Trump May Be Unbeatable

Trump has more support than Rubio, Carson, and Cruz combined:

It’s bound to be a Merry Christmas in the Donald Trump household this year, as the billionaire cheerfully celebrates a new national poll that shows him zooming past his Republican opponents in the race for the White House.

Trump commands 39 percent of the Republican primary vote in the CNN poll – more than the combined percentage of Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio.

Together, Trump and Cruz wield a powerful 57 percent of the vote, leaving the 11 other candidates still in the race to fight over their scraps.

It is tough to tell what percentage of Trump’s support will show up to Republican primaries. I’m guessing many are drawn from the crowd that has been disgusted with politics in the past, and they don’t have much experience taking part in the primary process. The truth is, almost every primary election cycle ends up nominating the establishment Cuck, likely because the process only sees establishment Cuck’s voting in it.

Hopefully Trump is dumping money, organization, and education right now into making sure his supporters show up on the big days, and know what to do. As of now, I’d bet 80% have no idea where they will have to go, what day it will be, what papers will need to be filled out, no idea if they even need to register as a Republican ahead of time for a closed primary, or the exact steps they will undertake to take part in the process.

Part of deciding to take action, is having a clear picture in the mind of exactly what you are going to do. Uncertainty triggers amygdalae at the thought of acting, and forestalls the drive to action. That could be deadly, if they aren’t educated up fast, and imbued with competitive amygdala pathways highlighting that the old-school cucks could win if they don’t get out to a specific place, on a specific day, and follow a specific set of clearly defined steps.

Trump will likely need to work twice as hard as everyone else, because his expectations have been set very high by all the success he is presently enjoying. It might be wise for him to begin tempering expectations at some point prior to the primaries, just in case.

This does bode well for a Cruz-Trump matchup as the endgame. I don’t think they can really attack each other, since each’s opponents will be motivated to turn out by amygdala and anger, which will be amped up by attacks on their candidate. If Cruz attacks Trump and angers his supporters he will only increase Trump turnout and vice versa.

In that case, we may end up with two candidates each trying to promise more than the other to get votes, using arguments like, “Ted wants to offer national concealed carry, but I want to offer national NFA concealed carry, which I think is better. Maybe its me, but I’d prefer to have an MP-5K on me over a Glock if terrorists struck.” (To which I would nod thoughtfully but approvingly as I turned the idea over in my mind.) Or, “Donald wants to build a wall, which is great, but I want to man it with Terminator robots which will kill anyone who comes near it. I feel like that would be more effective, but maybe its just me.” We could easily end up with a whole other Christmas season, starting in January.

This is the K-shift, and it hasn’t taken much hardship or threat. I cannot imagine what it will be like as the economic chickens come home to roost one day.

No wonder the Cucks want to start their own party.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Just my input here. Trump supporters despise Cruz and would stay home, as we have for years, rather than vote for non-Trump.

Trump is the ONLY one not owned, no matter how “conservative” they sound.

I know you like Cruz but, trust me, we (the Trump onslaught) will not vote for him. We’d rather suffer more OBVIOUS empire downfall.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 years ago

Not all Trump supporters. I would gladly go from Trump to Cruz — I like that Trump fights, but I support him for “burn it all down” reasons, not because I think he would be a good president (I think he will be a disaster, just in a different flavor from Hitlery.)

Trump going after Cruz would tell me that he doesn’t know smart when he sees it (which is one of the selling points for Trump to me — that he CAN identify experts even when he isn’t one.) I went from Cruz to Trump, and it would be easier for me to give up Trump than to totally bail on Cruz.

On the other hand, Rubio or Jeb would probably get me to vote for Hitlery. The policy results would be exactly the same, but at least the Democrats would have it on their reputation.

Robert What?
Reply to  Anonymous
9 years ago

Speaking as a Trump supporter myself, I like Cruz as well and would vote for Cruz or Trump. However, anyone else and I will stay home.

Mitch Sturges
9 years ago

Dude, I’ve stood back and let you steal Apocalypse Cometh for too long. It is copyrighted and I’d appreciate it if you quit using my intellectual property to further your website traffic. If you have any questions about this, you can contact me at cmsturges@gmail.

Robert What?
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

His copyright claim is bogus. I’m very familiar with this stuff. He cannot copyright a short phrase like that. He can trademark however, if it is being used for a specific product or service. But if he had trademarked it, he certainly would have mentioned that first.

Reply to  Mitch Sturges
9 years ago

Dude, you can’t copyright a short phrase. At best you could trademark it, which you have not done, since it does not show up in the USPTO database..