Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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So they left the rooftops, with a sightline to Trump unoccupied, and unobserved.
Trump is OK, it just grazed his ear.
Bullet caught in the air supposedly in a photo.
Trump moving out after the shooting.
I will post links to stuff here, and we can center the discussion here. All info a preliminary, and 4Chan has gotten stuff wrong before.
Another of him before the shooting, they say.
Shooters shirt is reportedly from the youtube shooting channel Demolition Ranch. Weapon was reportedly an AR-15 type. Range is said to be from 150 to 300 yards, from a nearby rooftop.
Leftist thoughts on the shooting:
Closeup of Trump’s ear wound here.
Overhead of the scene:
In comments below, Mac has pictures of a hole in Trump’s suit.
Image of the shooter about to shoot, from the video here at TMZ.
In video here, three female Secret Service fumble and stumble around Trump’s vehicle as he is departing the scene. Notice, one cannot even find her holster to holster her weapon. I train draws. You end up as fast holstering as unholstering, simply because for every draw you practice, you immediately follow it with a holstering. If your draw becomes good, you will be fast and smooth holstering as well. And it becomes one smooth motion, flicking on the thumb safety, drawing back your cover and holstering. That she is stumbling for where her holster is would indicate almost no time spent perfecting her draw. It is unimaginable to me she is protective detail for Trump, and she can’t find her holster, which means probably has spent close to zero time practicing getting her gun up and running in a hurry. I hope that is an actor, and all this was staged. Because the alternative is Trump has total incompetents doing his security.
Shooter put a ladder up against a building 150 yards from President Trump, and nobody noticed:
I am wondering why this guy even thought any of this was possible. It is like me saying to you, I am going to shoot Trump back when he is President, and I am going to do it by walking into the White House residence with a gun – and then I go and do it, and it works, and I just waltz into the White House with a gun, and nobody bothers to screen me. Why did this guy think he would be able to do all of this, which should have been assumed to be impossible? Would you bring a 16 foot ladder and an AR-15 to a building 150 feet from where Trump is speaking, and assume you could get on the building and then take shots at Trump? It seems a lot of work to try something he should have assumed would be a waste of time, and never work. Just another strange thing about this.
Former President Donald Trump was wounded in an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday months after House Democrats proposed legislation to remove his Secret Service protection. Democrat Bennie Thompson, the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, introduced the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act (HR 8081) on April 19.
Elon Musk endorses Trump for President after incident. “I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery,”
However he donated to ActBlue, the uber-leftist PAC:
Body Language Ghost has the full video, with audio of the Secret Service, which was totally disorganized, deciding to move Trump, getting on the mark, saying “Go,” and then it just not happening, deciding to try again, and it not happening again. It seemed strange.
Nearly half of small businesses say they won’t survive second Biden term.
Ohio city plunged into housing crisis after 15,000+ migrants arrive.
Gallup: Sharp increase in the number of Americans wanting less immigration.
NH is the 17th state to block credit card companies from tracking gun sales.
Chicago at nearly 1,200 shootings for 2024 following July 4 carnage.
Joe Biden’s chances of reelection hit all-time low. This was before Trump’s assassination attempt.
Spread r/K Theory, because the Armor of God is a powerful thing
Spread this one far and wide:
(8) Mrgunsngear on X: “If this account is true – there’s going to be A LOT of questions…. 👀 #Trump #DonaldTrump #SecretService” / X
Guy should go into hiding ASAP.
Posted in the TruthSocial account before the shooting.
A capture of the attempted headshot bullet.
A capture of what looks like a hole in the chest portion of his suit.
A better image of the hole in Trump’s suit.
I believe that’s the edge of a patch or some part of the fat SS lady’s jacket. Then again, if a .557 hit your armor from 200-300 yards, would you maybe even not notice it?
.557? That would practically shoot through schools.
Looks like a shop, but might be that compression took out some of the dynamic range. Also, could be a blood stain that dripped from his ear to the cloth.
I’ve noticed DJT has been looking bulkier than usual in the last year or so. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was wearing body armor.
On the bright side: If we actually have an election, Donald Trump just won.
And more on the bright side: the Demonrat playbook isn’t working at all. Granted, they’re not very intelligent and all they have is to call him “racist” and make up court cases against him. Elon Musk already endorsed him and sent a buttload of money to the campaign.
I dont think they will stop
Guarantee he’s going to keep doing appearances, and some other loser is going to take another crack, maybe even trying something sand people S-vest style to up the odds of success. The enemy has nothing to lose at this point.
If you wanted to engineer a fifty-state landslide for Trump, you simply couldn’t do better than the last couple of year PLUS this. If you read his statement it’s exactly perfect – first thanks Secret Service, then expresses condolences to the other victims that weren’t as fortunate, THEN gives his account of the event and promise to fight on. Trump is now the underdog fighting the power and WINNING in the face of obvious political persecution in the legal realm, and now he’s literally just taken a bullet(maybe two). All he needs now is an opponent weaker than Mondale and he takes all fifty-states.
