Trump Out-groups the Political Class

The talking heads tell us Trump is a clown-show, but all I see is the most technically skilled candidate in the race, supported by the most capable team in the race, getting their candidacy the most free press, while seizing every advantage, putting them at the clear top of all the polls.

To add insult to injury, here Trump out-groups the extravagant and lazy political class, in-groups himself with the voters, and presents mortal salience stimuli, all in a short Instagram video:

The post includes “Jihadi John”… the 2012 attack on… Benghazi, Libya… a photo of President Barack Obama golfing and… Hillary Clinton dancing with her husband…

“POLITICIANS ARE HAVING FUN ON OUR DIME WHILE THE WORLD IS BURNING,” the video declared. The caption: “Not under my watch.”

You can’t get more rabbits vs wolves than that.

Notice the subliminal. Technically, it is “not on my watch,” but Trump and his watch duty rise above everything. Everything is already under Trump. It is even, in our mind, as if he has risen above us, on a pedestal, and is looking down disapprovingly, watching our political enemies fucking off. By the time the election comes around, the masses will be imagining Trump bathed in light, with angel wings and a halo, sitting on God’s throne, giving Him advice, as He kneels at Trump’s feet, hanging on every word.

There is no advantage this campaign fails to seize, and since the mushy-minded low-info voters are the target, there is nothing anyone observing this should view as impossible.

Dilbert creator Scott Adams did a post on Trump and hypnosis here, in which he predicted that Trump will take the election based on what he has seen. I’m about 98% there, but it is probably only irrational paranoia holding me back that last two percent. Short of a huge scandal (probably manufactured by the machine), or Trump playing some sort of larger game to coronate a chosen leader, I expect Trump to take it all. Every other campaign is being run by kindergarteners, and Trump’s people (and Trump himself) are PhD’s. I don’t see how anybody else beats him without a seismic cataclysm in the race.

Apocalypse still cometh, but it may get delayed by a competent Trump Presidency.

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9 years ago

Speaking of Mortal Salience Stimuli, the trailer for “13 Hours” is loaded to the brim with it. It’s due to come out in January, right around the same time American Sniper came out, and we saw how that worked. The movie looks like spiritual sequel to Black Hawk Down, one of the best modern military movies in the last 20 years.

This movie, produced by Michael Bay (who makes amazing R-rated movies dealing with seruous content), is going to go off like a nuclear bomb on Hillary, if she is still even in the running after dodging this whole email scandal.

Puzzle Pirate
Puzzle Pirate
9 years ago

OT: r-selected degenerates have low testosterone (and no one is shocked)

9 years ago

I have more than 2% doubt simply because I assume everything we’re told, shown, etc. is a lie.

I’m always waiting for “what’s behind the curtain,” even if we never actually are offered a glimpse of it.

Trump’s best chance of all is if he leapfrogs the political layer and goes straight to Deep State interests with a plan for kicking the apocalypse can even further down the road. While this is possible, it assumes so much I consider it a stretch.

What do we know for sure? Orwell’s “High” (of the High, Middle and Low) has no intention of being displaced, and conditions are nowhere near chaotic enough for their grip on power to be shaken loose. Remember that “The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism” is a one-stop-shop for Poli Sci 101-551 (undergrad to Ph.D.)

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

not exactly in keeping with this article but I wanted to post this as it is germain to the coming apocalypse.