The Jewish Question

Ygg Drasil writes in the comments:

All you talk about is Q, when you should be addressing the JQ.

For those who haven’t seen it before, the JQ is the “Jewish Question,” which is the question of what to do about the Jews, who are assumed to be the hidden force behind the scenes that are manipulating all events in the world to the ends of white western degeneracy, failure, and destruction, all for the purposes of elevating the Jews by comparison.

r/K has been quite a trip down the rabbithole, revealing things to me which I would never have believed could be. In short, we are taught that everything has arisen by chance and organically, as many atomized people go about their lives freely and independently.

Anybody who has told us otherwise has been assiduously derided as a “Conspiracy Theorist.” Because conspiracies can never, ever happen such people must be mentally damaged, or so we are told. I now count myself among the conspiracy theorists, and have zero doubt that everything you see is actually carefully controlled from the top, and made to look like it arose organically.

Bear in mind, a few short years back, I was a normie on this. I assumed everyone operated independently. I thought I would drop r/K on the internet, and within 6 months, maybe a year, conservative intellectuals would spread it all over through discussion, because it was so unique, so brilliant, so shocking, and so devastating to leftists. In my mind, conservative intellectual outlets obviously got successful by acquiring readers, viewers, and listeners, and they acquired readers, viewers, and listeners by presenting interesting, novel, and unique ideas to them which triggered interest and fascination, and brought them back to read, view, and listen again and again. r/K would fit that bill nicely.

I had no idea the “intellectual leaders” in the conservative movement would be so controlled that a popular Republican President, beloved by the base, who did more for conservatism in a year than the last two Republic Presidents did in their entire lives, would not just be ignored, but would actually be opposed by those “intellectuals.” I had no idea they would actually say they preferred Hillary Clinton, even when a Supreme Court seat was at stake. Have no illusions, they take orders and have an agenda, and opposing Donald Trump is an order and an agenda. There has been much more I have seen much closer to me in my life, but rest assured, see what I have seen, and you realize that nothing is what it seems in the world.

Once you see it, you realize the story we are told about how the world works is silly if you look at it without the Deep State conditioning they imbue everyone with. There have always been, and will always be, men who will crave power and control over others. When you look at the intelligence infrastructures, the technologies available, the massive, massive budgets they can acquire from government effortlessly, the fact that the more power they amass the bigger the budgets they can simply take, and the centuries during which it has all been going on, you realize our civilizational structures have always been developing massive hidden power structures filled with highly intelligent, devious, scheming, power-obsessed men with nearly limitless resources and the desire to control. You will realize that the bizarre reality which is really there, hidden behind the myths you are taught in school, was always not just possible, it was inevitable. These power structures would arise from nothing overnight, and once they arose, they could never be destroyed – only replaced. They have been for millennia.

And for those millennia, they have looked for anything they had not penetrated, and they have headed there to take it over and expand their reach. Think you can win the lottery innocently? I would not be surprised if most lotteries were rigged, delivering the winnings to machine assets living undercover within the civilian populace, who would throw most of it back into the machine’s coffers behind the scenes. From leeching profits from drug dealing, to insider trading, to diverting funds from government budgets, I assume the cash flow would boggle the mind. Celebrity Star Whackers? Could be. Once you see how that control compulsively infects and spreads into every healthy area of uninfected freedom, you realize anything is possible.

It is so obvious that I get angry at myself when I think about it, because I should have been smarter, and seen through the myths immediately when I was younger. Now that I see it so clearly, I feel like a victim of a con-artist, duped solely because of my own stupidity and gullibility. I fell so far short of my own standards it makes me livid.

So let me just try and take those who are red-pilled on Jews down a rabbit hole of their own. Imagine if there was a red pill you took after your red pill on the Jewish Question, which would reveal the entire Jewish Question was another lie you were told, and there was yet another reality right behind that one, even more shocking.

