The Left Turns Violent Over Milo

Another Milo talk canceled again:

Conservative activist and journalist Milo Yiannopoulos was forced to cancel a speaking engagement at the University of California-Berkeley Wednesday night after violent protests broke out, Trace Gallagher reported on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

The college’s police department placed the campus on lockdown…

Yiannopoulos, a Breitbart News editor, called into “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” and told Carlson that college liberals have a “big free speech problem” and that they “hate any libertarian or conservative” viewpoint.

He said that shortly after he arrived at the facility at which he was to speak, other people began arriving in black clothes and masks.

Obviously a measure of leftist amygdalae, but it also must be viewed in terms of the conditioning effect. The left has been triggered, it responded violently, leaders capitulated, and the trigger was stopped, allowing relief. The brain is programmed to learn that specific pattern. If it continues, it will lead to increasing violence.

I’ve told this story before, but it fits here. My neighbor had a couple of little yippy dogs. I had a dog who, if it had eaten them, would have viewed them like a condiment for a real meal, made of real dogs. While walking my dog, I heard the neighbor’s dogs wailing wildly, as if being attacked. I hustled to the property line and looked over, to see if I had to save them from something.

They were at the back door of their house, and one was digging at the door, as the other cried, terrified, looking over at my dog standing in my yard. My dog finished his walk and we went inside, and as we did, the wailing stopped. Over the next few weeks, each time we went out and the little dogs next door were out, the little dogs would make noise and we would eventually go back inside. But as time went on, the little dogs came to think they were chasing us off.

At first they stopped digging at their door, and then the wails turned to barks. Then they stepped off the back deck as they barked. Then they ventured onto the grass to bark and bounced their little front paws on the ground for emphasis. By then it was becoming fun. Then the barking acquired a snarling component. Finally, as I would go inside, I would hear rustling in the bushes on my side of the property line, as they ran into my yard, barking and yipping gleefully as they chased off my guy and me, forcing us inside.

It came to a climax one day when one of them was in a bush in the middle of my yard, and as my guy came trotting out, the little yippy guy sprung out barking and snarling, running right up to him. For a moment, I feared the worst, as I was too far back to stop my guy from killing him. I ran up anyway as fast as I could to salvage what I could. To his credit, my guy was more perplexed by this strange little noisy alien creature than threatened, and he simply ran into the little guy to check him out. The little dog now realized he had a problem, and wisely froze, as if a taxidermied sample of a little yippy dog, frozen in mid-step. My guy curiously walked around him and ran his nose all over the little guy’s body, pressing it into his fur at points, sniffing and and wiggly it to see if the little guy was alive and would move. The little guy did not move a muscle. He was literally frozen. I had never seen anything like it. The other little dog came yipping over to the property, saw what was going on, turned 180 degrees, and took off like a bat out of hell.

I took my guy inside, and after that, the little dogs decided to honor the property line. But you can see the same conditioning that the leftists are getting now. Nothing is static with situations like this. This anarchy will get worse, so long as the anarchists are rewarded cognitively for it. We see that in leftist tweets, like Judd Apatow’s here:

Hollywood director, writer, and producer Judd Apatow warned conservatives on Twitter that last night’s riot at UC Berkeley was “just the beginning,” adding: “When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realize what is at stake?”

So what he is saying is we supported our candidate. Candidate Trump told everyone what he would do. Everyone voted for him and he won the election, and now that he is governing, we need to let the leftists back in charge, or they will burn the country down – and when they do it, it will all be our fault. You can actually see the remodeling of reality to assuage their amygdala. We need to give them everything they want, or they can do any horror, and it will all be our fault. Only a narcissist can think like that.

We can see the cumulative effect of this conditioning by how this mentality is growing elsewhere:

For those of you who don’t know me, I have extensive history and connections in leftist activism from previous movements, but I’m essentially a pariah now because I split with them when the SJWs seized power from the older relatively moderate activists and went full authoritarianism. None the less.. I’m still in all those social circles and I see the discussions going on behind the scenes.

After a long progression, and seeing how things have settled out after the Trump election: We’re headed for rebellion and possibly a full blown civil war. I’ve always been skeptical of that largely because neither side would be willing to fire the first shot. That is no longer the case. There is universal calls for, planning of, and efforts to conduct warfare within the left right now. And I don’t mean that in the metaphorical sense. They are raising their army.

What’s always held the left back in the past is that they knew they could never win in a violent conflict. Both because of a lack of skill, experience, and equipment, but also because of internal disagreement on tactics; being that most within the left would not engage in violence because they believed the greatest strategy was to hold the moral high ground and ruin support and assistance to their opponents. This is no longer the case.

