Tinder, Genders, And Defective Relevance Weighing

On Tinder you can choose among 37 different genders:

The dating app Tinder now offers its users the choice of 37 different genders, as its founder claims that gender is a “complex conversation.”

The lengthy list includes “Pangender,” which “can (or not)” be infinite.

“We want to make sure everyone has the ability to meet someone new that can have a profound impact on their lives,” said Tinder CEO Sean Rad.

The amygdala is designed to relevance weigh options, and immediately choose a solution. You would think male/female would be an easy quandary to relevance weigh and solve, but not for leftists. Choose one option, and residual amygdala irritation will drive them to the other option, where residual amygdala stimulation will make them angst-ily look back to option one, and repeat the cycle.

Of course, what is funny is the irritation arises because leftist men don’t really feel like men, and leftist harpies don’t really feel feminine. Each feels their gender label doesn’t fit quite right.

This mechanism is partly why when dealing with narcissists the bad-twofer amygdala hijack works so well. My experience with that, is why I see the mechanism at play here.

When you tell a Narcissist something like, “You are either too stupid, or too evil, which is it?” their brain is visibly trapped by those two options. The times I used it, the narcissist was evil. But my impression always was that once their amygdala was lit up, even if the reality had been a third, innocuous option, their brain could not have broken free of the bipolar amygdala shock of the two options to find the third. They would contemplate one option, be amygdala hijacked, reflexively jump to the other option, be hijacked again, and be reflexively thrown back to the first option, be hijacked, and just repeat that cycle as they melted down.

This is a similar situation, only instead of a criticism, they are being asked to identify their gender, and unless they have 37 different options to keep their amygdala in neutral as they scan through them, their angst will be so great they will melt down.

It is hard to think this could get worse, or imagine what it would look like if it did, but if r/K Theory is right, and the free resources continues, we would find out.

You might want to tell people about r/K Theory because we don’t want a gender called rabbit

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Tinder, Genders, And Defective Relevance Weighing […]

7 years ago

The good news is, this is 36 chances for a degenerate pervert to self-select themselves away from wholesome k-selected folks.

7 years ago

Off topic, but too delicious not to share. Seems rabbits identify scarcity rather differently than Ks.
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