Tim Tebow and K-selected Mating Rituals

Tim Tebow is in the news over his girl dumping him for not banging her:

Tim Tebow recently split with girlfriend Olivia Culpo – a former Miss USA model – and the reason is said to be the former Broncos quarterback’s abstinence pledge.

Yes, that’s right, folks. You now live in a culture where a girl doesn’t want a man who respects her enough to wait until he is ready to commit to her, faithfully for life, and not just use her body for his own personal pleasure.

I’ve seen girls like this before. The ones I knew even had this same pretty, thin, angular appearance to their faces. Marla Maples was one I recognized at first sight.

When they are young, they look like this. When you are young, that is more or less overpowering. They are ostensibly pleasant and bubbly if they like you, but there is an emptiness to them, as if they have no beliefs, no inner compass. They will agree with anything you say. It is nice if you are young and don’t know what is behind it, but something is still missing, though you won’t know it at that age.

As they get older, they transition to this, and become less pleasant to be around, especially if you’ve been with them a few years. Now they are starting to notice young girls around them on top of the world, and it bothers them. Minor failures to manipulate others irritate them. That angst bubbles up from their depths, like a spring of nastiness that occasionally erupts into a geyser. The earliest stages of resting downmouths may emerge around this point, if you look for them.

Beneath that façade is the seed of angst, irritation, nastiness, and a devious assumption that because she can do things behind people’s backs, she is smarter than them. Once the pretty leaves completely, the ones I knew adopted an attitude as if the whole world was their enemy, and it was every person for themselves in a giant contest to fuck everyone else over. After sixty there is no dealing with them intermittently, let alone living with them. As I look at that picture, I can see a specific woman I know under the surface of her, and I can begin to feel a revulsion, even despite how pretty she is.

Say what you will, had Tebow banged her, it would have been difficult in that soup of hormones and neurotransmitters to get a feel for who she was, especially if he and she were both a few years younger. She would have hung around, sustained and pacified by the dopamine rush of sex, and he might have overestimated her value as well, again due to the dopamine produced by looking at her and emotional associations produced by sex.

By freezing her out, he tripped her amygdala with a dopamine deficiency so she freaked out, and then she took off. The “her” who fought with him and left is the her she would have been in in ten years when the pretty left and was no longer giving her a little dopamine lift each day to keep her thoughts together. He kept his head clear as well, by limiting his own dopamine axis, so when she left, he didn’t fall into chasing her or trying to pacify her. He was irritated too.

Tebow will be mocked by the rabbits, but he also likely won’t end up divorce-raped, stripped of his wealth, and forced to watch as the children he is responsible for have to cope with the consequences of a shattered family. In a way, Tebow is advertising what he is after, and as the rabbits mock him and the rabbit girls look down on him, his job of finding a quality wife becomes easier. You can bet when he finally does settle down, his wife will be flawless. Between her genetic contribution and his, their kids will be awesome specimens.

Tebow’s path isn’t going to work for everyone in these dopamine-soaked times, but if you are raising boys, you’d envy the position Tebow’s parents are in, especially these days – and you can bet you’d want to imbue that ethic in your own children if you could.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Lots of great points here, a lot of it Stefan Molyneux talks about regularly as well. For example, women who are very pretty are basically receiving free resources, which as we know is inherently corrupting. I’m not even sure how I would react if I was a celebrity for example and people just came up to me and gave me stuff, praised me, and followed me around begging for my autograph. Being young and pretty is a lot of power, which you never hear discussed. The more arrogant narcissistic ones just get corrupted sooner and more totally.

Second, sure sex feels good. Most certainly. But when you have sex right away, as you say AC it can make it harder to get to know someone. Because… instead of getting to know someone, you can just have sex! The danger is that sex is like glue. It bonds you emotionally with Crazy Feels 3000 level strength, but do you know anything about who you’re bonding to? If not you might wind up as future Tim Tebow in a divorce!

Lastly, I strongly emphasize that Tebow’s choices aren’t going to work for everybody. Let’s face it, he’s a football star, he can get most any type of girl he wants. The kind of social ostracism necessary to enforce women waiting until marriage doesn’t exist anymore. Moreover, if you marry wrongly your balls will get pierced and fried up on the grill of family court.

9 years ago

In my experience, utterly beautiful women are completely destroyed during their 14-18 year old period by the experience of being orbited by clouds of males. You see the same thing happen to all celebrities and powerful people, for whom the experience usually occurs in full adulthood. (Murray Rothbard opined that all billionaires are essentially crazy, because of the experience of being surrounded by sycophants and yes-men.)

I have never once met a woman who was a 8.5 or more from 14 on who wasn’t an utterly empty bitch. The only girls I knew in HS who were both beautiful and nice were those who were “late bloomers,” who as sophomores and juniors were unremarkable and came back as seniors like their fairy godmother had stayed with them all summer (one of them went on to be named “Miss Illinois.”) I still doubt they avoided the soul-sapping vampirism of male adulation, so beautiful did they become.

[My wife had a chronic illness when she was late-15-years old that resolved about two years later. She was very, very pretty but by the time young males got the opportunity to orbit her she was already largely set in stone with a pleasant personality. Her natural beauty and natural kindness weren’t given the chance to work against each other and she was and remains pretty much the perfect mate into middle age.]

Today’s celebrity-level alpha male will likewise be surrounded by drop-dead gorgeous women with shriveled souls. Finding the decent girl needle in that level of mind-blowing haystack strikes me as near-impossible.

The best thing parents of pretty girls can do is move to a cabin in the woods that has no electricity and is off the cell grid during the time their daughters are 14-19. Otherwise, I strongly suspect that there’s nothing that will prevent the girl’s complete debasement by toxic pop culture and being the top of every 13-90 years-old male wishlist.

Reply to  dc.sunsets
9 years ago

Interesting story, normally the idea of a father enforcing chastity on a daughter is portrayed as preventing her from making a mistake, but your story points to it being good for the men she’ll eventually date as well.

Another thing Molyneux brings up regularly is “The Wall” women hit in their 30s when they suddenly can’t command hordes of followers all clamoring for her uterus. It’s a harsh blow because you get confronted with the fact that all those people didn’t like YOU, just what you had. It also reverses the dynamic of pathetic horny male teenagers getting rejected by the hot cheerleader. Now it’s the other way, with older wealthier men being the prized commodity that women have to work to please. It gives me a new appreciation for the idea of monogamy, in that you could argue it benefits women over men.

9 years ago

“the reason is said to be the former Broncos quarterback’s abstinence pledge.”

Well, that’s how *she* spins it. An alternate possibility is that she wants a ring, and he’s not sure she is the one. Since she can’t “oops” a pregnancy to lock him down, she’ll swing to a different branch.

9 years ago

Why isn’t the guy already married? This is the part that doesn’t fit the r/K narrative. He certainly can provide.