The Split Between r and K in Germany

This is how a nation thinks when resources are free. German official says Germany will not limit the number of asylum seekers it will accept.

Germany’s top official dealing with refugees said on Monday that there was ‘no upper limit’ to Germany’s capacity for taking in people in need of asylum…

Heidenau, a town in Saxony, was the scene of violent far-right protests in front of a planned refugee centre earlier in August…

“There can be no upper limit set on the intake of people who are fleeing persecution and need protection,” Schmidt said.

With Germany expecting 800,000 asylum applications during the course of 2015… the backlog in applications is now estimated at a quarter of a million…

“There will be new processing centres set up in several cities and thousands of new employees will be hired this year – and in 2016 we will add up to 1,000 more people to our workforce… Up to July we processed more applications than in the whole of 2014,“ said Schmidt.

He also argued that changes to the process would have an impact in halting the influx of migrants from so-called ‘safe countries’ in the Balkans…

Schmidt explained the huge rise in the number of people seeking asylum in Germany as primarily due to Syrian refugees [and]… people in Africa…

Fewer high IQ Balkan Christian refugees, and unlimited third world Muslim refugees. That’s going to end well.

When you apply free resources, the r-selected rabbits in a society become like little drug addicts. They don’t plan for the future, they don’t map out consequences, and they can’t see danger. They are so high on dopamine, all they can think about is avoiding conflict, avoiding negativity, and making sure everyone is kept from being competitive or aggressive. But there is a darker side to that strategy as well, that arises organically from their hedonistic, conflict averse urges.

Germany has a long history of exhibiting the K-strategy. It nearly took over all of Europe during the last shift toward resource shortage and K-selection. Somewhere, deep in the recesses of rabbit minds, the rabbits know this, and it frightens them. It is no coincidence the rabbits are seeking to import as many low-IQ foreigners as possible now, or that those foreigners are of a strain particularly hostile to loyal, K-selected German citizens. Somewhere, deep in rabbit minds, beneath their very consciousness, is a drive to set the stage so that German K-strategists are killed back by the invaders. In the rabbit subconscious, these violent imbeciles they are importing will be controllable by them, and lethal to loyal German K-strategist, pack-oriented, wolves.

While that fighting between Germans and foreigners is going on, the German rabbits will hide, and try to avoid the mortality that will engulf their nation. Imagine all the brave German warriors lost in WWII. Imagine all the breeding opportunities that will arise for rabbits after such a circumstance that would never have been there otherwise. They will finally be uncontested leaders of their nation, albeit by that time it will not be Germany so much as a kingdom of savage imbeciles from Africa and the Mideast. Better a prince in Hell than a pauper in Heaven.

We are seeing the same thing in humans that you see in cuttlefish, where the r-strategist males change to look like females, so K-selected males begin fighting when they see them. Once that happens, the transvestite male goes around mating with as many females as he can, unmolested by the competitive, aggressive, K-strategist males who proceed to savage each other. It is a little more complex, but it is the same strategy.

It is not coincidence.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

Yes, but what happens when a society is ruled by rabbits who do their best to embroil their citizenry in endless dragon-slaying crusades all over the world?

Is it rabbitry to say, “thanks, but not thanks” to the invitation to be cannon fodder?

There hasn’t been a time when citizens of the USA were faced with foreign invasion by force of arms. Mustering for military action was simply a roll of the dice, it didn’t improve the species or enhance a man’s clan one tiny bit. As Goering stated, the best he could hope for was to return home, his balls intact, and hope to resume his life.

Now that the USA’s culture is under an attack of annihilation from replacement-level immigration, the nation’s “wolf agencies” are busy everywhere BUT on the front lines.

I’m as ready to muster to protect my clan as any man, but as long as the rabbits are in charge (and I see no sign of it changing) then me and mine will preserve our range of actions for a time when accepting mortal risk would promise a benefit to our larger family.

There are times when some voices hew close to calling those who don’t volunteer for the military cowards. An intelligent man discerns when it is his blood enemies to the left and right who seek his removal, to further their designs on his clan’s lives and property. The USA’s current crop of rulers, and its ruling Narrative, are not my friends.

9 years ago

Until recently we had a compulsory military or civil service in Germany, which means that only those who wanted served in the army. As a result we have a selection of millions of white K wolves as the only trained military reserve. Other than cuttlefish (and other than the relatively few US citizens with a military training) they won’t take more casualties from friendly fire than from enemy fire, because their preferred prey are rabbits and other rodents.