Within the left the pacifists have been solidly silenced by a massive propaganda effort and intimidation (expressing even remotely pacifist views within the left right now can put you in physical danger and in danger of losing things like employment and other social and economic needs). Even people who were extremely vocal and dedicated absolute pacifists, are now reduced to at the very least openly providing passive support for political violence. At this point ‘punching NAZIs’ is all the rage. They’ve managed to dehumanize their political opponents so that’s no longer considered wrong to physically harm them. They’re all looking for a NAZI to punch. And right now anyone who does it perfectly mirror their political views, is a NAZI. And it’s already primed to move into ‘killing NAZIs.”

And of course the biggest limiting factor is that they have known that they do not stand a chance against a well armed and sufficiently skilled political rights and moderates. After countless efforts to disarm the right in order to reduce it to an inferior fighting force, the AmComs and such have moved to arming themselves. It is no longer a social taboo. Everyone accepts it as a necessary evil. But beyond the arms, the turning point on this front is that they now universally believe themselves to have such a massive majority of the population backing them that they have a significant military advantage. This due to propaganda efforts (the same ones that told them Hillary was going to win in a landslide) and because of a massive mobilization network. They believe they can mass so many people at one location so quickly that they can overwhelm defenders and seize their resources, disperse, and then strike again repeatedly until the right has been defeated.

Here’s an example of what I’m seeing being said within activist circles:

“History may occur in patterns but it’s hardly predictable, least of all to the participants on the ground. In late October, no one really expected Trump would win. And tonight we are witnessing another unpredictable scenario–less than a week after the largest protests in US history, thousands of people across the country are shutting down airports to help their Muslim brothers and sisters. Make no mistake, what we’re seeing is unlike anything our country has seen in decades. It’s like Occupy and Black Lives Matter, immigration, and the nuclear protests all wrapped into one giant orange **** storm. I’m putting my chips on the table: Trump will be the first President brought down by a popular revolution…and it’s going to happen in months not years. Obama’s presidency bought mileage for the empire by assuaging liberals, but Trump is stepping on the gas with empty fumes. We are going to get our second revolution, and it will be spectacular.”

This is not what I was expecting to see after a Trump election. I figured people would just get moody and ****y and whine and gripe, but eventually moderate themselves and return to the old left. I was expecting 4 more years of the left from the Bush years. Instead they’ve doubled down on everything and gotten far more extreme in their desire to forcefully impose their will on others and their belief that they have the power to successfully do so. These people are in a frenzy and they’re now completing with each other as to who’s the most militant and violent. That spiral will eventually escalate to a point of open conflict. I’ve never been so worried about a civil war as I am right now. And with my pariah status I’m concerned I worry I may very well become a target. It’s enough that I’m out of the political debate for safety reasons, just like a couple years ago I had to pull out of street protesting for the same reason.

What I expect at this point is something that will play out on a very similar path as the 2014 Ukrainian revolution.

Notice the amygdala shielding, through dehumanizing the opposition as Nazis, so they can even be killed, with no moral consequence. History rhymes when it doesn’t repeat.

The problem with this is that as with the little yippy dogs, there is now no reasoning with the left, because their brains have been conditioned to embrace violence and reject the benefits of structured, open discourse and the voting system. Now they are all about the easy relief afforded by wanton violence, and they seem to be learning that more violence equals more relief.

That can be conditioned against over a long period of time with a lot of minor frustrations, like leftist rioters spending the night in jail and still seeing Milo give his talk, teaching them that their aggression and suffering were pointless. But that is not happening in these liberal bastions. The only other option is that their acclimatization to violence as a solution will produce relief and build – and require a quite traumatic event to condition them away from it.

We would appear at present to be heading toward the traumatic event.

Spread r/K Theory, because it will make the trauma understandable

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8 years ago

[…] The Left Turns Violent Over Milo […]

Sir Charles Pipkins
Sir Charles Pipkins
8 years ago

Milo posted a reaction to the loony left violence on youtube. After about 16 hours it had hit around half a million views.

I wanted to see when it would hit one million. Woke up this morning & checked – DOWN to around 10,000 hits. Youtube def fiddling figures. Always suspected it.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sir Charles Pipkins
8 years ago

over a million here today where i first saw it, on Milos channel, with respect, did you have your glasses on? 😉

Reply to  Sir Charles Pipkins
8 years ago

Youtube has their weird thing they do where if you get a ton of views on a video quickly, they “adjust” the displayed value to an arbitrary number (it used to be seven thousand something) until they “verify” that there’s no fraud clicks going on. It’s stupid, but it’s got a good chance of being automatic and not political.

It’s back up over 1.1 million now.

8 years ago

We could stop this in a week.

1. All rioters should be treated like arsonists. Yes that means they can be shot on sight

2. All rioters captured, since they have used violence for political means, are subject to laws which cover violence for political outcomes: i.e. terrorism

3. All officials (mayors police chiefs etc.) who give a priori stand down orders to their police force are to be held criminally and civilly liable.