Purely humorous, I hope

Now I openly admit Jews are insular, competitive, smart, and they do strive to acquire positions of power. When there is shitbaggery in leadership, it will often end up being a Jew. But if Jews are effective in seizing leadership, is that unusual? Especially when there is plenty of shitbaggery in leadership that ends up being non-Jews as well? What if some controlling force was putting shitbags in power, and it just happened to use Jews often because they found a large number with the IQ and rabbity instincts who were willing to sign on to their operation?

No doubt there are a lot of Jews on the rabbit side, but I hesitate to say Jews are the problem for two reasons. The first reason is because there are a lot of Jews who are nowhere close to that machine. I’ve known many. There is a huge difference between a Machine entity and a non-Machine entity, regardless of religion. An average Jew without a Machine hookup is nothing, just like everybody else. Once you see the Machine, it is everything.

I think I have a decent focus on where the problem is, and the problem I see is not a religious one. It is the Machine assembled by the Cabal. The Machine is even more insular that the most insular clique of in-grouped Jews, and it would kill millions of Jews in a heartbeat, to advance its agenda. If you believe in the Holocaust, it probably already has.

My impression is the very phrase, “The Jewish Question,” and the whole meme of Jews being the problem, may in fact be a carefully crafted persuasion campaign designed to put the Jews as one last firewall before the Machine, so if the masses ever wake up and rise up, they would kill all the Jews, and tell themselves the problem was solved, while the real actors slip away into their redoubts to rebuild what parts of the Machine were destroyed – probably exactly like after WWII.

I am even open to the idea that the Holocaust denial movement may be crafted to further this end, because a weakness the Machine’s cover story had was, if the problem people really did kill however many Jews during the Holocaust, then Jews could not have been running the Machine, and if Jews were not running the Machine, they can’t be blamed as the problem today. Add in Holocaust denial, and now Jews didn’t just try to destroy Germany, and create WWII, they then faked their own Holocaust to continue their machinations after the war with victim status, so they could go back to trying to destroy the world today.

I am now quite certain that even if Hitler could have won in the big production that was WWII (the Machine never intended it, and it was never on the table, but suppose he had), and had Hitler implemented his “Final Solution” fully, nothing would have changed in the post-war timeline. The same players at the top that are fucking up the entire world today, importing millions of Muslims and setting up WWIII would have been very happy with the outcome, and would have retained full power today.

Furthermore, I believe that machine did have Hitler kill massive numbers of Jews (taking their funds in the process), simply because their IQ and ability to organize probably made them a competitive threat to the machine in the future.

Now the Machine may be composed primarily of elite Jews. I have a very strong suspicion that if Trump ever airs out the entire Machine, we will find the Rothschilds at the top of the pile. And given that Jews have high IQs, are great at the type of deceptive social constructing and maneuvering that occurs in work like intelligence, and tend to in-group with other Jews, it may be that there are a lot of them in leadership positions of the Machine, and they may even preferentially select Jews to work as public faces in public positions of power which the Machine controls.

But understand that beyond the Rothschilds, the leaders of the machine will probably be names you never heard of, and they will have no religious in-grouping tendencies. They will be high IQ, full-blooded psychopaths. They will be the people hiding behind shell corporations, run by trusts, managed by charities that trace back to still more corporations, that if you followed them back far enough would trace to some nameless bank accounts out of someplace like the City of London, but they will make sure you do not know who they are. As an example, where do the Rothschilds rank on a list of the world’s richest people? Do you really believe nobody in that family qualifies?

They may even live lives under false identities they can cast off like lizard tails in case anyone ever gets close to finding them. I know that is how I would play it, and they are probably better at the game than me. There may be ancient royal families in there, bankers, descendants of the robber barons, even strange redheads that are unusually tall and thin, and look bizarre to us.

I have no idea who is up there, because I have never gotten anywhere near that high, and they are just too good at what they do. But I know how they work, and the Jewish question has all the feel of a cover story. It is too easy to decipher, too obvious, and it has all the hallmarks of a distraction from the real players, who are masterful enough, and powerful enough, that they will not allow any of us at this lower level to get a good bead on them.

