Things are Changing in Germany

Not unpredictable, but not what it will be when the economic system goes down.

Locals in Giessen are appalled by the rape allegations. But many are also increasingly worried about the effect of the migrants — some 6,000 Syrians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Kurds, Eritreans and others are housed in the camp, which was expanded last year — on their everyday lives.

Some complain that the migrants have taken over the town, which is famous for its botanical gardens and dotted with pretty boutiques and flower shops. You cannot miss the new arrivals, wandering the streets in large groups.

At the Lidl supermarket a few hundred yards from the camp, a well-dressed German woman packing her shopping into a Mercedes saloon rolls her eyes at me as a group of Middle Eastern youths walk by. ‘What do we do?’ she asks. ‘It has happened now and it will never be the same again…’

Police in the Bavarian town of Mering, where a 16-year-old girl was reportedly raped this month, have warned parents not to allow their children outside unaccompanied.

Girls and women have been told not to walk home alone from the railway station because it is near a migrant centre where the rapist may live.

At Pocking, another well-kept Bavarian town, the headmaster of the grammar school wrote to parents telling them not to let their daughters wear skimpy clothing. This was to avoid ‘misunderstandings’ with 200 migrants who were put up in the school’s gymnasium over the summer, before being moved on this month…

A 19-year-old waitress at a coffee bar in the town tells me: ‘We saw them [the migrants] walking around and they saw us. Of course, we were worried. We were told to be extra careful when they were here.’

Fear and anger – amygdala stimulation. Like a muscle that has lain long dormant and is suddenly used and grows stronger, that structure is making aversive stimulus, and with each triggering, the emotions it produces grow stronger. (I’m sure if you examined the amygdalae of Germans over time, you would see it change in real time from the undeveloped structure of a leftist into a well developed amygdala of a rightward leaning ideologue.) That sensation the amygdala produces will eventually grow strong enough to force them to deal realistically with reality.

This is a small sample of what will happen to amygdalae when the real collapse happens. You can see how real conservatism (not cuckservatism) will flourish in that environment, when threat is everywhere, and pleasure is in short supply. Finding somebody to blame and punish will almost be a relief.

On another note, Police are covering up the crimes just like the media is probably doing, at the behest of the elites (although they deny that). It is a smart strategy for the elites, but bad for the police and society in the long term. The more the public sees reality, the more they will adapt to effectively deal with it logically. I’m sure we are hearing only a small sample of the reality of the horrors right now.

Astonishingly, police kept silent about the rape, which took place in June. Only this month, after a local newspaper revealed that it had happened — and claimed German authorities are not ‘going public’ about crimes involving migrants because they don’t want to ‘give legitimacy’ to critics of mass migration — did they confirm it had taken place.

The area’s police chief… adds: ‘We will continue this policy (of not informing the public) whenever crimes are committed in migrant facilities.’

Right now the migrants are blissful because they think they are about to be given a golden ticket. Wait until they start to think they will be sent back because they have no evidence of where they came from, and fear and anger begins tripping their amygdalae. Then you will see fireworks.

Regardless, this is affecting Merkel’s popularity, even with media and police complicity in covering up the rape of their society.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s popularity at home has been hit by her policy of openness towards the wave of migrants coming in from Syria and elsewhere, according to an opinion poll published on Saturday.

Merkel’s “strong commitment to the refugees has obviously not been met with much backing,” the Der Spiegel weekly newspaper said on the poll published within its pages.

As the German version of Chamberlain, this dumb bitch will go down in history as among the stupidest leaders anyone has ever seen.

Again, add in apocalypse, and everything changes on a dime.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Robert What?
9 years ago

Of course the “elites” don’t have to worry because they don’t have to live with the effects of their policies. Although I still don’t understand why Merkel thinks this is a good thing. I wondering whether the Germans have been too beaten down by officially designated guilt to defend themselves.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

read the works of Bat Ye’or

the politicians are being told what to say. what they say doesn’t make sense and they don’t believe it anyway. they have trouble articulating what they do because they know it to be wrong and dishonest. The muslims have a plan and they have pushed it for decades. the politicians have been bought or are already true believers. when you read Bat Ye’or you will see how they did it and how deeply the muslims have penetrated europe.

unfortunately obama has caught the americans up to the same point in a fraction of the time and all paid by the taxpayer (same as in europe).


9 years ago

The leftist elite is hoping that ordinary Germans will attack the immigrants, proving how much they need leftist leadership to guide them out of their intolerance. If the right-wingers are smart, they’ll strike the traitorous elite instead, Brevik-style. Attack the matador, not the cape. If the elite really are rabbits, they’ll reverse course fast when their own lives are in danger.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

One step toward economic collapse is when German women stop coming to work for fear of getting gang-raped on the bus. Then again, so many women have fluffy make-work jobs that overall productivity might increase if they stayed home.

9 years ago

[…] Things are Changing in Germany – […]