to the horrors. Though if I am right, it may take a year or more until full disclosure might be possible without massive unrest. This cannot be revealed en toto, all at once. That would be anarchy and civil war.

It is a jungle out there. Keep your wits about you, and pray the God-Emperor can end this nightmare before you awake in it yourself. I have no doubt that he and the Patriots he commands have their hands full. You have no idea how deep this goes.

I also have no doubt he is fighting for his life, and the lives of every member of his family for generations to come, because if he fails, Cabal will not be forgiving. Every American owes him and his team an immeasurable level of gratitude – and total loyalty.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because Q says, if you see something say something

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Intel, Q, Surveillance, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

How can a large, evil, secret organization, such as you describe, operate without making mistakes which make it known to all? What is to prevent people on the inside becoming disenchanted and blowing the whistle?

That is what I find hard to believe in such a setup. A large organization is bound to have a lot of dumb, mistake prone people in it or people who are smart and suspicious of what they are doing.

Since you seem to have been involved in that field perhaps you could elaborate?

Iron Felix
Iron Felix
6 years ago

As someone from a former officially progressive world, I would like to offer following comments:
1) There is a contradiction between the range of Cabal operation, as claimed by you, and their disclosure, here – just by ‘Boston Globe’. According to your logic, shouldn’t be ‘Boston Globe’ already Cabal controlled? Surely it is something bigger than mom-and-pop store at the corner? However, if ‘Boston Globe’ is Cabal controlled, then the entire operation, as disclosed by you, is fake (your axiom: Cabal does not disclose its operations voluntarily). Maybe Taylor Usry does not exist at all, or exist only in the way Comrade Ogilvy of ‘1984’ did exist… And, well, if she does exist, I suppose something which triggered operation against her could be simply her surname (it sounds like a Muslim surname originating in Central Asia) together with Istanbul as a destination in the wake of pattern recognition. But that is not a Cabal plot.
2) For a human psyche, it is very hard to live a double life continuously. For this very reason, most of the surveillance in the East Bloc was overt. Secret surveillance, and especially active secret surveillance does demand special training and personality predispositions. I do not suppose that half of American population, generally conditioned to be rather naive, can switch on and of like professional operatives. Also, if you go around expecting surveillance, like in DDR, even secret surveillance becomes partly overt in effect: the illusion of surveillance is much more important for control than a real surveillance (see point 1 about Comrade Ogilvy). Real surveillance is for real threats, illusion of surveillance is for population control.
3) In a very big country, like USA or USSR, it is hard to rule with surveillance, due to difference in local cultures, which provide inherent inertia. You need to ran forward just to stay in the same place. Otherwise, stagnation will follow and a backward slide to the ‘state of nature’ . Hence, USSR did divide along ethnic fault lines.

6 years ago

“I also have no doubt he is fighting for his life, and the lives of every member of his family for generations to come, because if he fails, Cabal will not be forgiving. Every American owes him and his team an immeasurable level of gratitude – and total loyalty.”

100% true. I am not a burger (American) and I would give my life to sacrifice if it meant that he would be saved and able to continue his work he is doing for the benefit of all humanity.

Trump is a great man, words can’t make justice to how great and humane of a man he is.

Iron Felix
Iron Felix
6 years ago

The Comrade Ogilvy of your neighboorhood is a lottery winner.
As for a capitalist world, I have once read that most lottery winners are fictional. The indication that it may be true is that very rarely you hear about them after they ‘won’. Not single one of them used his money to fund a great business, to set up a charity or even political action. All of them are invariably mundane people of this one act, people who disappear after ‘winning’, taking maybe one vacation in the tropics…. The subliminal message is simple: you are nothing, whether you have money or not. Money will change nothing for you.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Iron Felix
6 years ago

@Iron Felix

The comrade Ogilvy of your neighbourhood is a lottery winner.

Orwell actually stated in 1984 that ALL the lottery winners were fake and the party was just siphoning off the people’s wealth who bought their tickets.

How visionary was Orwell!