To my way of thinking there are two glaring possibilities :
1)Trump team staged the whole thing. Practical effects on Trump’s ear, people who aren’t really dead like Sandy Hook, etc. I mean there’s a certain satisfaction if this is true, using a staged false flag to beat them. I kinda like the idea. It is their turn, after all.
2) it was a genuine assassination attempt in which an Antifa clown was entrusted to pick out a rifle after being given intel on the rooftop and the dipshit lefty just grabbed the cheapest thing he could – maybe a 10/22? Maybe something heavier like a Marlin or CZ bolt, but still a .22.
The second option sounds dumb on the face of it until you remember that Reagan was shot by a nutcase with a something like a throwaway .25. Not willing to sacrifice an actual shooter with even a $500 M4orgery which can fit in a backpack just as easily as whatever this guy used.
No, really, why not get the guy a 11.5 upper to put on a 3D printed lower? Bolt on a cheap 4X prism optic, and a couple mags of .77gr razercore. Takes a few seconds to pull it out of a bag, pin it together and take aim. You even have a gun control narrative you can run if you do it that way. Like I said, my brain is registering something off about all of this.
I’m betting that the FBI sent him $10K to buy a specific Daniels Defense model with a $$$ EOTech on it and some match grade ammo, and he went and bought the cheapest AR on the shelf, the cheapest ball ammo that would feed it.
Then he spent the rest on onlyfans.
That was the funniest comment I’ve seen in a long while.
This photo exactly is the shot of the year. It has every element with Trump standing triumphant despite the blood on his cheek from the top of his ear, Secret Service rushing in and the American flag waving in the background.
A dramatic photo, indeed. Good somebody snapped it at just that moment with flag behind him.
Just so.
Photographer was in that position looking up at podium the entire speech to take pics. Normal positioning. Yesterday the position really paid off
It’s Donald Trump’s own Mount Suribachi and the flag even goes to the Right.

thought the same
Patriot Front Club Fed on the left.
And what is the purpose of 5ft Umpa-lumpa Doris agents that are too small to cover their client?
120 meters with a .22. It’s very possible. I’m NOT saying that the shooter was instructed to graze Trump because there is nobody that good. NOBODY. I’m totally open to he idea that it’s real and this is God’s protection on Trump. I’m also open to the idea that the whole thing is a stage play put on by a patriot CoG government that is busy manipulating the population to vote correctly by using Cabal’s own tactic against it.
Put simply, we do not know. I was voting for Trump before, I am still voting for him.
He’s 20 years old. That’s pretty darn good shootin’, though, with a .22. The wind probably blew it off course. .22 is a very light round easily blown off course.
I was easily that good at 20. Not improbable at all.
At first the shooter’s weapon was identified as an AR-15. Has that changed?
Could be both: .22lr chambered AR pattern
I would be astonished if they do not have aerial overwatch, with thermal and high res color, and a dude on a roof, belly crawling with an AR is going to look interesting.
It just is not the way it seems. I can’t say if the conspiracy is all through the local department and Secret Service, and they tried to take Trump out, and God had to intervene, or if they decided to put this on as part of the show, to drive Trump to a 50 state landslide.
But it is not the way it seems.
I would not claim to be any kind of expert here, but Dan Bongino did say that Trump is working with a very reduced Secret Service team due to the refusal of the administration to fund them fully. Same for RFK apparently. The establishment knows who its enemies are and wants to keep them at risk.
Not to mention some obviously incompetent pony tails looking rather confused, frightened, and disorganized. A real shit show detail.
I would be astonished if the half-dozen agents he’s allowed to keep are reimbursed by DHS for their dry cleaning bill while travelling. DHS wanted this to happen, this was a green flag operation.
Fox says “AR style rifle”. Of course, even if it was, there’s a myriad of calibers. Anything from .22 up to .450 Bushmaster. And even though it’s Fox, AR style could be anything from an STG44 repop to a mini14 to an AK. The real question is why a variety of LE/SS ignored multiple warnings of HEY, GUY WITH A GUN ON THE ROOF, RIGHT THERE!!! And why the counter sniper team were scoping this guy, but waited til AFTER he fired before turning his head to pink mist. If Trump survives to 1/20/25, maybe we get answers.
There’s grainy footage of the shooter and his rifle on the rooftop from a news helicopter, if you squint it does look a lot like and AR.
Looks now like a bone stock ar-15, probably the cheapest one on the shelf bought last week. He didn’t even have a red dot, much less a scope. This was iron sights. Clean hole in trumps ear because this guy bought the cheapest ball ammo.
So much for Secret Service looking over on high magnification seeing an AR with no optic, and pausing because they thought he might have been local LE.
Where does it say .22? I have not seen that.
To my knowledge, 120 yards is out of range for a .22.
It’s not. Long rifle .22., you can make some crazy shots with it. This guy was a retard, gaslit to the max with all the Trump is Hitler, danger to democracy, their democracy, get in their faces, threaten supreme court justices, blm, antifa, etc, etc. The left is full of them.
