Trump Was Under Surveillance Before He Was GOP Nominee

I knew this already, though nobody in the know told it to me:

Fox News anchor Adam… Housley’s sources have revealed that the surveillance of Trump started before he was even the GOP nominee, he said during the broadcast of “Outnumbered” on Friday…

The person who did the unmasking is a “very senior” and “very well known” person in the intelligence community, Housley said, adding that he or she is not in the FBI.

It seems the spreading of names was done for “political purposes that have nothing to do with national security,” or foreign intelligence, but hurting Trump’s team, Housley noted.

This is huge. This means political partisans in Domestic Intelligence are using the domestic surveillance machinery to spy on innocent American citizens for political reasons – to destroy them so control will remain in the hands of those leftists in charge under Obama. If you know the extent to which the domestic surveillance machinery can penetrate an individual’s life, this is mind-blowing.

Using the state of the art technology, they can literally listen to every conversation you have, even in your most private sanctums, follow every key stroke, surround you with people who will report every single detail of your life to them, and more. I will bet Trump had super-model-level women sent by the machine to bang him, with the hopes he would compromise himself. Picture the movie Enemy of the State, only instead of a small ten man team of operatives alone, they are supported by thousands of regular citizen informants/agents who are probably blackmailed, bribed, or paid into service to the domestic intelligence agencies as part of a massive informant network.

What is out there is unimaginable given the silly patriotic propaganda we are fed growing up in civics class. The America you learned of exists in the hearts of individual Americans throughout the nation. But the nation as a whole is permeated by a machine that you would think was wholly incompatible with it. The only thing preventing conflagration is wholesale ignorance.

Intel is the dirtiest of businesses. We turn it on our enemies, because there are few ways better to destroy individuals. But it is not something you do piecemeal, because it involves ruthlessly violating those norms of behavior which separate the civilized fellow citizens from the savages you view as enemies. Once you cross that line, you are all in, especially when you are doing it within the US, and to fellow American citizens for political reasons.

If, as some allege, Clapper was the one running this, have no doubts that he will arrange killing someone to keep it under wraps and save his own ass. His only problem is he can’t be certain if he orders that, the shooter, who’d probably be K, would carry out the order. But if he can manipulate it into happening, he will because this is his ass on the line.

If Clapper was running an operation on Trump like this, I will bet it was being run on hundreds, if not thousands of other Americans. And that was just Clapper. What were Brennan, Jeh Johnson, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and the plethora of leftist activists they installed in lower places in the security state doing during at the same time?

If you are Alt-right, I will bet you have been at least looked at. And it is not impossible every moment, every Key-stroke, and every action you have taken for years has been recorded in your permanent file, courtesy of Obama.

Act accordingly, because Trumps’ strength was that he was not compromisable.

Live up to his example, because that is the only strength the movement has.

Spread r/K Theory, because more and more it is looking like the machine thinks this Apocalypse is going to turn hot

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7 years ago

[…] Trump Was Under Surveillance Before He Was GOP Nominee […]

7 years ago

If we were doing a pool, I would put my money on Susan Rice doing the unmasking. She’s on the short list of people who could do it, she’s a purely political animal, and she’s squarely in the White House and Obama’s inner circle.