We’re just noting mile-markers as they pass by now:
The Tale is a memoir film in which writer-director Jennifer Fox confronts the sexual abuse she suffered when she was a 13-year-old girl, having spent the next three-and-a-half decades of her life convincing herself that she was engaged in a “special” relationship with a 40-year-old man, facilitated by a woman she trusted…
Its resonance—a woman realizing that what she had thought was a consensual sexual relationship was actually child rape—is one thing. That it shows, with purposeful unflinching detail, Jennifer’s rape at age 13 is another. (We witnessed multiple people walk out after this.) But that it doesn’t direct you how to feel about it, or moralize, or redeem, or reassure is its greatest power.
The Tale is relentlessly uncomfortable, and sometimes even aggravating. It wades into the murky waters of a complicated debate currently consuming culture, but doesn’t seek to satisfy or conclude it—which can be infuriating but is also necessary. It lacerates right through that conversation, letting the full range of opinions spill out…
Would the film be as powerful if the acts were implied, instead of shown to wincing eyes on screen? Perhaps…
We see them make out and it is grotesque. We see him, over multiple scenes that take place over a series of weeks, attempt to penetrate her. “We have to keep stretching you open, slowly,” he says. And then again: “No young boy would do this for you.” We see her give him a blowjob when it doesn’t “fit.” Eventually it happens, the camera switching between her face and his as it does…
It would be impossible to list the myriad tenets of the conversation surrounding abuse and victimhood that the film explores. Should there be guilt or shame? Is she emotionally scarred? We wouldn’t purport to answer any of those questions, and maybe the film doesn’t intend to either. And that’s the prickly part of it, the thing that will keep us and anyone who sees it itching long after it ends…
While watching it, you’re not exactly sure what Jennifer wants the outcome of this whole journey to be, and you’re especially not sure what you want it to be either. What are you rooting for, if anything at all?
I have not seen this film, nor will I, so I will go with the article description here. It basically describes repeated exposures to a shocking image of a man having sexual intercourse with an 11 year old actress, which intersperses it with muddled opinions of it, which take no position on it, so it appears neither right or wrong as you are seeing it.
My suspicion is this is designed to acclimate amygdalae to the visage of child-sex. It is a sort of desensitization procedure. It doesn’t openly celebrate pedophilia. Your amygdala would flag that immediately and trigger aversive stimulus in response, and you would continue to oppose pedophilia – and oppose this movie as well.
Rather it ostensibly paces you by partly insinuating that it agrees with you about pedophilia being wrong, but then it throws in alternative viewpoints as if it is just part of the artwork, so you your mind will enter a confused mode, as you are exposed to the imagery again and again. That is an attempt to blunt the impact of what should be swift, unambiguous horror that is triggered with each exposure.
These things seem like nothing, but one minute we are being told it is OK for Bob Dole to be on TV talking about penis pills and erections in Viagra commercials, the next we are told that gay marriage has nothing to do with adopting children, and the next minute we are being told how wonderful it is that a ten year old boy is being shuttled from gay bar to gay bar by his parents to perform his transvestite drag queen act, or male trannies walking around naked in girls locker-rooms is fine, or gay parents adopting is wonderful, or public masturbation is just a bodily function, and on and on.
r-selection is a spectrum, and I fear we may not yet have hit the real slippery slope into peak degeneracy. It is possible that we have crossed a line where the descent will now accelerate.
My own feeling is, no matter what position this movie takes at the end on pedophilia, it sounds like a two hour desensitization process which the rabbits are inflicting on society in preparation for the eventual normalization of pedophilia.
Tell others about r/K Theory, because we need to stop this slide once and for all
On Killing, by Dave Grossman, talks about desensitization to violence and killing in military training, by using marching chants, realistic training, using silhouettes for targets instead of the old bullseye, and so on. He observed that the increase in depictions of violence in entertainment media must be having a similar effect on society in general. The importance of desensitization in combat training is that it aids in helping the soldier overcome his natural aversion to killing. In WW2, a study found that only 15 – 20% of soldiers actually fired their weapons in combat. After improving training, it was found that by Vietnam that rate had improved to over 90%.
