Thinking of Emigrating? The Swiss Own Lots Of Guns…

If you end up a political refugee from the US, you could do worse than Switzerland:

As nations around Europe tighten their gun laws after a series of terror attacks in several countries since 2015, the Swiss are bucking this trend by turning to firearms for protection.

Official statistics show that gun sales in some parts of Switzerland soared nearly 50% after last year’s attacks in Paris and the March bombings in Brussels. And gun sales continue to grow since the killings in France and Germany in the past two weeks…

Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed battle since a conflict between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, guns are ubiquitous in this Alpine nation.

In fact, neutral Switzerland has long been one of the world’s most heavily armed countries, trailing behind only the United States and Yemen in the number of guns per 100 people, according to the Small Arms Survey.

About 3.4 million military and private firearms are estimated by the United Nations to be in circulation in this country of only 8.3 million people.

Lots of high quality chocolates and cheeses too. Not to mention pretty girls on bikes with Sig assault rifles over their shoulders.

I’d imagine a small side gig as a gunrunner, shuttling weapons to other European countries as the Apocalypse begins, could be quite profitable. I know if I was in Germany as things deteriorated, a Swiss Sig SG550 would be a necessity I would pay handsomely for. I’ll bet a lot of Europeans would pay just about anything for the tools they will need to either protect themselves from the Muslim Hordes, or repel them entirely.

You’d need to be paranoid, daring, and ready to think outside the box on the fly, because the men hunting you will already have seen most of what you will try to do to outsmart them. But I bet someone creative will make a ton of money filling that niche. The real key, which will separate the successful from the unsuccessful, will be not getting caught.

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8 years ago

[…] Thinking of Emigrating? The Swiss Own Lots Of Guns… […]

8 years ago

It is very difficult to emigrate to Switzerland. We have a friend (an American citizen) who for many years, divided his time between Switzerland, Ireland, and the United States; basically spending as much time as he was allowed in Switzerland, and leaving when his time ran out, several months per year. A few years back he married a Swiss national and was allowed to stay, but to becoming a Swiss citizen, he has to wait ten years or so.