The Orthodox Jewish Child Rape Assembly Line

Pretty shocking article from 2013, if true:

Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg—who is 63 with a long, graying beard—recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a “child-rape assembly line” among sects of fundamentalist Jews…

He didn’t stop. I was so angry, I confronted him… I told this man, ‘It’s a sin before God, a mishkovzucher. What are you doing to this boy’s soul? You’re destroying this boy!’ He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it. ‘How dare you interrupt me!’ he said. I had heard of these things for a long time, but now I had seen.”

The child sex abuse crisis in ultra-Orthodox Judaism, like that in the Catholic Church, has produced its share of shocking headlines in recent years. In New York, and in the prominent Orthodox communities of Israel and London, allegations of child molestation and rape have been rampant. The alleged abusers are schoolteachers, rabbis, fathers, uncles—figures of male authority. The victims, like those of Catholic priests, are mostly boys. Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community—the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world—have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders. Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, a Brooklyn organization that advocates for Orthodox sex abuse victims, thinks the real number is higher. “From anecdotal evidence, we’re looking at over 50 percent. It has almost become a rite of passage.”

Ultra-Orthodox Jews who speak out about these abuses are ruined and condemned to exile by their own community…

Seven years ago, Rabbi Rosenberg started blogging about sex abuse in his community and opened a New York City hotline to field sex abuse complaints. He has posted appeals on YouTube, appeared on CNN, and given speeches across the US, Canada, Israel, and Australia. Today, he is the lone whistleblower among the Satmar. For this he is reviled, slandered, hated, feared. He receives death threats on a regular basis. In Yiddish and Hebrew newspapers, advertisements taken out by the self-described “great rabbis and rabbinical judges of the city of New York” have denounced him as “a stumbling block for the House of Israel,” “a public rebuker and preacher of ethics” who “persists in his rebelliousness” and whose “voice has been heard among many Jewish families, especially young people in their innocence… drawn to listen to his poisonous and revolting speeches.” Leaflets distributed in Williamsburg and Borough Park, the centers of ultra-Orthodoxy in Brooklyn, display his bearded face over the body of a writhing snake. “Corrupt Informer,” reads one of the leaflets, followed by the declaration that Rabbi Rosenberg’s “name should rot in hell forever. They should cut him off from all four corners of the earth…”

As for Rabbi Rosenberg, when he voiced his concerns to the rabbinate in Israel, he was brought up on charges by the mishmeres hatznuis, the archconservative Orthodox “modesty squad,” which regulates, often through threats of violence, proper moral conduct and dress in the relations between men and women. The modesty squad is a sort of Jewish Taliban. According to Rabbi Rosenberg, the rapist he caught in the act was a member of the modesty squad, which charged him with the unconscionable offense of having previously been seen walking down a street in Jerusalem with a married woman. “But it’s OK to molest children,” he adds…

A few weeks after our interview, Rabbi Rosenberg was walking through the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn when an unidentified man rushed up behind him, tapped him on the shoulder, and threw a cup of bleach in his face. He went to the hospital with facial burns and was temporarily blinded. Such is the measure of justice among the Satmar that a once-respected rabbi, now amputated from the community, should find himself chemically burned on a street in a neighborhood considered holy.

Notice, this Orthodox Jewish community is a “society” that could be brought into The Society, in the Bloodless War model. If you are a Cabalite following the Society model, then as you build your Cabal and overthrow the nation covertly, this Jewish world would be a primary target. It has all powerful leaders, and the people under them tend to be subservient. Moreover, it is a threat of exposure if you do not control it, so you have to control it. Because if the Rabbi says, “We have been infiltrated by pedophile blackmailers targeting your children, and God calls upon you to kill them all – here are the names. Now go forth my children, and take care of this,” you can see where that leads. You need to darken this corner, and shut out all the light. You have to.

