Trump Looking For Death Penalty For Drug Dealers

Again, this is political brilliance:

The Trump administration is reportedly examining a new policy that could make drug dealers eligible for the death penalty.

The Justice Department and the president’s Domestic Policy Council are looking into policy changes that could allow prosecutors to pursue the death penalty for drug deals, and an announcement could come within weeks, The Washington Post reported Friday.

Currently, the death penalty can only be sought in drug-related cases when murder or the death of a law enforcement officer is involved…

Trump has reportedly talked privately about drug dealers getting the death penalty, and has pointed to countries with harsher punishments for drug dealers as examples for reducing drug-related crimes

I would bet Trump read John Jost’s work on mortal salience. He probably will never actually do this, as it would probably result in 98% of the executions being blacks and Hispanics put to death, and only 1% whites. If it was actually done it could be politically costly with blacks.

But the media has to report it. And what are they giving every viewer when they report it? Mortal Salience stimuli. They are focusing people on – “DEATH!”

Jost showed that just an image of a hearse or a grave stone, looked at for a minute or two, could shift a person’s entire ideological nature to the right when given a questionnaire after. All aspects of conservatism increased. Trump is making the media do that for him all over the nation, and there is nothing anybody can do about it.

Alone it would not have much effect. But as part of his program to trigger leftists 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, he will probably shift the generic Republican vs Democrat poll four or five points to the right, and drive the Conservative Policy Mood even higher than it was already going. He is hacking brains, and driving them rightward using cutting edge understandings of cognitive neuroscience.

Plus once the issue is dropped, blacks will forget about it, but every family member of an addict will remember that President Trump is their guy, even after the exact memory of the issue has passed. Given the scale of addiction these days, that will be no small number.

No other conservative has ever approached the minds of the electorate like this, as if they were computers requiring input to be molded to vote for him. But now as we see it in action, watch President Trump’s approval rating just continue to rise. Once he reaches a point where liking him cannot be portrayed as uncommon, even by the lying media, the lemmings will jump on board and then his popularity will really take off.

Trumpslide 2020, here we come.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because everyone is going to die one day

This entry was posted in Amygdala, K-stimuli, Morals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

“He probably will never actually do this, as it would probably result in 98% of the executions being blacks and Hispanics put to death, and only 1% whites. If it was actually done it could be politically costly with blacks.”

I doubt he’d lose a single black vote, I imagine the 8% that voted for him wouldn’t mind. Blacks will never vote Republican in the current political climate, regardless of what either candidate does.

Dictators running unopposed in sham “elections” would never dare to make the “official” vote count as lopsided as the black electorate.

Mountain Farmer
Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

What book(s) would you recommend to learn more above this cognitive neuroscience?

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

The Evopsych book from AC!

6 years ago

They should add pimps and porn producers to that lot.

Reply to  Lovekraft
6 years ago

Get rid of the r-mind set triggers on a society (socially shame women for sluttery, for ex) and they cease to exist automatically. I have studied their mindset and techniques (pimps) really deeply due to a curiosity of what would lead a woman to give away their money to a man like that, and basically it amounts to a smart man exploiting extreme rabbitry in a woman. Basically, prostitutes sell sex, pimps sell relationships (to women no desirable man wants to have a relationship with, because you have many many cases of johns/betas/simps going broke by trying to buy relationships with prostitutes).

As for porn, its the same shit, if there is societal pressure to shame girls for that, the industry collapses because no woman will take part in it.

Female sexuality is feral and unhinged when unchecked (it literally makes civilizations collapse), so as long as the reasons are not addressed (society no thot patroling on a mass scale), the symptoms will keep popping right up no matter who you kill (in the USA a good pimp can make on average 1000USD from a prostitute a day). If you study the pimp/hoes/johns underworld (can’t have on without the other 2, just a thought, without hoes, there are no pimps, without johns, there are no hoes, think about it), you realise pimps are very bright individuals who have a very deep grasp of human nature and apply their intelligence on an environment of extreme rabbitry where most of the time pimping is the only way to peacefully get enough money to GTFO of the shitty place you’re in. It’s really fascinating in a weird way.

Watch this famous ex-pimp everyone knows:

Thane Eichenauer
Thane Eichenauer
6 years ago

The government has a prohibition program that arrests cocaine users. Cocaine is still available. Taxpayers pay the costs of imprisoning cocaine dealers and cocaine users. Is adding a penalty going to dissuade people from buying and selling cocaine? I don’t think so. The various US states aren’t imposing the death penalty for current crimes due to cost both in time and human effort. Adding cocaine drug dealing to the list of death penalty crimes isn’t going to be effective.

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  Thane Eichenauer
6 years ago

LOL You totally missed the whole point of this post; and of Trump’s comment too, if AC is correct in his analysis.

6 years ago

Isn’t this the sort of thing the Marxist left have been/are doing to us the last fifty years? Just in the direction of degeneracy and dysfunction.