Trump Calls Democrats Who Won’t Applaud Treasonous

So brilliant:

President Trump said Monday that it was “un-American” and “treasonous” when some congressional Democrats did not applaud during last week’s State of the Union address as he touted the low rates of black and Hispanic unemployment.

So basically he put that option into the subconscious calculations everyone performs when defining the Overton Window, and then he made it a joke so there was no cost to doing it.

Meanwhile, his followers will honestly see it as the truth, because the leftist version of America winning is increasingly a vision of real Americans losing, to illegals, foreigners, moral degenerates, psychopathic elites who care nothing for America, and hyper-triggerable neurotics who no normal human being can share a country with:

A uniformed officer carrying his service weapon was asked to leave an Outback Steakhouse restaurant because it is a designated “gun-free zone.”

Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency officer Andrew Ward went to Outback Steakhouse to have dinner with his wife Friday evening, he wrote in a public Facebook post.

Ward said in the post that a manager approached him and requested that he put his gun in his truck. Ward told the manager that he could not because he was in uniform and had to have his weapon on his person.

The manager left to make a call, Ward writes, and then returned to ask Ward and his wife to leave because Outback is a “gun free zone.”

Trump is the perfect machine to restore sanity to the world. If you ever doubt God exists, ask how at this very moment, a man who has such perfect mastery of every discipline required to save this nation just happened to run for the highest office in the land, and overcame illegal interference by everyone from the opposition party, to the media, to the nation’s most elite intelligence operations, to the computer mastery of the leftist database programmers who custom designed everything for the left with AB testing.

Trump is God’s latest gift to America. Be worthy of him.

Spread r/K Theory, because the great divide is upon us

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7 years ago


BTW, knifes are dangerous too (and they trigger lefties beyond a certain length). Therefore, all steakhouses should also be knife-free zones.

7 years ago

There was another angle with the Treason Gambit. It was the Master Wizard move. He intentionally triggered cognitive dissonance with his careful formulation of “Can we call that treason?”

First, we can CALL IT that, because we have freedom of speech, but the dissonance is that he wants to update libel laws so that we can’t, because the constitution defines treason and this isn’t it, but you have to go and learn the constitutional definition first to say that it isn’t true, but our libels laws let you say things that aren’t true about politicians.

So people are being forced through dissonance to consider both the definition of treason and the nature of free speech and libel, and at the back of all of that is, “of course it isn’t treason” side by side with “of course it was un-American” because the “of course” pumps are now well primed.

Master. Fucking. Wizard.

7 years ago


7 years ago

I assume the officer and his wife left. What if he refused. What then would the manger do? Call the police? Insanity

7 years ago

Somewhat OT, but here’s a “Q” redpill.

On 1/27, “Q” mentions John Perry Barlow in relation to Edward Snowden. Barlow isn’t exactly a household name.

On 2/7, it’s reported that Barlow “passed away quietly in his sleep” at age 70.