All you have to do is get your people into those key leadership positions, and you control that group far more than the government, or even the people in the group. None of these Jews would believe the same people telling their rabbis what to order them to do, are the same people giving orders to the heads of neighborhood watches in Goy communities, or running the Freemasons, or telling Law Enforcement what it can and can’t investigate, or organizing and protecting the pedophilia in the Church. The country could be defeated and occupied without anyone even knowing, because nobody sees that hidden hand.

It would explain why so many of these influence groups, be it the Church, these Jews, the governments, the aid organizations, the tech billionaires, Hollywood, News Media, Science Fiction writing, and on and on seem to have leaders who gravitate to pedophilia. I am certain pedophilia is not that common, and there is no aspect of pedophilia which correlates with leadership ability – beyond how it renders the practitioner prone to blackmail. This would explain it handily.

I am struck by how when this guy tried to publicize this problem, it was the “Religious Modesty Squad” which punished him. Notice, they actively seek to infiltrate and corrupt the institutions which are a threat to them. You see this with Pizzagate, and the Cabal. The Child Traffickers run the missing and exploited children organizations. The black-hat-spies create the intelligence agency whistleblower organizations that ask honest white-hat-spies to step forward. The criminals take over the leadership of the FBI. The liars tasked with cover-ups run the media that is supposed to honestly inform. And on and on.

(Notice the nasolabial line on Gloria Vanderbilt in that last shot.)

That kind of proactive planning, to infiltrate the very agencies targeting your perfidy, takes one of three things. A sky-high IQ can do it, because a powerful brain can model out potential threats, and foresee which organizations are a part of those threats. That allows one to proactively infiltrate them to neutralize the threat.

It can be done without the IQ but it takes a lot of experience, winning and losing, to build up that knowledge of what works, and what doesn’t.

Or it takes training from one who has the IQ, the experience, or a combination of the two.

What strains credulity on the surface is that the Cabal can keep its secrets from the vast majority of the sheep. I can only imagine that when first creating something like this, which is what our mind imagines when visualizing the Cabal, its weakened structure and diminished penetration into controlling positions does leave it highly vulnerable to exposure and destruction. That is what our mind is modeling when imagining it and trying to divine the likely from the unlikely.

However once one attempt at creating something like this succeeds, it will have taken most control positions, and control the means by which all information disseminates and people communicate. At that point, it becomes almost unchallengeable, and it will last forever. Were it not for the advent of the internet, none of this would even have begun to be exposed, and all of us would probably be clueless of it. Pizzagate would still be an open joke among them. They only need to win once, and then it will take a Herculean effort or some shocking change in a fundamental element to unseat them.

By its strength, I can only conclude that this evil command structure has been in operation so long that it had become unstoppable – until the internet disrupted it.

Again, I disagree with Q on how knowing all of this should be a choice. I am not even sure it is wise to have the shadowy operators handle it for us. One thing I have noticed is surveillance people do not look well as they get older. There is something which seems to go physically awry, especially in the men. I’m sure a lot of it is the sitting and watching all the time, affecting them physically through atrophy. But there may be something else.

In Chinese medicine, the human machine is supposed to follow a cycle of events/emotions/actions, with each one flowing into another. This is represented by the five elements/emotions in their theory, each of which is supposed to flow into another in a set pattern. If you visualize them, they actually make sense in the cycle we expect in life as we confront adversity. You start at “worry/vigilance” about a potential problem, you progress to “sadness” as the problem becomes unavoidable and you realize you will have to confront it. That is supposed to turn to “fear” as you reach the moment the problem must be dealt with. Fear turns to “anger/violence” as the problem is dealt with, and that is followed by “joy/happiness” after the problem is vanquished. Each turn of the cycle feeds the next. Health, wellness, success, and balance occur when you effortlessly flow from stage to stage throughout life.

In Chinese medicine, if you interrupt that cycle, you get illness and psychological imbalance. My suspicion is surveillance people are barred from interaction in the world they observe, which prevents them from following the cycle when it should be followed, and that produces abnormal wear on the system. At times when their entire being is designed to jump in and fight something themselves, they are prohibited from it, and that is not healthy. It stalls their cycle.

