Trump Did The Air Q When First Saying “Calm Before The Storm”

A sharp eye’d viewer on Reddit posted this video:

Although the camera is panning, it does look like he made the Q.

If the Storm is real, and it increasingly appears it will be, it will be interesting to see how much Trump reveals. From casual observations and deductions, revealing the full scope would stun America. There will be minor stuff like illegal spying and data warehousing. But there will be a lot worse too. Basically good people who sacrificed unimaginably in selfless service to their country and their fellow Americans, would appear to have been seen as either threats or obstacles, and driven to suicide. Men who stepped forward to take risks for their communities like Cops were treated as mere pawns to be sacrificed for some minor control over a voter population, their children left without a parent, or even orphans. Innocent girls had their lives made miserable, and may even have been killed, left in dumping grounds straight out of a horror movie. And the scale of the whole thing, and the way citizens were roped into service to the Cabal will blow minds. To say noting of the innocents killed in false flag terrorist attacks, and the military murdered in fake wars to avenge them.

I can understand not revealing every last detail, because in some areas 10-15% or more of a population might end up branded for life, to say nothing of any potential civil war and unrest it might ignite. But at the same time, what was built must never be built again, and for that you will need amygdala.

As much horror as possible must be imbued in the population. And for that, I really think almost every horror committed must be made public, and every victim of a horror given a face and a story. People must, for a while, feel as if watching a gore video when turning on the evening news.

Only that pain can motivate them to do whatever possible to see to it, that this never happen again.

Spread r/K Theory, because horror makes the absence of horror seem blissful

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6 years ago

To me, Qanon has been 100% verified by North Korea.

Apr 02 2018 23:48:21

I still follow your lead on all of this (relying more on the inquiry of those digging here), but March wasn’t nearly as ‘mad’ as what you sold us.

Please don’t build us up to break us down, Q.

Apr 02 2018 23:57:10

6 years ago


This came in from the Reddit hive mind yesterday. Thought you might be interested.

6 years ago

The MOAB seems to be a little late, though, unless it was a stealthier MOAB than I was expecting.

6 years ago

My “Q is real meter” has been slowly moving higher and higher. I still wish it were less “fortune cookie” like, but it seems like some of that has disappeared as time has progressed.

6 years ago

As past historical revelations have revealed, there has been an initial release of information by those privy to the entire picture. After a period between four months and two years, further information is released. And over the next 5-10 years, even more information reaches the public.

That’s in a normal information dissemination cycle. This will _not_ be a normal information cycle. Information as salacious as this will explode uncontrollably into the public consciousness, perhaps at a rate of 5-10 pieces per fortnight.

The public will want to know. And despite TPTB, their control of it will be removed by day 10. After that, it will be an uncontrolled release–with a similar uncontrolled reaction.

It could be Maiden Square or what we saw in Egypt in 2012, it could be something we’ve never seen before. And unlike 2014 Ukraine or 1989 China, this angry mob will show up at a minimum with bolt-action scoped rifles, semi-auto battle rifles, and pistols demanding change. Real change that the elites and guardians will resist but find themselves unable to stop it, mostly because many of them will be lying on the ground or hanging from the lampposts, never moving again.

Will we better for it? I hope so, but this will be a information release on the scale of 1989 Romania, or even the revolutions of 1848. It will be historic on a scale never seen before by Western civilization.

And it needs to be done. All of it, released as the chips may fall. There will be fallout, but they should have recognized that before they undertook this debauchery over the past 120 years.

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
6 years ago

Jesus, man, with Q’s revelations increasingly appearing to be real, this is going to be one barn-burner of a ride when the spotlight is truly turned on. How far back does this go? World War 2? The Great War? My great-uncle who lost his life in the Pacific theater of operations for what…a lie created by power-hungry lunatics who departed this world decades ago?!

All of what you wrote about–and more–is going to affect millions upon millions of ordinary Americans who trusted the System to be relatively honest. And it turns out that it was anything but.

Part of me thinks that diffusion of political trust might be the nefarious side of Q–that’s its all one hell of a IC LARP, on the scale of Cold War dezinformatsiya campaign designed to undermine our liberties and freedom to enact some nightmare Cabalistic regime–but to reveal the “plan” in order to enact it? They know they’ll lose if that’s the direction they want, so it has to be something else.

Is it the Truth?

if so, the Cabal will be shot, hung, or otherwise removed from our little planet. That’s inevitable. But what do we do with the millions of Americans who will discover the Constitution isn’t as strong as we’ve taught them it is?

6 years ago

Isn’t this the second time he’s made the Q sign in public?

“Set the stage”.

6 years ago

It all must come out. Every single thing. Then people will finally come out of their slumber.