Tools Of The Apocalypse – Laser Eavesdropper

This could prove useful in many circumstances:

This section offers plans, parts kits and finished electronic modules for the advanced electronics assembler to build his own LASER WINDOW BOUNCE LISTENING SYSTEM.

Laser window bounce listening systems are available complete and ready to use with the latest technology cost upwards of $30,000 and are not available to the average person but only to law enforcement. These systems shown here will not offer the same performance obviously as a $30-$40,000 system however properly assembled they can be a very useful tool for many applications. Not only are they useful for covertly detecting voice communications behind a closed window but they can also be used for listening to high-voltage insulators on transmission lines, cooling pipes used in nuclear reactors, and many other mechanical things that are difficult and dangerous to get to.

One of the approaches offered here is a simplified low cost system. It can be used to demonstrate the proof of concept and is suitable for an advanced science project. It can also be used as a long range optical voice communication link.

Both kits and finished units available for sale.

I see a very dystopian future, where we give up entirely on privacy. Once the surveillance state convinces everyone that the rules of the game are what you can get away with, and the technology is everywhere, I see everyone spying on everyone. You will be watching your neighbors, as they are watching you. Everyone will just assume their neighbors are listening in to their private conversations, and they will reciprocate.

At least until the Apocalypse hits, and there is no government to keep people civil. Then people will be civil to keep others acting civil to them. Civility evolved for a reason, and it was not government’s control of the populace. It was the threat of consequences.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, by talking about it loudly near your windows

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August Hurtel
8 years ago

One of these is aimed at the White House right now. The giveaway is the video that accompanies the articles. They show they’ve got line of sight AND info normally only people in the room would know.

Reply to  August Hurtel
8 years ago

Probably multiples, and bugs and a leaker or two. Secret Service knows who they are though. No way to tell whats disinfo or not though- but the leaks need to stop.

8 years ago

[…] Tools Of The Apocalypse – Laser Eavesdropper […]

8 years ago

Something like that sounds like it would use alot of power. There would probably be a long famine period before the nuclear exchange and the grid would likely go down so using funds on spygear just seems wasteful. Plus there’s the practicality- if all the windows are blown out from blast overpressure then you can’t bounce lasers off of them. Better to just build a secret bunker in the backyard.

8 years ago

Laser Eavesdropper equipment is tricky to use. You pretty much have to be broadside to the target window in order to get the beam to reflect back towards your receiver, and even then the beam is so narrow that it can be difficult to get it aligned exactly. AC units, traffic between you and the target, and background noise in the room all can make whatever audio you recover unusable without considerable digital processing after the fact.

It can be done, but it isn’t the magic bullet some make it out to be.

7 years ago

40 year old technology. countermeasure used by mil: Blast white noise at the window with a targeted speaker. This countermeasure is also 40 yrs old. I was guarding a conference center as a conscript soldier in 1984 where 2 NATO generals met where such speakers were deployed outside the house.