Tommy Robinson And British Politician Pedophilia

They had said the reason Tommy Robinson was hauled in was that he couldn’t be allowed to talk about the grooming trials, because they wanted to be sure the defendants got a fair trial, and media publicity might impede that objective.

Then I saw this graphic on 4Chan:

Why, why might that be?

Two local councillors, one of whom is still serving, and a police officer have been accused of having sex with victims involved in the Rotherham child abuse scandal.

The South Yorkshire Police constable at the centre of the allegations is also alleged to have passed on information to gangs grooming young girls in the town. A second police officer has been accused of neglecting his duties after failing to report his colleague. Both claims are being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

The complaints against the two Rotherham councillors “are understood to have been sent to the National Crime Agency, which is investigating child-sex crimes in the town,” according to The Times, which helped expose the abuse in Rotherham and published confidential documents that pointed towards police and council knowledge of the abuse in 2012.

The way Britain is going, the investigators at the National Crime Agency will investigate the complaints by bringing in the victims and molesting them themselves, before declaring everyone involved innocent. Because all of this stuff seems to go right to the top:

I hate to say it, but Beige Shiba was right:

The easiest people to blackmail are pedophiles…

As a result, if you take a look at any given parliamentarian or high ranking public servant, there’s a better than even chance of them being a pedophile. Such people are sought out by the relevant intelligence services and offered a deal…

They do what they’re told and given a supply of children to abuse in an environment controlled and monitored by their blackmailers.

The supply of young victims to sexually service men in power doesn’t come from nowhere. There’s a lot of logistics involved in grooming and transporting these children and making sure that nobody involved talks about it.

That’s where these grooming gangs come in. They are one of the chief means of supplying this system of oligarchical control through sexual trafficking of children…

The key things to understand is that this is fundamentally about power, control and blackmail and just how high (indeed existential) the stakes are. The racial angle is mostly a convenient and distracting red herring, although far from irrelevant.

Tommy Robinson has unwittingly stumbled into something much more serious than just the courts going soft on a bunch of racial minorities. He’s coming dangerously close to blowing the lid off the real power structure in the UK.

Pray for Tommy, and pray for the day of the rope.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the dangers for Tommy are real, and prayers for him wouldn’t hurt

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conservatives, Immigration, ITZ, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Pedophilia, Politics, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance, Treason. Bookmark the permalink.
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Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
6 years ago

I will indeed pray for the day of the rope.

About twenty years ago, I turned up the corner of a matter, in Scotland, which I believe would have led in this very direction.

Long story short, I came under the same pressure as Tommy Robinson, and because I had family responsibilities, I backed off.

No Saracens involved, just police and politicians, and later media execs – I did not give up at once.

Interestingly, I had a little help from the Freemasons. They could see where all this was going, and were in a Let’s get them mood, even if a few of their own would be in the line of fire.

6 years ago

In America, the Cabal uses MS-13 to move dirty money, take hits on people, kidnap, extort, the usual. In Britain (and Europe), the Cabal uses Rape Gangs such as we saw in Rotherham and Oxford to kidnap small children, take hits on people, launder dirty money, etc. You get the picture. A side effect of mass immigration is cover for Cabal to bring in agents willing to do the “jobs” citizens won’t do. And if they get too uppity the Cabal can always put them on a plane back home never to see the 1st World again.

Reply to  Rime
6 years ago

Pro comment.

Ted Braveheart
Ted Braveheart
6 years ago

Fucking ingrates

6 years ago

[…] An article on Tommy Robinson and British Politician Pedophilia got linked on Reddit and was getting popular, and somebody went into my host and changed the permissions on just the blog/Index.html file this morning to 0 to kill access to the site, in a way I would not see from the back end this morning. […]

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…Two local councillors, one of whom is still serving, and a police officer have been accused of having sex with victims involved in the Rotherham child abuse scandal…”

I’ve suspected this from the very beginning that I heard about all these girls being attacked. They could have stopped these groomers at a very low stage by arresting them for giving the girls alcohol, keeping them out too late or numerous other small charges to stop it from escalating. I suspect this is the reason they are pushing laws to jail people for super heavy sentences for having sex with underage girls. I know I’m treading on dangerous grounds here and risk being called a reprobate but if you can murder someone and get out in 5 years but if you have sex with a, willing, 15 year old girl and get 20 years I don’t see this as reasonable. I’m not approving or pushing of having sex with underage girls but some sort of common sense of the danger to society in sentencing ought to be in force. By making the laws so strict they frighten even worse those they have in the snare. Their greatest strength for blackmail is also their greatest weakness. Say the White hats get the same info. If you’re one of the blackmailed do you help the White hats or do you stay with the Satan worshipers who you know are pure evil? Easy answer. You turn on the Satan worshipers. The whole thing can be unraveled easily. How much you want to bet any material stored at the pedo Island has copies made of it? How hard would it be to get some SEALS to sneak up and break into what ever he has there? Judging by some of the stupid mistakes they make I bet their security was weak. They think they will never have to answer for anything. After all the pedo Island guy had girls randomly propositioning young girls in Florida.

I’ve been very negative towards Trump because I felt that he was missing too many opportunities but I’m beginning to believe that I was wrong and he all along was playing them. Keeping their advisers close to see what they wanted. By simply listening to what they wanted and how they tried to steer him he could know where to look. All the time gathering information and setting them up for a fall. A lot of these swamp types he gathered close, let them do the same foolish things they’ve been doing, then discarded them after blaming them for problems. Very, very smart. Most people don’t know the stuff we do. (if even half of what I think I know is true, it may not be, there’s so many lies), and I guess taking it slow is the way to go with the depth of corruption. I’m beginning to have some hope. I will say if we find out we’ve been had again I think there will anger in this country as has never been seen before and I would not discount that random attacks on the deep States lackeys might start happening. True it wouldn’t get at the people at the top but it would make the price of doing their bidding very high. It would make the price of even appearing to do their bidding very high? Eventually the kind of people they get to run for office would just stop running. Too much risk. Then we would see normal citizens running. Patrick Little running for Senate in California is I think is the tip of this. The guy spent $4,000 and is in second place in the most populous State in the union. This is incredible. Even if he doesn’t win you can see he has the most cost effective campaign I presume in all of planet Earth and his goal is to have the same thing happen for every office higher than the county level in all 50 States. It could happen. We could overturn the whole government and start over.

6 years ago

Some of us have a different view on the Tommy Robinson (Yaxley-Lennon is his real name). Summed up well by Guido.

His supporters have been all over the ‘net and media conflating the facts to suit their agenda. I am not saying there isn’t a problem but there are ways of dealing with that that don’t need him to grandstand and possibly cause a mistrial where the perpetrators walk away due to his behaviour. It seems TR isn’t interested in real justice for the victims, just his own cause.