On the Top Shot TV show they regularly shot golf balls at 100m with a .22
There’s no doubt in my mind that this was God’s intervention. Maybe he’s trying to tell Donald something like “maybe you should come over to the side of the millstones from the side of Moloch and start protecting my children.”
Those that followed Kim Clement suspected that since 2007… and I think Trump met Kim before he died
80+ metres is reliably doable with a Ruger Mk2 heavy barrel stainless pistol on desert rodents.
It’s also cheaper than poison and safer as well as long as you recover the bullets (or use bismuth).
Desert rodent heads are essentially 1.5 MOA targets.
Green/red dot sights help considerably with sight acquisition.
As with many things, skill or the lack of it is a barrier to entry.
Desert rodents have skulls essentially made of paper mache. Also, assuming a half inch wide ear at 150 years, you are talking about 0.5 MOA. On a moving target.
Just sayin’.
Anyway, I’m tired. I’m going to fire up FAR CRY 5 and pretend that it’s Antifa I’m shooting in the head with a 1911 stead of peggies.
Doing the same, and was unironically playing “Keep Your Rifle By Your Side” from the soundtrack last night.
Caesar attempted to reform the oppressive economic structure and got assassinated by the wealthy landed class; after him, the Republic fell and then came the emperors; it is better to have emperors then dictators: so be it; for there is no return to the Constitution and the oppressive oligarchs need to be brought to heel.
there is a passing resemblance
Sound familiar? Start vid at 30 seconds or so.
“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.448 📁
Nov 10 2018 15:24:28 (EST)
Decoy Voice – They don’t want you to see this
Oh hey, how about that….
I often remembered Q’s deltas as I was finishing my time travel conspiracy thriller series. The possibilities are:
At this point, I really think that some kind of time travel / temporally shifted observation is the answer we are left with. Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, however improbable, is the truth.
I lean to Option 3, with a proviso that it can all be theater
Fist Pump. “Fight!Fight!Fight!”
[See post below for Armor of God text]
The pictures and memes to come out of this are epic. I told my wife and a few friend I doubt ancient emperors could have had better statues made of themselves than the picture of Trump on the ground and the picture of him standing with his fist up.
Q Post 2190.
Trump Fist Pump “Fight!Fight!Fight!”

How about one more. Q posted this at least three times:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1e2b4e No.5402283 📁
Feb 26 2019 18:56:40 (EST)
The Armor of God
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
An interesting meme
Fist Pump? Yes.
FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Yes, I get that.
Glowing eyes, ok, Trump is awesome. Yes, I get that too.
OK, so about the light acceleration? Star Trek Warp speed / Star Wars Hyperdrive?
That is interesting.
The only way, I would think, to control exactly where that bullet went, would be by warping space-time the way the Pentagon says the Tic Tacs do, so time for Trump and everyone around him would almost stop, the bullet would be moving through space at about an inch per second, and you have some way to exert force on matter from a distance, to pull it off its course, until it is passing exactly right next to Trump’s head, and passes through his ear. I do not know, if you are really psycho, if you then just let it hit someone, or if you even guide it to some rando’s head, ideally a great guy who served his community, with a wife and kids who are right there, to really sell this as “not controlled” because nobody would do that.
It sounds improbable, and even I have to say it is a small probability in the matrix of possibilities. However I think you have to consider, all those technologies likely exist on this planet, according to official statements from places like the Pentagon. And whoever has them is in a position of a “foreign government,” which assuredly would use all of its technologies to run an intel op to subvert our government, because we have nukes and could be dangerous.
A part of me knows what it was like to be a normie, and I want to say that is ridiculous so everyone will think I am rational and reasonable. But I have to confess, a part of me feels like I am lying when I say it.
The whole set of facts actually makes my head hurt to try and think through.
The story I heard about “Project Looking Glass” is that Cabal also have the technology, and whatever way they look at it, they lose, but their desperation means they still try.
How the elections are robbed, globally, noticing the perpetrators, as well as the historical development of said much common crime.
You all need to connect this to the shooting at Republican practice softball game a while back that seriously injured Rep. Steve Scalise. This shooter is what is called a “wind-up toy” like the one that wounded Scalise. You call anyone Hitler—and some Leftist die-hard, on a messiah trip, will try and take him out. —A Wind-up Toy. There are thousands out there. They, the media, the Marxists, are working people up into a lather–and when their candidate is seriously damaged, i.e. demented, and will probably loose in Nov–well, the stakes are high and Wind-Up Messiahs are needed!
There is already a concerted autist dig for information on the shooter and any connections. This is paralleled by actions by others wiping all information on this person off the web. This includes a screengrab showing that his father is some sort of therapist. Like, screengrabbed, archived by autists. Then wiped a few minutes later. Social media wiped within 30 minutes of his name going out. The autists that usually find stuff think this shows a coordinated, planned wipe.
The picture going around from OSINTdefender is @jewgazing on twitter. He posted it as a joke, later posted a video amplifying the joke by claiming to hate Republicans, and went private at about 1am Eastern after saying he was in contact with a lawyer. Tl;dr, blonde dude with long hair ain’t the shooter.
