There Are No Rules – Hillary Disappearing Documents


Judicial Watch today released new U.S. Department of State documents showing former Secretary Hillary Clinton and her then-Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin were permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim they were “personal” materials and “unclassified, non-record materials,” including files of Clinton’s calls and schedules, which were not to be made public. The documents show the Obama State Department records would not be “released to the general public under FOIA.”

The new records also show that Huma Abedin was allowed to take five boxes of “physical files” out of the State Department that include records described as “Muslim Engagement Documents.”

Schedules and call logs are what could prove her meetings and contacts corresponded with Clinton Foundation donations, and document her other illegal activities. That is more or less why those records are supposed to be preserved. But the machine has just let her dispose of any possible evidence of criminality, for no discernible reason.

As this is going on, the machine tries to take down President Trump and imprison his staff for actions which were never illegal to begin with.

This is no longer a nation of laws. Don’t let yourself to expect any protection from anything courtesy of the law when the collapse goes down, because the laws are already not applicable and we are not even near Apocalypse-levels of amygdala. Once amygdalae enter Apocalypse levels, rabbits will be doing anything to seize advantage and hold on to power.

Start preparing yourself now to expect the violence and anarchy which is coming. Don’t let yourself be surprised to find out that we have always been a violent, might-makes-right species. The unusual behavior in our species is that which we have grown up to expect is normal.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is nice to have some laws which you can rely on

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7 years ago

History tells us that the 1946-2018 period, in the West, is such an aberration in relation to reality that it could aptly be compared to heaven on earth, or at least as close to post-scarcity as an economy can get. That which you think is normal, isn’t. That which you’ve grown accustomed to, is a luxury. People will eventually kill each other over things they used to throw away.

Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

Best of the best: 1946-1966, anywhere along the California coast (San Diego to San Francisco).