The Making of a Rabbit

It begins with utter bullshit:

I feel like David Attenborough, deep in the wilderness, narrating in a whisper about some strange rearing ritual of a foreign species:

Now watch as the leftist rabbit tells his child utter bullshit, seeing if he can exploit his child’s love for him to fool him into a rabbitesque obliviousness to threat. Watch as the child looks at the flowers, wondering just what the fuck his father is talking about. See the confusion. Watch as the child gives up trying to understand it, and assumes his father must be right. Look at the father beaming at how he has just turned his son into a reality-blind moron like himself, so now they can both tell each other they are safe, even though they could both be blown up at any moment by the lunatics their leaders are importing as fast as they can. Now, joined in stupidity, they can help bring in more ISIS followers and get more innocent people killed.

It breaks my heart to see a child who would believe anything his father told him tricked into absorbing such utter bullshit. Someday that child may end up dead because his dad was a moron, and at the least he being groomed to be exactly the type of idiot who will cede civilization to the savages who are always striving to destroy it.

You assholes – the world has evil in it, and the only answer is to destroy the evil, and fight it wherever you encounter it. Flowers don’t do anything.

Apocalypse –

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Dark enlightenment (@enlightdark)
9 years ago

The boy is obviously at least part Asian and more than likely so is the Father. He knows at least subconciously that if the French start doing something about Islamic invaders, some of them might start asking questions about why East asian economic parasites are allowed in their nation. Watch the eyes of both father and son, rather than look his son in the eyes to impress upon him the gravity of what is being said, his eyes are constantly shifting to the white reporter seeing if his bullshit is approved doctrine, The kid is constantly looking down or away because he doesn’t want his father to lie to his face. He should be ashamed. If the asian manlet wanted to be a real asset to France, to prove that despite his being of foreign heritage he still could be a Frenchman, and improve his Nation, he would have expressed gratitude for letting his ancestors settle in a western nation, and vocally come to the defense of France. He did not, all he want is the opportunities provided by living among White people. He should immediately be sent back to where his ancestors came from.

9 years ago

Flowers are good. Candles are good. Firearms are good. You can have all 3, son.

9 years ago

I saw this on the “news” tonight and immediately started yelling at the TV! What an incredibly stupid thing to say to a kid! If he wanted to make his little boy feel safe he could have told him that Daddy will protect him. Instead he says, “…we have flowers.” “But flowers don’t do anything…” Yes! That’s right kid; flowers DON’T do anything, and you have way more sense than your father will ever have. Don’t listen to him! Sadly he probably will.

Reply to  Rosalys
9 years ago

You’re not the only one who was yelling at the TV.

9 years ago

Its like that scene from Walking Dead.

Carol: “Just look at the flowers, Lizzie…”
Lizzie: *turns around*
Carol: *shoots Lizzie in the back of the head because she’s gone insane and killed her sister*

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago
9 years ago

That man is walking straight into a train. Based on what you have written, I have no doubt that when this is over no man who survives this, including that father, will ever think like that again.

But the cost! The terrible cost! And why? And for what? For ego? None of this is necessary!

9 years ago

[…] First the idiot father who told his kids flowers would protect them from the bad men with guns. […]

9 years ago

I’m reminded of a woman I overheard bragging (?) about how she (and the child’s school) were teaching her 4-yr-old son that “there is no difference between Whites and blacks.” (!!) I couldn’t stand it, so I suggested (in a kindly manner) that this was a terrible mistake to do this to her young son. That the boy could SEE with his own eyes that there was — at the very, very least — a difference in skin color, but ‘mommy was telling him there was no difference’; and at 4 he would naturally choose to believe mommy. Thus she was teaching him to ignore the evidence of his own eyes and to discount his own thoughts. And then, when some predator makes him feel uncomfortable, he will ONLY know to ignore his own legit perceptions — so she was making him unsafe! She absolutely blanched — so I hope I planted a small seed that could grow.