@Neonrevolt on Gab has the video and screenshots
Re: “I hope that is an actor, and all this was staged.”
Last name of “shooter” is Crooks. Such a Trumpian word and how he will relish saying, “Crooks tried to assassinate me”.
One of the people wounded – “grazed” – just so happens to be the nephew of Trump’s former White House doc Ronny Jackson (reliable relative of an insider)
“Shooter” seen on roof minutes before. People’s concerns ignored.
3 name shooter… CHECK.
Or Thomas Arthur Vallee, that other mentally unstable ex-Marine who just happened to be working in a building overlooking Kennedy’s motorcade route in…Chicago. The patsy wasn’t deployed that time – 3 weeks before Dallas – as the plot was discovered by the Secret Service who
- JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
by James W. Douglass
…. who ALSO worked at a top-secret CIA/U2 facility in Japan, just like LHO….
Crooks parents are both school counsellors.
I think there has been a suggestion that all school shooters previously saw counsellors, and that they play an active role
The best possible life insurance policy for The Don:
(8) Dale Stark on X: “We need a war time VP.” / X
> Because the alternative is Trump has total incompetents doing his security.
I’ve said before; Trump should have his own private security working independently of the Secret Service. This is exactly the sort of scenario where they would come in handy.
It’s pretty obvious that the “protection” they’re giving Trump isn’t up to the standards you’d expect from the SS. It’s all political now. And this is also why I keep saying RFK shouldn’t be bitching about paying for his own security; any SS agents the Biden regime assigns to him would be questionable.
Shot heard around the world?
There’s a snowballs chance in hell the secret service allows Trump to get his shoes, fist pump, and yell “Fight, Fight, Fight” (so we all get the Q reference).
They shot his ear! Except, all i see is blood and zero damage. The secret service would have owned all of the rooftops in the whole area. Then you have the guy saying they saw the shooter go up on the roof and told someone. How that guy doesn’t get Las Vegas’d.
I will say this. This might actually wake up some of the normies.
There are about a dozen “Fight Fight Fight” references in Q. One of them includes (in the post Q replied to) an image of Trump standing with his fist in the air.
That’s exactly what I said.
There is an obvious hole in his ear. You are no longer credible to me. Stop gaslighting.
Honestly, I do not see it on AC’s 4chan image above. What I see is a possible tear of his helix and a bunch of blood covering it up. Let alone the big red flag of the skin flap by his antiragus.
Where specifically is the hole?
The one boxed as “Hole?” is the first wound, and the shiny part to the left of it is the second. You are looking at it perpendicular to the bullet path. Use some spacial reasoning.
Any idea what the skin flap below is?
Not really. Maybe an earpiece, maybe just a skin flap.
Ear pic.
Trump shooter was in a Blackrock ad in 2023:
Sure looks like the guy on the roof. Maybe the guy on X should start looking for a place to hide. They’re gonna want to switch bodies pretty soon.
link to daily summary on Russo/Ukrainian war, with comments from ukronazi special forces whining about failure of their assassin to kill DFT.
Probably memory holed soon, its only a few minutes old so maybe time remains for people to check it out.
ps, source is pretty reliable, the speaker is from Belarus, seems to be an honest joe for the most part.
Bullet caught in the air supposedly in a photo.
THAT is the vapor trail!!!! Just learned about it. A Congressman, Republican, former sniper himself, talked about it on CNN just minutes ago. I learned something new. It’s a real thing—the spotter for a sniper sits many feet away so he can observe the vapor trail of the bullet and see if it needs correction. So that is a REAL thing. The bullet is long gone but that is the vapor trail!!!! REAL.
Concur. Also it would be a high velocity caliber round of ammunition, so not a 22lr or some such. Multiple rounds discharged before secret service gets involved and begins doing their jobs doing those quaint counter – sniper tasks also indicates a magazine fed weapon ala an ar 15 or such. The mk ultra handlers may have even zeroed and set up the gun properly for this mission but trigger pulling is still an advanced skill set this suspect failed at. A tom berenger actual sniper skill set is needed as well. The ladder in place and an exposed uncleared and accessable opposing rooftop vantage point smells like insider actions. Thanxs anons keep digging.
Surveillance caught the vapor trail. Think about that.
Where and who was the spotter; he had to have had a communication device to the assassin.
Who was the guy at the bottom of the screen, facing the camera, and waving his arms like he was signaling someone, then he just sits back down?
Some years ago I was shooting at a range in Memphis, Tennessee. The humidity was high enough that there was a clearly visible vapor trail as my bullets went downrange. .45 ACP are big and slow, and I could clearly see the trajectory of the bullets as I shot all around the bullseye.
(well, *somebody* has to be the less-than-excellent shooter)
nnnno, that would be me
Trump is shot at a rally, gunman immediately disposed of into nanoparticles.
In ‘retribution’, over the next few days, someone in a red hat and hillybilly accent who ‘seemed quiet and had no friends’ takes out the already walking corpse as ‘payback’. Not like he’s already unelectable, just the easy solution presented itself to the opposition. Like they won’t off someone that gets in their way. Of course it won’t be one of ‘us’ but stick with me here.
