Trudeau Calls Returning ISIS Fighters ‘Extraordinarily Powerful Voices’

This is as much because he needs to believe it, as to try and curry favor to save his own ass in what is coming:

In a year-end interview with one of Canada’s state television networks, CTV, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed that he believes returning Jihadists — like those ISIS members headed back to Canada after losing the fight abroad — can be rehabilitated into “powerful” voices against radicalism within Canada.

To say that’s wishful thinking, well, that might just be an understatement.

When you lack the amygdala to take on adversity to make things better in the future, you will also lack the amygdala to cope with an accurate assessment of what awaits you. The result is this. You import hostile radical Muslims with reams of dead bodies in their past, and tell yourself that they will immediately transform onto allies and fight for you because you need to believe that for your brain to function.

The inability to see the future will also produce a lack of a need to confront the idea of potential adversity, and all of it will only further enhance the amygdala atrophy. It is a continual downward spiral, until reality intrudes, and there is no escape from the horror.

One interesting thing is that I had never fully noticed how effeminate Trudeau appears, even with a Fidel mustache:

Something about those eyes. Put a wig on him, and he would be more convincing than just about any other tranny I have ever seen. Those eyes will never be focused enough to kill any other man themselves.

My suspicion is the effeminacy of r-strategists is supposed to make K’s who are tempted to kill them as things turn K feel hesitancy on the grounds they look like a woman. But I strongly suspect it will not help them when the Apocalypse comes, after this level of treason.

Spread r/K Theory, because looking like women isn’t going to help them

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Betrayal, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Dimorphism, Treason. Bookmark the permalink.
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Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Given this douche’s statements, his self-righteous faith in the “specialness” of homos and gender fluidity, and his flamboyant gestures and pink camouflage in the presence of fags, I would say that he is a homosexual. Some people would say bi, but I’m not sure bisexuals aren’t homosexuals with one foot in the closet. Sure, he has a wife and kids, but she is probably just a beard and her children may not even be his.

7 years ago

The pursed lips and the eyelashes don’t help.
Some dusk to his frenchiness, as well.

7 years ago

Bad Canada. Very Bad Canada.
Don’t make us get the leaf blower.

Cecil Henry
7 years ago

Make Canad a Great Again!!!

Jail for Justin! White Genocide is a crime, not a policy option

It is also a habit of tyrants to prefer the company of aliens to that of citizens at table and in society; citizens, they feel, are enemies, but aliens will offer no opposition.

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7 years ago

I find it even funnyer that a descendent from this stereotypical revolutionary with his olive fatigues is just a pushover faggot that would take it ATM from a black guy any day of the week now.

7 years ago

This is a funny video on him being an “awkward boy” on world leaders meeting 😂 :

Robert What?
7 years ago

I suspect he will make a very fine bitch to some migrant gang boss. Maybe that is even what he is hoping for.

7 years ago

Aand, you don’t have to put a wig on him to imagine him as a tranny. This picture already convincing enough:

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The ultra sweet dreamy eyes & effiminate vibe helps! I feel my ovaries say NOPE already.

Also see his sitting position:

What’s instantly comes to mind when seeing it is image of a sweet 14 years old girl. Not a domineering alpha male leader at all.

Meanwhile, Trump:

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Duke Norfolk
Reply to  Sophie
7 years ago

Ha! Yeah, I just love that picture of him with Trump. What a great juxtaposition of a faggy lefty with a real man.

Reply to  Sophie
7 years ago

OMG. Trudeau sits down huddled in the corner of his seat like he’s afraid of the armrest on the other side. Truly a total bottom.

OT: Rabbit stabbed on train, says he doesn’t want the criminal to go to jail.

Michael Wittmann
Michael Wittmann
7 years ago

When the Apocalypse hits, he’s going to swing, one way or another. Either a new K-strategist regime will–after a scrupulously fair trial–hang him for treason, his ISIS buddies will scrag him on general principles, or he’ll get dragged from his limo by an angry mob and strung up from a dockyard crane.

And I see what you mean about the effeminate look, although I can’t put my finger on what it is that makes him give that impression. The eyes, certainly, but what about them, exactly?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

picture of him standing, has his hips wider than his shoulders.

Reply to  Michael Wittmann
7 years ago

It’s the vibe, the lack of masculine energy! The sweetness, the flamboyance, the flashiness, the softness, the hipness. I bet he has very low testosterone level.

Notice that effeminate men love so much in being hip & flashy, they will take care so much of their suit (flashy fitted suit with flamboyant colored/patterned tie). Trudeau did that several times. Obama did that too. Trump never did that (after observing her younger & current photos), although he can have all the expensive designer flashy suit to wear. He’s just wearing proper simple ordinary suit & tie throughout his life. That’s a very good sign.

American Graffiti
American Graffiti
7 years ago

But Trudeau stepped into the boxing ring and won.

Reply to  American Graffiti
7 years ago

He won through endurance. He’s a cardio bunny. At the end, he just flails his arms at the other guy and slaps him silly. Ultimately effective, but very amateurish looking.

7 years ago

Those extraordinarily powerful voices are sure to have an… explosive impact… on how Canada thinks about Islam.

7 years ago

Blame Kanada.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“… can be rehabilitated into “powerful” voices against radicalism within Canada…”

You’ve got to be involved in some serious perverted shit to publicly say such nonsense. Their can’t be anyone who believes such nonsense. Our society has become one huge Milgram experiment.