Trump Attacks Cruz…

This is a bad idea:

In what’s more evidence that Donald Trump is becoming completely unhinged, he is now stooping so low as to label Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz “a bit of a maniac”:

I don’t think he’s qualified to be president… I don’t think he has the right temperament. I don’t think he’s got the right judgment… You look at the way he’s dealt with the Senate, where he goes in there like a — you know, frankly like a little bit of a maniac. You’re never going to get things done that way.

Donald’s appeal is that he is a bit of a maniac, and Ted’s appeal is that he is a bit of a maniac, which makes me think this is an attempt by Donald to keep the Cuckservative establishment from being able to coalesce around Cruz as a remedy to the problem the Donald presents. If Donald can convince the Cucks that Ted is as dangerous a guy as he is, they will cower in the back of their closets on election day, instead of gritting their teeth and voting for Ted en masse to defeat Donald.

What is slightly unnerving about this to me is it implies whoever gave Donald those lines doesn’t understand the Conservative revolutionaries who support both him and Ted – and it might just be Donald himself. We want maniacs. We want people who will shut down Congress, gleefully tell liberals to fuck off, and be castigated as maniacs by our opposition. We want people who will shut down the government, and keep it from making things any worse. When Donald says things like this, we get the impression that he wants to get in there, make friends with all the corrupt assholes in office, and get government running again, as if government is this benevolent friend who will help us so well, if we just let it.

If Donald makes these arguments more often, he will turn off a lot of his own supporters, who love him because they view him as a maniac who will stop government in its tracks with his steely intransigence and unwavering willingness to stand his ground. This is the second tactical misstep by Trump now, coming on the heels of his no-fly list faux pas. He is still a dominant force, but I am beginning to think that he may not fully understand the movement that is building within the Republican primary, or how to successfully ride it to victory with ease. If he had both his manipulative/rhetorical abilities and an understanding of the movement he would be able to beat Cruz easily. Without it, it will be a horserace, and I suspect Cruz will end up taking it, unless Donald gets better advisers on the nature of the movement behind him.

GOPocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

is Cruz a maniac. not really. but he is establishment.

he supports the TPP and wrote the language that would give obama total control of the trade deal.

this trade deal is a big step in the one world control. incidentally Cruz’s wife and her Goldman Sachs position and her working for the CFR just highlights how Cruz is working from the inside to undermine the constitution and the USA.

9 years ago

Don’t bet on it.

Trump is the ONLY one not completely OWNED! His supporters know this. Only low IQ fundy’s can’t connect Rafael’s Jerusalem ring kissing to that ownership.

Do you remember Mr. George W. “I’ll shrink the size of government” Bush? Who would fall for another cuckservative when the Honorable tell-it-like-it-is Donald is available?

Trump can only gain supporters from Cruz. No Trump supporter is so unaware as to support Rafael.

9 years ago

Trump stated that the US is being taken for a ride on a lot of issues, domestic and international. He claims that the biggest reason for this is that our leaders negotiate bad deals and that he would negotiate better deals that protect our interests. I don’t think Trump ever presented himself as a total iconoclast (a label that Cruz would probably relish)

9 years ago

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General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

here is a great article outlining Cruz and how he is just another elitist.

check out some of the other articles Kelleigh Nelson has written. some of the content may be new to conservatives and how few of you (conservatives) there really are.

at the end of the article there is a reference to the fact that Breitbart media is co-opted by both the left and the elitist GOP.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago
9 years ago

If you think Trump turns off his supporters with anything hes said, you dont understand his base. Trump has had 25%-30% of the intended voters already in his pocket since he made immigration security and enforcement his primary issue. Why would any immigration patriot vote for anyone else but Trump? At minimum, thats how many delegates hes guaranteed to have at a brokered convention, assuming Trump doesnt win it outright before then. Only cuckservatives care about Trump’s rhetoric, the same people still behind losers like Jeb and Kasich. He clearly isnt fed any lines at all and is just straight-talking from the gut. Otherwise remarks like about Fiorina’s face would never be made if he had mental guardrails like the rest of the candidates.

And Cruz has been playing the same slimy game of riding Trump’s coattails, hoping he’ll implode and grab his base. What he doesnt understand is a lot of Trump’s supporters cant stand Cruz. He just comes off too sleazy and untrustworthy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

After a stint in the USN during the ‘Nam- I don’t trust anybody to be what they seem, either. It is all smoke and mirrors in our hall of illusions, indeed. Sir, your words are enlightening; your commitment to the second amendment is commendable- but the only thing that will matter at the last is a commitment to old Mr. Heston’s words: “from my cold dead hands”. I understand your impatience with this slow-motion train wreck; when it finally goes off the rails, I pray our pack is as prepared as they speak it.

9 years ago

I saw an interview where Trump said he wanted no more gun laws. I can’t remember exactly what he said but my impression was he was going to in no way make more gun laws.

In his CPAC speech, Trump sounded many themes popular with Republican conservatives. “I am pro-life,” he said. “I am against gun control.”

I don’t see Cruz as being anything but establishment. The right side of it for sure but I can’t see him rocking the boat. I don’t know what Trump is going to do. None of us really do. I’ve seen some things that make me think he’s a dark horse set up to pull in all the people against immigration. He has said nothing about mass legal immigration. On the other hand if he does what he says then he would be great.

The problem is we are a manipulated people. Everything we see on TV, hear on the radio and see in the papers is manipulated to some extent. The fact that Trump garners so much TV time worries me. They should be just ignoring him but they’re not. There’s also dog whistles to people like me who know that we’ve been attacked and the results manipulated to push the wars for Israel. Roger Stone a Trump adviser went on Alex Jones and said that Trump believed that 9-11 was “hinkey”. Well it was more than hinkey. Even worse Alex Jones is controlled opposition. Not that a lot of what he says isn’t true it’s just said in such a way as to never narrow down as to who exactly is doing the dirty stuff. There is fierce propaganda all throughout the media. I have a decent idea of what’s going on by triangulating between the different sources but I admit it stumps me at times the lies are so deep.

Trump is one of those things that stumps me. I find it hard to believe that he’s what he says he is yet he doesn’t seem to be anything else. The end result is none of the other candidates is even close to supporting any of my main issues. So Trumps it.

Robert What?
9 years ago

Fwiw – my theory has always been that Trump originally planned to get in, make some noise, and get out. As he has done several times before. However this time he got totally blindsided by his popularity. So he has been making it up as he goes along. (Having spent all of his life in the private he is clearly good at that.) Now he has to be serious about it or lose all credibility. If he loses fair and square he still goes home a winner and the new “go-to” guy. If Bush or Rubio lose, they go home losers. Not sure about Cruz though. I think he has a future, regardless.