Newly installed Kneepads Harris first thing is a full lockdown and confiscation of firearms. Only the good guys have guns, right? From turn in your neighbor for food to that monay dey beez handin out.
Fuse is now seconds from hitting the primer charge.
Would be a good indication from a friend a few days back who said ‘you eat food, or you’ll be food’. Guess he knew what was going to happen. However, like any of us didn’t know how this was going to go down. And why ‘they’ weren’t all to scared about losing this winter.
Suggestion, go shopping. Buy canned foods. LOTS of them. Now.
Oh…and pray.
Sure, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
More likely ol ice cream breath will take a header from the landing on airforce 1.
Those shoes….
The dude’s in bad shape.
Is Trump protected by the Lord, or the Devil?
Seems to me, Devil’s protection would be suicides, loopholes & lies. God’s protection, would see slings & arrows fall short & wide.
Don the armour of the Lord, for it is light and gives you strength.
First to post the inevitable meme…

I believe that the millions of criminaliens that are pouring across the border will be allowed to vote, so even after what happened yesterday, I still think the Democrats will win this fall. I certainly hope I’m wrong.
They will fail.
I think you are wrong. Trump will win which will cause the usual paroxysms on the left, causing mass rioting and civil disorder. The West will probs be at war with Russia, China Iran (take your pick) by then. Thus, an external war and an internal civil war at the same time.
Tsarist Russia went the same way.
Don’t worry, you are.
Jim Crenshaw says Deep State False Flag. ..
I dunno?
Just got hit with the WP install thing again.
I also got it about 0830 eastern.
As I think about it, it is interesting that site-crashing effort, which I think is fairly sophisticated, because it requires a system which bombs the database with vastly more traffic that we have had today, hit a week ago for a several days, as if trying one last time to get people to give up on this site, before this event. My impression is they have some place that does that, and it rotates through different dissident sites, trying to make them unreadable to drive away new readers. All of the sites like this may have been so hit in the runup to this thing.
Federal Judge Rules Gender Is ‘Unambiguously Binary’
“Off with his head!
Looks like they had the rooftop, with a sightline to Trump, occupied, and observed.
Bear in mind…
Bobby Kennedy was killed just days before the GCA of 1968 was passed.
And, Reagan’s shooting gave rise to yhe Brady Act.
Shooter looks like a weasel/antifa
Tweedledee & Tweedledum.
I must say, if we learned anything from JFK, it does look like Deep State
My thought on the Trump shooting is that Trump should announce his VP pick today, and it should definitely not be any of the establishment/ deep state possibilities that have been floated.
I made a comment last month with five picks, with Ron Johnson as my top pick, but the only names on my list that are being floated in running mate speculation are Ben Carson and JD Vance. So one of those. Tom Luongo has sold me that Tulsi Gabbard should also be considered:
The deal is that the Deep State is going to hate all three, and assassination insurance is the most important consideration.
It Trump was killed yesterday, the cabal portion of the GOP would have free rein to nominate anyone they wanted at the convention, which I think starts tomorrow. This is much less likely with a Trump designated VP candidate, though that would backfire if he goes with an establishment choice.
Gabbard = World Economic Forum YGL
I’m waiting to read the Miles Mathis essay, arguing that the event war fake, before deciding whether the event was fake.
Biden, upon seeing what this did to Trump’s popularity stages an assassination attempt. His mistake was letting Hillary pick the shooter.
We can only hope.
Crooks was a registered Republican.
Plan headlines much?
In Spain in the 1930’s the entire populace was divided into two camps which hated each other. A couple of tit for tat assassinations further polarised the country and were the initiator of the civil war that followed.
The playbook has been used for countless millennia because it works.
Gave to Act Blue. Probably registered Republican to spoil the GOP primary.
They used DNA to ID? Bullshit.
Not in the timeframe between contact and release. And, DNA would ONLY work if he were in the database.
Running finger prints would be quicker if there were any of his on file some where to cross reference. But at 20 yrs old? Maybe a thumb print for a drivers license?
Most Americans are, nowadays. Even if you never explicitly granted permission or provided a DNA sample.
This was news over 20 years ago, when some medical labs – the kind that do your blood work and urinalysis – were caught “monetizing” the information by selling it on to… they never actually said, but we all knew who.
The ruling at the time was that information wasn’t covered under doctor/patient confidentiality, and that’s pretty much a dead issue nowadays anyway. HIPAA allows almost any “official” access to your theoretically-confidential medical information without a warrant.
Jim’s Blog take, passed on without comment, since I haven’t formed an opinion on what really happened:
“That the press and the government immediately applied uniform messaging indicates the messaging had been prepared in advance for the possibility that the assassination would fail — but was not prepared in advance for the possibility that the attempted assassination would lightly injure Trump.
“The prepared messaging was appropriate for a complete fail, but hilariously inappropriate for Trump lightly injured.