4. All organizations or persons found to have funded or materially benefited rioters or organizations will be civilly liable and charged with federal RICO Statutes and terrorism laws

bob sykes
bob sykes
8 years ago

Peter Turchin notes that the discord and strife among our elites is greater now than at any previous time in our history, exceeding even that on the eve of the Civil War, when terrorists like John Brown were running amok. Turchin believes it will come to a head in the 2020’s, and that they will be an era of extreme, wide-spread violence.

Apatow, of course, has justified right-wing violence, too, although he doesn’t know it. The first time left and right extremists fight it out in the streets will be the tipping point. No going back after that.

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

AC, i believe that obama is going to make the same mistake that oj (and the little dogs in your story) made. he got away with crimes while in office, so now he thinks he is immune to prosecution. so he will try his luck again, except he will get nailed for sedition or treason, etc.

on another note, several managerial secre service agents/personnel have been fired and walked out of the white house! a fantastic sign of what’s to come.

8 years ago

They might lose their logistics before then. The internet rumors (YMMV) are that the faculty at Berkeley were actively lying to campus police about what was going on and keeping campus police from seeing the actual events, so that there wouldn’t be any interference. Frankly, I think that if that comes out as fact, then Trump will have the political ammunition he needs to pull all federal funding from Berkeley. Once fancy pants $400K a year administrators realize that supporting this shit can cost them their job and pension, suddenly there won’t be any support. They don’t love leftism as much as they love money and ease (because they are still rabbits.)

The other thing is that I just read that the Civil Rights division of the FBI is already investigating the mayor of Berkeley over the riots, and whether or not he allowed the Trump supporters to be beaten by antifags. If that happens, then the rubicon has been crossed, and it’s time to start stomping down hard on all the leftists in public office for all the things they do, because they will really start overreacting. The good news is that Trump and his organization are far, FAR inside their OODA loops.

8 years ago

I’ve been saying for some time that it’ll be fun to watch when a group of these AntiFA “blackbloc” idiots runs into some Patriot Guard Rider types and get a good beat down.

Seems to me that the sooner this happens the better it will be for all concerned.

8 years ago

During the English Civil War, roving bands of soldiers would come up to your house and ask, “Who are you for?”, you had to answer “the King” or “Parliament”, and if it was the wrong answer, they shot you.

But Cromwell led a well-disciplined army in which homosexuality was punishable by death. Our Left is just a disordered mob that swarms on foot, breaks a few windows, and disperses. As with Occupy Wall Street, liberal big-city mayors will eventually get tired of these antics and lock up anyone with weird piercings, ear gauges, faggy tattoos, wacky hair cuts and colors, and stupid clothes. When you’ve been a narcissistic attention whore your whole life, it’s hard to just blend in and act normal.

FYI to charter bus companies: If you help George Soros bring the rioting to Trump country, your buses will be come back full of bullet holes with their insides splattered with blood, feces, and unwashed protester body odor.

Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson
8 years ago

One needs to be full stealth now. Even with moderate and sane members of the left I still speak and act like I did not support Trump, dislike him now and voted for Hillary. The reason is that normal people with good values that we usually try to win over have their own social groups which intersect with nutcases. My liberal friends know that I am a conservative and frankly they are themselves in most ways. However, you can never know the power of group identity and what it can make people do and say. I play it as if Trump and his ilk are not really conservative in my sense and that liberal concepts can serve conservative goals in a worthwhile way. The thing to remember is that the time for converting people is long over and one has to protect his interests for the long term. The stealth conservative lives to see another day. Additionally, do not talk politics with other supposed conservatives as there are too many varieties and I am noticing that some seem to feel people out like they are gathering info. This is a game of cat and mouse.

Reply to  Chris Stevenson
7 years ago

I heard they’re drawing up lists and want to register us.

8 years ago

I have no idea what’s coming down the pike. Some days I think these fools will give up immediately after having some bones broken (pour encourager les autres) and sometimes I speculate along the lines of the account above, that Weatherman-style domestic terror and open violence will return and escalate into a significant conflict. I’m not sure what’s out there anymore, but it’s prudent to assume that it’s crazed, fanatical, illogical, evil and coming closer.

The optics from Berkeley are quite bad. I’d like to think that “the violent Left” occupies mental space in just about every normal person’s mind by now, but plenty of Americans have been more or less accepting of semi-regular Muslim terror. They could very well get used to semi-regular blackshirt terror, aided and abetted by celebs and elites. I don’t doubt a significant number of people, including many famous ones, are open to putsch, war, summary executions, everything.

You should do an analysis of Sarah Silverman. She’s quite screwed up emotionally and strikes me as probably insane.

8 years ago

yes. i suppose they missed out on watts and so must recreate it for their personal edification. there is a reason DJT hired some generals. these snowflakes will melt away just like after kent state.