Apparently the rabbits think we need help in overcoming our aversion to pedos, too.
”r-selection is a spectrum, and I fear we may not yet have hit the real slippery slope into peak degeneracy. It is possible that we have crossed a line where the descent will now accelerate.”
The apocalypse will solve that.
No – we have not yet have hit the real slippery slope into peak degeneracy.
Another court case of normalisation for the perverted was revealed in Sweden today. A single mother aged 45 (with a daughter aged 12 – lived with her) worked with young afghan immigrants and fell in love with one – which moved in with her and the daughter when he got 18 year. After a short while he sexually assaulted the daughter. (Put his fingers in her v)
The mother – asked her daughter not say a word – because of her strong feelings for the afhan – which she still felt was a wonderful human being. All this was revealed in court.
The daughter called her bigger sister living another place – then the mother also told her to keep quiet. The 12 year old felt very bad at school the day after and told the court she called her father. (Divorced) which immediately took responsibility: made a case with the police for sexual assault and more and got the afghan out of the house.
Even after all this / the mother still had feelings for the afghan and wrote on a facebook page for middle aged afghan loving Swedish women / if someone can see fit “to take in” this wonderful afghan.
Aftermath: for the woman – no prosecution at all. For the afghan: 100 hours community service and he can stay in Sweden.
Extra: the name of the Facebook group for middleaged women in Sweden with a love for young afghans is named – translated – #WeCantTakeIt – they can’t take the horror of their illegal afghan loverboys being sent home. (They have protested, used the court system etc to stop the illegal afghans to be sent back – with rather a high success ratee) Some of the ladies in the group and their boys:
(I found this English article about these sick perverted middle aged women: http://archive.is/PDHS7 )
I’m no longer a fan of Catholic apologist Mark Shea but I do recall something he repeated many times more than ten years ago: “the day is coming when the Church will be attacked not for it’s pedophilia scandal, but for condemning it.”
It seemed crazy and unthinkable at the time.
r-selection always advances unless it is physically stopped. Violent conflict, death, starvation, tragedy are the only things causing society to go K, it seems. Turn a few Western cities into glass while people in the burbs have to battle marauding bands of beheading, rapist vibrants and we will go K.
An 11 year old actress involved graphic sex scenes with an adult? Just the lines quoted in the article are far out of line for a child to hear let alone act in whatever scene they were said in. Who are the parents that volunteered their baby girl for this soft porn? We all know the movie business is full of predators but they would get nowhere without cooperative parents.
She never had a chance.
To the left, everything they are pushing is “complicated,” “nuanced,” and subject to “diverse opinion.” It’s a dodge to desensitize people, make the leftists seem reasonable and tolerant, and confuse the weak-minded. I’ve reached the point where when I hear this kind of doubletalk I immediately become even more judgemental, since the speaker is not only trying to defend the indefensible buy con well-meaning but gullible people into buying into it as well.
I hope you all will look at this picture. It’s about the same thing and it really nails the Left. It shocks me to this day[it’s not graphic pornography but it is graphic]. I think this should be spread around all over. It ruins the Lefts, we just care about the children, lies. I think it was done by Hipster Racist at
A lot of these one page graphic memes are just devastating to the Left. This is one of the best I’ve seen. You can help but be revolted by it. It’s visceral.
I hope people will spread this all over. It fits right in with the book Vox Day published by Moira Greyland on her wacky Left parents trying to convince her all genders are born homosexual.
Is sex with a thirteen year old girl “pedophilia”? I thought pedophilia referred to prepubescent children?
In the show the girl was 13, but they used an actress who was 11, and had a double for the sex scenes who looked just like her body-wise. The imagery was purposeful.
Evidently this turd burglar is the editor of Newsweek Pakistan.