“The headlines look like they were prepared in advance of the attempted assassination for the case that the assassin missed. But the assassin did not entirely miss — he got a grazing hit on the president’s head. The early headlines were strangely bloodless, resulting in the headlines being strikingly inappropriate for the event, a tell tale sign of being prepared in advance. Particularly “falls at rally”. Trump ducked as the firing continued. He did not fall.
“The assassin shot from a rooftop. Why did the secret service not have a man on each of the rooftops? There were not very many of them.
“The secret service killed the assassin, but this was after Trump had been hustled away. Why kill the assassin, except to shut his mouth permanently?”
I heard someone say Trump was dragged down, and that he fell, but my wife and I looking at it thought that unless someone was hiding at Trump’s feet to drag him down, he deliberately took himself down—as you would do.
Also, I saw Martha Raddatz talk about how sobering this had to be for Trump and his family, how dangerous it was, and my impression was that this could be a message being delivered to Trump by Raddatz.
Re: Shooter being registered as a Republican.
Might be true. Remember the woketards have been doing that to defeat MAGA candidates in the primaries.
Given how some states handle voter registration, he might never have known.
Registering as a Republican doesnt make him one.
Spies wear disguises. Go figure.
There were photos of a more heavyset guy, Mark Violets, circulating, identifying him as the shooter, claiming he was arrested.
Honest mistake, or is something getting memory-holed like John Doe #2?
‘His dead face.’
Preferred pronouns: was/were.
This streamer has a point:
Since the more attention they pay to Trump and the more they attack him. The more powerful he grows. If the streamer were Dictator they could have been ordered to ignore him forever completely with no coverage whatsoever from the very beginning and he wouldn’t have had the impact that he did.
I wonder what would have happened if since the 2020 elections they stopped paying attention to him at all. It would have been far more effective.
He in particular believe that it is staged. But despite our disagreement with him. They really screwed the pooch by paying attention to him at all.
As someone who is assiduously ignored, I can say, this is true.
Perhaps. But you’re the best aggregator of news I’m interested in, plus comments from you and the regulars.
I’d be surprised if you didn’t have a bunch of bloggers/influencers/hosts piggybacking off your work.
Passive is not their nature.
Both Trump and Bashar Al Assad is protected by Jesus for his own providential reasons.
Jesus prevented the Hapsburgs from succeeding in taking over Britain by smashing the Spanish Armada. And for his own reasons smashing also the British Fleet near Spain. Both by storms:
Japan likewise was protected by Storms too that arrived unusually out of season. When the Mongols invaded Japan.
If Feds have complicit bad actors, they can’t let Trump win now.
It is a Zero Sum game. Losers face Treason Trials.
Expect more acts born of desperation & Panic
And this is why I listen to modern prophets – either this guy is actually getting visions from God, or he’s reading from the Script for The Plan, but either way anyone who saw this three months ago knew what would happen.
Trump’s ear prophecy
Yeah this is a weird one, for sure. On the one hand, most likely as far as we know for sure, nobody would try to skim Trump’s ear with a 5.56 as part of a script. So most likely scenario as far as we can tell, this was real, and it looks like somebody in Secret Service may have been allowing it, or they are entirely incompetent, and we just got lucky.
And yet, Q displayed impossible prescience in predicting McCain’s death. I assumed McCain was executed, so he knew beforehand that way, but maybe it could have been something more exotic. Nevertheless, he knew, and he said everything is scripted, patriots are in control, we are watching a movie, and POTUS will be fine.
And now I have seen tech I cannot begin to imagine explaining, actually operative on me for going near politics. And the Pentagon people keep telling us there is something else here, 50,000 to a million years beyond us, (which I hate to say, is exactly what Kyle Odom said, literally. He was being harassed by something which told him it was “a million years” ahead of us. It sounds nuts when he says it, but then the Pentagon says matter of fact, there is something a million years ahead of us here, and it is fucking with them, and we shrug.) And that something can open a time-warp bubble to make an 8,000 mph right angle turn, so it can slow time, to make things happen precisely. Suddenly, if that was involved, the impossible becomes a lot more possible. And it could be involved with me on some level, due to politics, so it might be hanging around human politics.
And then this event is so perfect, and aligned with what we see everywhere else – a script to give Trump a 50 state landslide. Almost assassinated. Actually hit by a bullet and bleeding, but in a way he will be right back out there the next day. The bullet’s vapor trial, captured in the air. Trump is framed perfectly, pumping his fist, rising from among people trying to pull him down, umping his fist, with the flag perfectly behind him. And he gives Q’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” statement, as Secret Service appears totally untrained and inept to allow any of that, which they should not be. And people say they saw everything unfolding and warned Police and Secret Service, who ignored them. Maybe Secret Service is corrupted in places, but now you have local PD too, all corrupted.
Most likely would be some in Secret Service tried to help them kill Trump, and Cops wee confused. That voice which has been so wrong, all my life is saying this had to be as it appears. But in the back of my head, is that crazy voice, which was always right when it proposed batshit crazy conspiracy theories, and which I always dismissed, saying it is all too perfect. And all the strange things they seem to have no reason to tell us about, from Q, to aliens, to rigged elections, to everything being scripted, suddenly are not just curiosities, but could fit here, practically, if they were swirling around in some kind of confluence, as you would expect them to, if they are true. Is this why they were being revealed?