If this is all as bad as it seems, with Q’s most recent posts indicating Podesta’s art collection contains paintings of children who were sacrificed, and the terror on the face of young girls as they saw something horrific during the ritual, then one, everybody needs to know what happened here:

That may be documentation of a real event. If so, what were those girls looking at being done to that boy?

Full exposure is how to destroy the ability of anyone in the future to recreate what was destroyed. They thrive on darkness, so you light up everything.

And second, there was a time when bounties were issued which said, “Dead or Alive.” I am not a lawyer, but it would seem there is some sort of precedent for that. It might just be the healthiest thing for the righteous in the nation, to allow them to follow that cycle through its natural progression, and in the process imbue those aspiring Cabalites of the future with an understanding that Cabals are not all child sacrifices and playing with the lives of plebes.

Regardless, I am not sure winning a war this big, against something this evil, without anyone actually doing anything is good for the citizens of the nation, from a healthful perspective or a psychological-conditioning perspective. People need to follow that cycle the way nature intended. People need to be conditioned to feel that a victory this big comes from fighting, so they will fight in the future and not just hope for a Donald Trump to free them.

At the very least, let us know the names and identities, and then turn the lights out on the domestic surveillance infrastructure for a year or ten so the citizenry can act freely.

Brian Mancini deserves it.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because there is a way things are supposed to be

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Sergei Siminov
Sergei Siminov
6 years ago

That the “Cabal” seems to have been so pervasive throughout modern human history, despite the notable societal, political & national shifts.

When one contends how long the average life span is.
Perhaps there is a sinister intelligence beyond the physical that is pulling the strings…?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

The scale of the evil and the need for justice makes me wonder if some of God’s actions in the Bible were dealing with older Cabals.

– Israelites genociding Canaan
– Destruction of Israel and Judah

When Isaiah was prophesying the destruction of Judah:

“You boast, “We have entered into a covenant with death, with the realm of the dead we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.””

Sounds familiar to the idea of justice/immune systems subverted by Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Notice that the Black Death came shortly after the Reformation. (Shut it down, the Laity know!) It didn’t savage the Cabal; they were the ones that created and spread it.

War, Pestilence, Famine, and Death are the Cabal’s tools to Shut It Down every time The Saps Know. The Book of Revelations is not a prophesy, it’s the enemy playbook, and they had just used it a few times not long before They wrote it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Elizabeth I had the first spy ring but selected by character.

Reply to  Sergei Siminov
6 years ago

I belive it’s an ancient AI with psychotronic abilities, that would explain history repeating itself, those synchronicites(see Trump time travel) and targeted individuals.

6 years ago

“They thrive on darkness, so you light up everything.” Exactly.

The Roman’s said it best.

1. Caedite eos! Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.
Kill them. For the Lord knows those that are His own.
2. Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis.
Thus always I bring death to tyrants.

And they followed up their words:

The city was set ablaze and razed to the ground, leaving only ruins and rubble.

They want to serve Tanit & Baal and sacrifice little kids. Then, they can burn like the Carthaginians/Phoenicians/Canaanites.

Reply to  Bman
6 years ago

Burning the “Muslims” in pig fat would send a message.

6 years ago

Magnificent post. Thank you, AC. Full, excruciating detail. Who, where, what, when, how. All of it.

Reply to  Bman
6 years ago

Did you see that the Abbottabad compound was where they caught up with UBL. That book was in Bin Laden’s library.

6 years ago

While I agree with you that everyone should know about this I think the problem is the extent of it. Being aware is one thing. Watching a video or seeing images is taking that a lot further. Once seen it cannot be unseen. Not everyone can switch off from the emotional response to actually seeing something like that. Which is why police officers who have to look at child porn, bestiality etc have an incredibly hard job and not everyone can do it without any impact at all. In fact, that is probably impossible.

