From Wired Magazine, who implies it must be fraudulent.
It’s important to note that Ashley Madison’s sign-up process does not require verification of an email address to set up an account, so legitimate addresses might have been hijacked and used by some members of the site. One email in the data dump, for example, appears to belong to former UK Prime Minister (Tony Blair).
I’m not so sure Donald Trump would have gotten the same presumption of innocence.
Tony Blair, the UK poodle who was an open (and proud) member of Britain’s Fabian Society, a group whose crest famously includes a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
Who needs conspiracy theory when the conspiracy is right in the open and conspicuously ignored?
When the 20th and 21st century are made into a Shakespearean play, I’m sure it will be filed under “farce” no matter how many corpses are produced in total.
The fucking asshole.
He didn’t go on that site because he needed to find a single girl to act as a mistress. He went on that site because he knew a married woman would be more likely to keep her mouth shut about the whole thing.
He’s the prime minister of his country, couldn’t he have had the basic decency to look out for his fellow man and bang a damn prostitute or keep a mistress like a normal politician?