I just exist now in a sort of quantum mechanical cloud of my probability matrix, because I have to admit, I was raised and molded in a way which seems designed to be unable to tell what reality should be.
All too perfect…
Kyle Rittenhouse’s defence was another instance were it was “too perfect”.
Part of a script perhaps. That’s one way to describe it.
The Lord’s plans are perfect and if you tried, yours would not come close.
We live in Biblical times and Lord rests not
I haven’t seen “Our Favorite Feds” in a while. I wondered what they were up to.
Lookoutfacharlie video on assassination attempt:
Trump’s ear wound close up.
Flap of skin next to ear hole?
The New Atlas’ analysis
There was a report attributed to Secret Service about 15 minutes after this all occurred claiming that Trump was not hit by a bullet, but rather that the bullet hit the glass teleprompter and it was broken glass that hit Trump.
Never heard that again.
I’m going to say this: I believe that Biden will ‘win’ in the election, when the average common man believes that trump will be the obvious winner. If you really want to drain the swamp, you have to show the public how far the rabbit hole goes, within reason. If trump gets 100 million votes, Biden is gonna get 110 million votes. You can’t simply stop exposing the corruption, or else the average American is gonna say “Wow, what a rollercoaster! But we’re fine now! God, I’m glad that’s over and trump won!” Trump is too popular to lose, but he will, and then we get to see the rest of the movie play out.
I think this will be right. It is the most logical script to reveal and shock.
I can think of nothing better to get normies to start looking at neighbors with disquiet and prepped for cleaning up this mess the old fashioned way.
I don’t think this is the way, nor do I think that is the point of this. I would be extremely cautious of anyone recommending violence after the election, including commenters here.
I meant with law enforcement and non-corrupt judiciary, what did you mean?
You implied that normies are the ones that have to clean things up, which I, perhaps erroneously, believed to be in a violent fashion. My opinion is that things are already mostly cleaned up, due to the coronavirus lockdowns. I believe that this event drives normies to perceive things in a certain way, but I don’t believe the intention of this is to encourage a violent response, and I believe, very adamantly, that anyone encouraging violence now, or after the election, is not to be trusted. If I misunderstood, I apologize.
They will try again.
If you go after the King you better not miss.
They will be desperate. Remember what they did in Oklahoma to destroy the Clinton files.
Okay, so if a car is following a presidential motorcade, they shoot it with non-lethal stuff. If it keeps going, they shoot it with real bullets.
So, why throttle the the police snipers for three minutes? They are willing to shoot at unknown possible threats in other ways.
Just picked up another $100 of this stuff. It’s Hornday’s version of MK262. If you’re running a 10.3, 11.5, or 12.5, you really want to switch over to MK262 or an acceptable substitute like this. Right now it’s cheaper that IMI .77gr.
Frontier Cartridge Military Grade 5.56x45mm NATO Ammo 75 Grain Hornady Match Jacketed Hollow Point
Just going to “one guy” this, but I’ve heard a couple separate anecdotes about frontier not being a great brand. More malfunctions than average or acceptable, etc.
No personal experience, but sometimes things are cheap for a reason.
Haven’t had any problems in either of my AR’s that I’ve run the stuff through. I’m a sample size of one shooter, little less than five hundred rounds between a mid length 16in and a patrol length 12.5.
Going to be doing rundowns that go into pedantic detail about the parts on each build on BOOTSTRAPPY in a bit. The 12.5 is going to surprise some people.
NGL, I’m enjoying this more than I really should.
Q, if you guys really did this, bravo.
I am now REALLY hoping for this to be what happened not only because nobody would have died needlessly, but frankly it would be HI-LARIOUS.
Lefty: Trump staged his own assassination attempt.
Either way this gives Trump the landslide. However, if it’s staged and we know it’s staged we can enjoy beating them over the head with it like they’ve done to us.
Shooter’s name was CROOKS and the Secret Service head’s name is CHEATle ?
So you think that the ear wound is fake?
Nope. As mentioned on a meme floating around, there’s an old trick that professional wrestlers do with pocketed razor blades that Trump easily could have employed. Alternatively, I would be willing to bet that you could rig up a squib on a remote detonator and hide it on his ear with the right makeup. Trump would hardly be the first guy to intentionally wound himself superficially to get sympathy. Also means never having to worry about the scar being questioned or having a make-up malfunction.
Of course the guy that died as well as the wounded would have to be actors portraying people that don’t exist. So basically flipping Sandy Hook around on Cabal and using the same tactic on them.
I talk to someone on another site who is extended family with one of the wounded.
I guess I’m bad at communicating. I mean it wasn’t caused by a bullet. That’s what I mean by being fake. It was fake bullet wound but a real wound intentionally caused or some bullshit f/x.
Shooter is a jew (assuming he actually was the shooter):
2 contacts with S.S. / political “protectors”/cops-
1st time in ’97 or ’98. Worked at the Biltmore Hotel in Miami, FL.