After this comes out there is going to be an increase in people with PTSD as it will be traumatic for a lot of them. Others will try to ignore or turn away pretending it isn’t true. The impact on peoples’ psyche will be immense maybe even to the extent of making people catatonic or unable to function properly. Especially when looking at their own friends and families and wondering who has known, seen or maybe been involved in some way. Those discussions if they have them will be difficult. Where do you start?

It’s a very complex situation and is going to affect our collective consciousness in ways we can’t even perceive yet. It will take a long time to heal from these types of wounds.

6 years ago

What’s with the pervasive preference for boys by those sickos?

Reply to  info
6 years ago

Good question. Rape and abuse are not about sex so much as about power over someone else. Especially if the abuser has been abused and can’t face up to the innocence of a child. It’s almost like a relief to the abuser to know that another person is in the same place. Maybe validation. I’m not sure because I’ve never been in that situation so find it hard to fully understand it.

It all comes from a place of fear and insecurity. Which is also why They cannot succeed. There are those that ‘feed’ off negative energy. Think of those who ‘enjoy’ horror movies. I don’t mind violence depicted when it’s the perennial good versus evil but gratuitous or evil for evil’s sake is a different matter. It’s all pervasive.

This link is about another symptom of what we are going through. The man who ‘invented’ ADHD, made a load of money of it, and in a final interview before he died admitted it was made up. A whole generation of children, especially boys, drugged for no reason other than they are normal kids.

6 years ago

Art is also a window into the soul. Rand wrote “Art is the selective re-creation of reality according to an artist metaphysical value judgements.” If the paintings are creepy, and they are, it is because there is something wrong with the person who painted it.

Reply to  redmoonproject
6 years ago


6 years ago

AC, the nasio-labial lines on all these elites is really telling. I came across some photos of little kids who had problematic nasio-labial lines… these people are SICK. I feel like I’ve made leaps and bounds in terms of amygdala just in the last week and now I get an immediate gut hit when I see someone’s face. Look up the painter of those sick Podesta paintings. She is evil.

People will suffer trauma once the truth is revealed and the remedy for healing will be God and the return of capital punishment, possibly public executions. Q is going to make sure it all comes to light and it is our duty to receive it fully. In this sense, I do think idea is true — that PDJT might be “the very last President.”

Reply to  FJ
6 years ago

Capital punishment is necessary for any society to keep itself from subversion. If someone threatens Western civilization survival with their actions, they need to die.

And its great for morale, to have your enemies killed, not jailed, where they can still conspire against you and you have the people’s tax money being used to keep them alive.

Aeoli Pera
Aeoli Pera
6 years ago

>there is no aspect of pedophilia which correlates with leadership ability

It does, however, correlate with skill in maintaining pretense.

6 years ago

Rossa makes a good point about the potential for psychological distress. That is why there has to be catharsis, for the health of the individual and the health of the nation.

These are crimes crying out to heaven for vengeance. Catharsis needs to be condign.

It’s the only way forward.

6 years ago

nfo says:
August 17, 2018 at 6:15 am

What’s with the pervasive preference for boys by those sickos?

These people are diabolical narcissists, who take pleasure in transgressing the natural order. Homosexuality is part and parcel of the disorder.

6 years ago

>If the paintings are creepy, and they are, it is because there is something wrong with the person who painted it.

Like virtually the entire output of Hollywood

decent little summary:

Reply to  hantan
6 years ago

The Sexual Revolution must be undone and seem as sexual terrorism, to destroy the West. Rapists since have always hidden behind “consent” but that used to be a marriage certificate. That’s the Boomer’s legacy, corruption of the young.

Joe Katzman
6 years ago

AC, remember the Hollywood movie “Witness,” about the difficulty in prosecuting a murder among the Amish?

There aren’t a lot of Amish in Hollywood. But the dynamic they describe in that movie is well-fitted to Orthodox Jewish sects, many of whom have major prohibitions against “lashon ha-rrah” (lit. “evil tongue,” encompasses gossip, slander, etc.).

That prohibition is very useful for minimizing needless trouble in small communities, as anyone who is from a small town knows. But it has an inherent flip side/ exploit to it, esp, if there is no source of justice within that community that is independent of its power center.

