The Poor Vote Conservative In Israel

Leftists are dismayed to find the poor voted for Likud. Of course if you recognize conservatism is a psychological adaptation to resource shortage, this makes perfect sense. However if you are a leftist rabbit who thought you could cheaply bribe the poor to vote against the K-strategists, not so much.

If you grasp the r/K paradigm, then the answer would be to flood the poor areas with so many free resources that everyone there would see their psychologies transition to an r-strategy. Of course that is easier said than done, especially as the global economy is beginning to tip toward K-selection.

Instead, the left has decided to further resource-restrict the poor, and declare war upon them at the same time. I’m sure that will work out quite well for them.

In America, between the free food, the free housing, the free healthcare, the free cellphones, and free everything else we provide in the inner cities, this bribery strategy by the rabbits has actually worked quite well, even triggering a massive increase in low-investment single parenting, and massive decrease in motivation and aspiration.

However when resources become short in the coming decades and those freebies grow short, this will change as well. I suspect at that time it will prove unusually easy to turn the lower income, inner-city population on the rich, yet weak and cowardly, white leftist rabbits who have gained their position so unfairly by ripping off the average Americans, and manipulating them against each other for so long.

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9 years ago

[…] The Poor Vote Conservative In Israel […]

9 years ago

I think it has less to do with resources than the fact that poor Israelis live in border towns like Sderot, where people beloved by the Left are constantly shooting rockets at them.

9 years ago

[…] The Poor Vote Conservative In Israel – […]