There Are No Rules, Even At The Department Of Justice

Sharyl Attkisson is still fighting:

Not only is the latest Freedom of Information (FOI) Act response I received from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) two and a half years late—a response was required under the law in about 30 days—it’s also woefully inadequate.

In 2014, I filed a complaint asking the DOJ IG to investigate the unauthorized intrusions into my computers…

I was told all along that as the victim and complainant, I would be provided a final report by the DOJ IG…

I repeatedly requested to receive a copy. One of the investigators told me I could always file a Freedom of Information Act request for the materials.

Months went by.

Ultimately, the report and notes about my computer intrusion investigation were withheld from me in their entirety, without explanation…

My question remains: What’s the big secret about the DOJ IG investigation into my computer intrusions?

They just ignore the law, ignore the rules, and do it to a reporter who they know will make it all public. And there will never be any consequences, and they know it. Talk about dangerous times.

They are doing this out of necessity. When Hillary’s server was a big story, one source in the FBI said she had information on Special Access domestic intelligence programs on it which would cause the entirety of the citizenry to rise up violently, and trigger an immediate civil war against the government if they became public. I believe it, and I believe a thread which leads to those programs is what Sharyl is pulling on here. My belief is they will kill her before they let her expose it, because in their eyes her death will be less costly than a total civil war. I really hope she is not playing this game assuming the old rules are still in effect. If she is, then she will probably die of a heart attack, or cancer, or aneurysm, or car accident, or something else seemingly natural in the near future.

There is one strange conclusion I have come to. I think this is why you see the hatred of Russia. I am a clueless novice in this field. But even I as a novice, were I a Russian, would be exploiting this. Imagine, if you knew about these programs you could trigger a civil war in the US overnight. What would the US government be willing to give you, if you held that over the US government’s head? The Russians, who probably already know about all of this presently through Hillary’s server, and who have probably used simple stand-offish intelligence-gathering methods to document it clearly in ways which would light America aflame instantly, hold the ability to trigger a civil war in the US overnight.

My guess is the establishment doesn’t care about the Chinese because the Chinese have bought the Democrat party going back to Clinton and Gore. The Chinese are not going to trigger the destruction of a government they probably already feel they are invested in and partly own. But the Russians might just be crazy enough to do it, so we see the establishment hacks trying to tell us the Russians are the enemy, so if the Russians play that card one day, we will all have conflicted emotions with respect to taking the enemy Russian intel and overthrowing our own government. I suspect this may be why the Establishment appeared to want to immediately trigger an open war with Russia the moment Hillary took office. My guess is as Hillary’s server came to light a whole lot of executive-level assholes went into airtight-pucker mode, and those sphincters haven’t released even an inch yet.

I view all of this with tremendous sadness. It is the end transition from the wonderful, free, Constitutional Republic run by the people, which the founders sacrificed everything to give us, to a dictatorial government-by-force which I expect will become a raw, naked oligarchy in the coming decades, at least until the Apocalypse tears it all down. Only the Second Amendment is holding the open tyranny at bay right now.

I feel delinquent in my duties as a citizen and an American. The founders sacrificed everything to give us that chance at freedom, and here it is falling apart on my watch. On the other hand, God does love this nation, so I have a sneaking suspicion this is part of the plan. This will all eventually come out, and the true hatred of the government and its leaders by the citizenry will be inevitable. My assumption is it will happen at the collapse, and it will so poison everyone against the very concept of the federal government that they will happily give the bloated and teetering federal government the last push it needs to send it into the waste bin of history.

The individual states which remain will then form loose alliances, and this will recreate in its entirely what the Founders had created – individual states that were only loosely linked to a minimalist overarching federal organization, designed solely to protect individual liberties.

Who would ever think an Apocalypse of unimaginable horror would be our savior?

Tell others about r/K Theory, because we want everyone to welcome the Apocalypse

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7 years ago

[…] There Are No Rules, Even At The Department Of Justice […]

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
7 years ago

AC: I have to question the analysis here regarding your assumption that the “something” being hidden is so big that it would act as the catalyst for a civil war if released. The fedgov apparatus is now so large that some 1.4 million people have “Top Secret” clearances. Those 1.4 million are not all ladder-climbing sociopaths or those who have been bought/threatened into submission. If “Reality” Girl has this clearance, and access to sensitive information, I don’t see how an intelligence scheme that is unlawful and treasonous against the American people on a massive scale can remain unknown. You can’t have a conspiracy of more than, say, 12-200 (???) people and many, many more than that would have to know of such a scheme for it to exist and function.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

We probably won’t know before it happens, there just won’t be any new content for parts of the internet for about a week. Then the ATMs won’t work. That’s probably how it would start.

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Happy to defer to your knowledge/judgement here, but still perplexed. Such a scheme requires a high level of organizational competence that just doesn’t exist outside of the movies – most ladder-climbing sociopaths are f’in morons. Easily controlled, for sure, but competent? No.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Maple Curtain
7 years ago

“…most ladder-climbing sociopaths are f’in morons…”

Most Sociopaths are not morons at all. They tend to be smarter than the average human and they are much less likely to be blinded by “beliefs” or “perceptions”. They tend to see things as they are instead of what they want to believe. At least that’s what I think from reading about them and what they say.

I have a theory on why this is so. People have various levels of empathy for others and it can vary due to circumstances but I believe the area of the brain dedicated to it is not trivial. I believe that empathy was what made civilization possible. If everyone was a psychopath then you couldn’t trust anyone to even be alone with you without them killing you for whatever you had. I also believe that the Neanderthals were psychopaths or at least had little of the universal empathy for others. This was why they were in Europe for 250,000 years or so and did essentially nothing. Cro-Magnon appeared and BOOM all at once we’re building all kinds of stuff. Empathy happened.

So what if you don’t have empathy. The strong feelings we get when we see others harmed will give you an idea of the amount of brain matter used for empathy. If you didn’t have empathy all of this is freed for general processing. Maybe even 10% or so.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

You’re way off track re the Neanderthals. In fact, research and archeological finds shows the exact opposite.
You might want to check out Tex Arcanes blog (vault-co blog spot, nb Google hides it) or Altrugenics, a site where those with high levels of Neanderthal fan meet.
They were genocided for being too trusting by the way.

7 years ago

As it must be. There can be no rise without the fall. Our job is to guide and prepare the next generation to do better.

7 years ago

This goes to my theory of rabbit leaders and the “easy button”. Just make sure it isn’t the nuclear one. They will push it if the mob is at the door.

7 years ago

St. John wrote on the subject of “apocalypse” leading to rebirth”; revelations of strange days indeed.

Mauny Kaseburg
Mauny Kaseburg
7 years ago

CONGRATS….kind of! So much is coming out through the “crowdsourcing” media now….you never know what will be “leaked”!! Obviously there’s still “deep state” players – people who are still working in those Gov’t agencies, that don’t want to lose their jobs!! #DrainTheSwamp !

7 years ago

Tell us more about the source who said HRC had Special Access program info on her computer.