Now throw in a sense of external threat or hostility, true or not. At that point, you have an excellent channel for corruption. I very much believe this Rabbi, not only because of the personal cost he’s incurring but also because the environment is the exact kind of environment in which something like that COULD grow.

And if you want a comparable parallel outside of Judaism, just look at the sci-fi-fi/fantasy “fandom” community, which shares many of these characteristics and is STILL covering for known pedophiles 50+ years later. See:

The Dissident Right, which also shares many of these situational characteristics, should meditate on the lessons – and not just within the context of pedophilia.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I agree. Like a fitness test.

Fred Boynton
Fred Boynton
Reply to  Joe Katzman
6 years ago

AC, remember the Hollywood movie “Witness,” about the difficulty in prosecuting a murder among the Amish?

The movie was about a young Amish boy traveling with his mother through Philadelphia and is the sole witness to a murder. Harrison Ford travels back to Amish country with the boy to protect him until the trial and convince the Amish about the need to stick their noses into English business by having the boy testify at the trial.

Lloyd Miller
6 years ago

Q says “trust the plan.” Clear indicator that he wants the plebes to imagine everything is going OK with no fight.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Off course.
Trust the plan will not suffice forever, given that the enemy DOES want a war and as much civil unrest as possible and as such constantly escalates their hostility towards patriots.

I think the trust the plan thing is born from:
Necessity to increase Trump support from minorities, and that is only possible at this moment if the narrative is that everything is going to be OK without any major unrest. If people lose confidence in the government, Trump loses support from those less inclined to trust him, and that only makes everything harder;

It buys time for Trump and team and the autists to shift the narratives that need to be shifted without all hell breaking lose before the optimal timing has arrived. What I mean by this is that some level of unrest is guaranteed to be present when the hammer drops, and the only way to minimize it is to weaken the cabal as much as possible before said hammer drop AND exposing as much of the general public to the cabal’s operation as much as possible (because then people will support the hammer dropping on them without the cabal being able to weaponize them by claiming “Trump is a fascist/nazi/Hitler going after the political adversaries” when the hammer drops).


One thing is certain, some level of unrest IS going to manifest itself, the only question is how much unrest will it be, and off course, its in everyone’s interest to have as little unrest as possible (well, the opposite for the cabal, they want as much unrest as possible), and the best way right now to minimize the level of unrest that WILL happen, is to tell everyone that NO unrest will happen.

This is like when telling people to prep but not start any shit, if you just tell it like it is, most people get jumpy and scared, so the best approach is to tell them to prep “because natural disasters can happen at any time, you don’t need to be afraid of the political future of the West to start prepping today”, which makes them prep and be useful in case of political motivated SHTF without them getting all messed up mentally from having to face the face that we are going to have to face something, the only question is how big the shit will be, but if you tell that to people, you’re increasing the odds that the shit will be bigger because people will have less confidence in the future (most of them, some people are cool with whatever happens because they have amygdalas trained by adversity, they don’t want everything to go to hell, but they don’t really give a shit from a personal suffering stand point if it all goes to hell, they’ll just deal with it).

Fred Boynton
Fred Boynton
6 years ago

In case it isn’t obvious, the Joel Davis mentioned in the first image is a Jew.

6 years ago

“Full exposure is how to destroy the ability of anyone in the future to recreate what was destroyed. They thrive on darkness, so you light up everything.”
Exactly what I’ve been saying, unless everyone knows it frees them up to exploit that ignorance and do it again.
40% isn’t enough. We NEED to be horrified, to heal! To know their tactics and know what’s possible!
Authority A eclipsed by Authority B trains us for NOTHING. This is not a spectator sport.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Not to mention, the people who “can’t handle the truth” who will try to twist it if ANY stone is unturned.

6 years ago

[…] The child sex abuse crisis in ultra-Orthodox Judaism, like that in the Catholic Church, has produced its share of shocking headlines in recent years. […]