Fred Mercury
Fred Mercury
Reply to  English Tom
6 years ago

A guy I worked with for years won a million in our state lottery. He bought at least $2000 worth of tickets a year for maybe 12 years (the same 20 sets of numbers the system picked at random for him the day the lottery opened, bet twice a week with total discipline). The payout was 20 years at around $80K a year pretax. He won a somewhat smaller pot again about 10 years later. They don’t need to steal the money, 40-50% comes back in taxes or by inflation.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

You wrote more than one message here, and to more than one audience. I find it illuminating, amusing, and, in the Bill & Ted vernacular, righteous.

6 years ago

Hello AC:

Do you remember a post you did about 7 months ago, where you went in depth into surveillance, what to watch out for, even mentioning specifically ‘being approached by a young girl at an airport,’ and ‘it would seem like you’d known her your whole life?’ I’ve looked through archives for that post but can’t find it. Reason for asking? That exact scenario happened to me, after I’d been posting on Q board on 8ch for several months. It was one of the most perplexing things that had ever happened to me. Wife and I were scheduled out of LAX, but she had to take separate flight on short notice unexpectedly. At the gate, a young girl initiated conversation, and we talked for an hour while waiting. Despite a 40 year (!) age difference, she seemed engrossed. Continually used my first name once she learned it (which was very odd). She told me she was a college student studying … the same thing I’d discussed with a Lyft driver on the way to airport. We had so much in common! I finally ended the conversation when flight was boarding. Guess what? She was seated 2 rows behind me, with an available seat next to her. It would have been easy to switch, she indicated that she wanted me to, but I didn’t take it, as the whole thing was so bizarre. I spent the 4 hour flight balancing the odds…on the one hand, it seemed impossible that a young pretty girl would bother even giving me the time of day. OTOH, was I being set up simply because of some posts on 8ch? It seemed absurd. Beyond absurd. But I remembered what I’d read here, and how the whole thing played out exactly as you had outlined. 3 months out, the episode still puzzles me. If you can direct to that post or care to comment, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Second question: I believe, as you do, that Donald Trump, Admiral Rogers et al are trying to save our nation from nefarious, deeply entrenched forces that are inimical to any concept of small ‘d’ democracy one might hold. They have placed themselves at extreme risk by so doing. My question is this: when Q says “we have everything,” do you think that is, in fact, the case? All the blackmail video, phone calls, emails, etc. that would allow a military tribunal to convict the upper echelon of Cabal of sedition, of treason? I’m asking you because you clearly have deep experience with this world, and because half the nation, including the MSM, seems to be suffering under some kind of unprecedented mass delusion, true cognitive dissonance, with their view of Trump at such variance with what I perceive to be reality.

I would also like to thank you for your time and all the effort you put into your work. You owe anonymous commenters nothing, obviously, so feel free to ignore or dismiss.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Probably Israel.

Go read the book I recommended “One Nation under Israel”, here: https://archive.org/details/One-Nation-Under-Israel

And you should watch this too, to have an idea of how big the world wide organized crime revolves around Israel, which controls the US via its lobbying, finance and media jewish domination (jewish are insanely in-grouped to their jewish identity, and even jews that don’t know shit about Israel see it as the greatest symbol of jewish identity there is, so even if they don’t know wtf they are defending when they defend Israel, if they are told to do x because it helps Israel, they will do it):


Reply to  Anton
6 years ago

>you did a post about 7 months ago


6 years ago

Medium height, brunette, pretty, thin, dressed like you’d expect a college student to be dressed for
cross-country flight, jeans, solid color gray hoodie. No makeup, hazel eyes. She was much more “blend in” than “stand out.”

I could never find the exact post I had mentioned, despite searching your archives under ‘surveillance.’

Thanks for your responses.

6 years ago

“Now I wonder if they knew you read here, saw you read that post, and purposely used the scenario I presented, maybe as a test of your recall and ability to learn, or maybe to figure if I am communicating ideas effectively as a sort of online force multiplier.”

Same occurred to me.