Same hotel featured in the Will Smith/Martin Lawrence film “Bad Boys”, the jump into the pool scene.
Slick Willy was in town for something. The Biltmore is a FANCY place w/18 hole course. I worked at the 19th hole, about 30 or so yards from the 1st tee. He’s playing with some lady reporter. I see him clear as day from about 100′. I have to admit, he looked good then, not his shriveled up self now.
Everyone single person employed there was background checked. There were S.S. agents everywhere. We were told when we could move and when we had to stand absolutely still, and we were again well away from him and inside the restaurant. Total and complete control and you knew not to even think about fucking around because you would find out good, hard and fast.
2nd time, in D.C. family member and his wife were both literally nuts, and I end up having to drive them from MD to D.C. to the VA. So we get on to whatever loop goes around that shithole and are driving a bit, a big ass motorcade comes flying up the highway, barreling toward us and this tough bitch on a cop motorcycle keeps pointing and screaming at us to get off the road. It was either O’bammy or some other very big muckity muck b/c it was a long ass motorcade, with lots and lots of firepower surrounding all of it, and so suddenly out of nowhere, and shocking, I don’t even remember exactly what I did, I think there was an exit I was able to take. I’m pretty sure the car, and we, would have been shot, or rammed if I somehow wasn’t able to immediately get the hell out.
All of that to say, if it was the Kenyan, they were both active presidents, so the protection was a higher level. I get it.
Those people again, were not fucking around.
Yesterday was complete and utter incompetence, on purpose, or both. Or all fake and gay, but I don’t get that feeling from this, like most of the “events” we see.
My .02$ from my experiences.
The pic of Trump that shows what appears to be a hole in his jacket looks like about 30 cal sized. The bullet passing by his head looks like the streak is 15 to 18 inches long. Assuming a normal shutter-speed for that sort of photo would be about 1/500th of a second, with a low of maybe 1/350th to a high of maybe 1/1000th second, means we can estimate the likely bullet velocity.
18″ in 1/500th second = 750fps.
15″ in 1/350th = 437.5 fps.
18″ in 1/1000th second = 1500 fps.
Best guess to fit the that would be a 300 Whisper / 300 BLK shooting a heavy sub-sonic bullet, but without a sound suppressor. Or maybe something like a .45 ACP or 9mm carbine (except that would be less likely to punch a small neat hole compared to a long, pointy 30 caliber bullet).
Just one musing from the internet. Keep on praying for him.
The unblurry photo shows it’s a jacket fold illusion, caused by cloth from Trump and an agent. There was no hole.
> Would you bring a 16 foot ladder
“This tragedy could have been prevented if the government had implemented Common Sense Ladder Control. Write your representatives now!
No private individual needs a 16-foot ladder. Their ownership and use should be restricted to trained professionals.”
On the national news, a local policeman did confront the gunman on the roof. Crooks aimed his rifle at the policeman and he slipped and fell off the roof.
I can vouch for that. I fell off, no–I started sliding on the metal roof, fell on my butt and broke the bottom of my pelvic bone. Couldn’t walk for a month. Metal roofs are dangerous. Anyway, those roofs were covered by local police–but the policeman met with bad conditions.
Trump Assassination Attempt: Security Lapses, Manipulating Public Perception
Ignore this guy’s nonsense about Trump.
I don’t know if this is something you added or WordPress did behind your back, but I’m now only getting a partial page of comments and a clickbox that says “Load More Comments.”
Reddit and YouTube do that, and I find it intensely annoying. Enough that I seldom bother to play the game.
I did not do it. Let me see if there is some place to change that back.
I pushed load more comments and they came up as expected.
I found a button which said it was set to load more comments, and I switched it to load all comments, but it was in WPDiscuz, a plugin. Are you sure this was not doing the load more comments thing a few days ago?
I’ve seen it since you changed the comment plugin.
You only see it when there are enough comments to trigger it.
Ah, comment number triggered it. Thank you!
“Load more comments” not happening today – good. (and the button does’t work if I’m using script/ad blockers…)
Yesterday was the very first time.However, it’s not doing it now.
Apparent surveillance caught on camera; she smiles after shots are fired, then starts filming:
Why Was Trump’s Dedicated Secret Service Detail On Break During PA Rally?
Trump Shooter Appears to Be Featured in 2023 BlackRock Ad (VIDEO)
EDIT: I’m getting the WP install error again.
Trump changing GOP convention speech to stress importance of unity after Pennsylvania rally shooting
You’re supposed to get radicalized, you stupid Boomer.
Don’t reward terrorism.
The mask slips:
It was Germany that place orphans in the homes of know paedophiles
Had the WP install problem again.
And now the sidebar is gone again.
Yeah, I think that guy is back now. During the event I think he was shutting down more important sites, and didn’t have the extra resources to hit us here.
What I may do is stick a static html copy of this page at the main domain, with comments updated there, and each time I do comments, repost it. That way everybody can see the latest comments. Unfortunately the comment form will not function if the database is down, so people will have to wait to answer comments.
But he is putting a decent amount of resources to this.
More coincidences.
More coincidences.