Gay Apple CEO Tim Cook Says there is something dangerous afoot in America. Even the elites ensconced in their bubbles are feeling the tremors.
More and more I am aware of how subtle amygdala activation at various extraneous stimuli alters the background emotion of anger within the populace, and how that angering emotion drives action. If you can remove all anger, people will tend to accept nearly anything – they will be total pushovers. But introduce anger at one thing, and you’d best not expose that individual to something else which might anger them. Place them in a society collapsing unnecessarily into a morass of corruption, degeneracy, treason, and evil, and soon even the slightest of stimuli will precipitate action.
This is why I look a the tremors in our society, and see the beginnings of anger. Tim Cook is so panicked he wants government agents to point their guns at anyone who doesn’t want to actively embrace gays. He wants the government gunmen to force everyone to make the gays feel welcomed. If he doesn’t have that, he feels angered and panicked. If nothing else was angering people in this country, then even those who find gays repellent due to disgust reflexes would probably tolerate that, though with a grumble.
But people are beginning to not tolerate that. They are getting pissed, and pushing back politically. As they do, the gays are getting angry and panicked, and the less tightly wound among them are popping off, like the Germanwings pilot who took his plane down, and even Tim Cook, who felt the need to pen a whole Op-Ed for the NY Times. The background emotional noise of anger yields action, from the rarely insane to the more frequently measured, from the violent to the political. Anger will add to the drive of the lone wolf terrorist with a cause of some sort, the panic of the gay activists, the frantic ravings of the SJW’s, and the organizational efforts of the gamergaters alike. As it does, it will feed off itself. Each side’s action irritates the other, precipitating more anger and reaction, and furthering the slide toward conflict.
These moments in time exist on larger curves, with trends of their own, and clearly anger’s trend is upwards. If r/K is real, then the underlying trigger will be resource shortage, and if it continues apace, or even accelerates, conflict is inevitable. The only question will be can it be contained to the political and rhetorical. Hopefully so, but neither history nor biology offer any guarantees – especially if the economic collapse is as bad as it could be.
[…] Tim Cook and the SJWs are Getting Scared […]
Leftoids are losing bowel control over a Christian pizzeria in Indiana that responded to a hypothetical question in a way that offended them. They are out of their ever-lovin’ minds.
I’m beginning to look forward to the K Shift, God help me. These unthinking mobs must be stopped.
[…] The backlash is about to begin. […]
A pizza shop is not the hill you want to die on Timmikins. What you are doing is pissing off millions of people who held no ill will against anyone because they are gay.
When you start trying to force me, I will resist you with every fiber of my body.
You are going to destroy Apple, and kill off the customer base with this bullshit.
People find gays repellant? So what? Gays find straights repellant too. Gays are just as mean, just as cruel as any redneck jerk. You could call me a redneck. I am, sort of. But I don’t hate gays. I work with gay people. I have a gay relative that I consider one of the most awesome people who ever walked, and who I love dearly. But if you all don’t get out of this”‘You WILL accept gayness and admit it is superior to you!”
idiocy you are going to hit a brick wall that will reduce you to rubble. I decide what I accept. No one alive is smart enough to tell me what to accept or how to live. A very wise lady said that. You may run a huge corporation, but stupid will take down the high and mighty just as fast as the dumbass on the corner. You’re on the verge of pissing off more people than you can imagine, I’m one of them, and you don’t want to get on our bad side Tim. Have a nice day.
Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of people now saying that they are beginning to see gays as deviant bullies, rather than noble, but oppressed saviors.