Trump Lays Down The Gauntlet

His speech was a thing of beauty:

Friday on CNN’s coverage of the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States President Donald J. Trump, former chief strategist for Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns David Axelrod said Trump’s speech was a “populist manifesto” and “he lit this town on fire… He also said one thing that I think will be remembered by others, which is we’ll no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining but never doing anything about it, and said we’re going to change everything for the better. ”

If the establishment wasn’t going to try and kill him before, they will surely try now.

I get the impression Trump is a challenge-seeking machine. He spoke of his father telling him to stay out of Manhattan because real estate was too tricky there, so he had to go there and do it.

Now as he enters the Presidency, it seems he is choosing his path based up where the most resistance will come from. Given how the entire system is geared toward favoring corruption, apathy, and incompetence, Trump is driven to fight it all – as well as take on the entire intelligence infrastructure and repopulate its leadership with small government conservatives.

It will be a very interesting administration.

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8 years ago

[…] Trump Lays Down The Gauntlet […]

8 years ago

Throw the Gantlet, a glove thrown at a rival to signify desire to duel for recovery of honor.
Walking the Gauntlet, to run a dangerous course with attackers on all sides.
Makes one think that DJT threw his gantlet at the Deep State, and continued his run through the gauntlet. 🙂

8 years ago

Now that Pompeo has been sworn in, the “George Bush Center for Intelligence” can get back to the intel business and out of the progressive politics business. America only benefits when those offices clear out their prayer rugs.

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

he dropped the hammer on the deep state and told all of America exactly whi has been robbing them. He will be re-elected with 60+% of the popular vote.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

I have been all over the place with Trump. One day I think he will be our salvation, the next he will ruin us all. Now. We’ll see. He does a lot of talking but a lot the people he’s put in aren’t exactly populist. He says the right things but we’ll see.