I think you really have to detach yourself from your instincts to understand the world today, because those instincts are what they use against you. Look at Pearl Harbor. I increasingly think WWII was a full blown production, engineered by a small clique. Have European and German leaders conspire to abuse Germany until the German people want to fight uncontrollably. Have a new leader arise, himself a Rothschild descendant, and let him overstep bounds and get a war going in Europe, then use mutual defense treaties to rope everyone in you can.

Have the Rothschild agent link up with the Japanese to organize an attack on America. When US Military intel proves too competent and uncovers the attack, have your Rothschild agents in the US cover it up, so the attack will happen. Then use the American people’s outrage to get them in the war. A few years later you have 50-80 million dead and out of the way, nearly half a million of them full blooded, K-strategist, great American youth who would have aggressively opposed being controlled. While it happens, kill off the Jews in the process, get the CIA created in the US to act as your personal, fourth, completely unchecked branch of government in the US, and look at how it turned out.

And they are setting the exact same stage today, pushing people and events so that in the future they will be uncontrollably driven to whatever war the elites create. And I will bet they kill off millions of Jews again in the course of it, and maybe even wipe out Israel itself using Muslims in the Mideast.

And even as they set the stage for that, I see individual Jews openly sharing their names and religions, as they talk about how they need to promote Blacks and Muslims to weaken the white race.

And my perception is that either those are freak rabbit-true-believers, which the machine searched for, identified, and promoted so they could further the narrative that the most redpilled know it is really the Jews, or they are outright actors hired by the machine to read that script. And if the people believe it, and one day they get rid of the Muslims, take out the politicians, deal with the leftists and then can kill all the Jews, then the people will tell themselves they solved the problem and they won’t bother to dig any deeper.

Meanwhile the cabal will begin setting the stage for the next turn of the cycle.

I cannot tell you with 100% certainty that Jews have not spontaneously assembled into some sort of hive mind that seeks the destruction of the West, and wants Muslims imported to take over our nations and our nukes. But I can say that I have seen a lot these last few years, and one thing it has burned into my brain is that whoever is behind it all is smart – far too smart to ever allow the masses to even glimpse who they are, let alone form a simple meme which would steer the masses toward the true root of the problem today in such a way that it could one day be dealt with.

My case to everyone who reads this is, keep an open mind, because I have glimpsed reality, and I will tell you that 97% at least, of the forces which move the world around you are almost impossible for you to imagine, because from birth they have lied to you about all of the fundamentals you need to understand it.

That, and never take what is offered to you, because the level of control over every facet of our dialogs is beyond anything people could imagine.

Find the truth yourself, and do no take what is offered to you by anyone else. Because finding the real truth amongst the myriad of deceptions being foisted upon us by the true geniuses who really run things is nearly impossible. Only the most brilliant have any chance at nailing down even a small part of it with any degree of statistical likelihood.

And that can only happen if you think for yourself.

You can tell everyone about r/K Theory, because everyone knows it is the Reptoidals and not the grays who are the problem

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6 years ago

Is this satire?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Anon, I thought you would have known that the very CONCEPT of modern “intelligence” was invented by a Kabbalist named John Dee who was the front man for “cabal” (yes, the word comes literally from secret gangs of Jews, allegedly performing “magic”) of Jews.

Please look into the history of the British Secret Service and you will discover that the entire edifice is constructed on the ground of esoteric Judaism.

Do you know where the wide spread use of acronyms came from (i.e., the “alphabet agencies”)? It comes from a Jewish “science” related to Gematria (the name escapes me.)

6 years ago

Ygg Drasil Is right. But that’s because Q is so interesting, regardless of whether or not you believe. For what it’s worth, Zero Hedge is retorting that Jeff Sessions is about to be fired. If true, I think that would put the nail in the coffin of “trust sessions” Q.

Regarding the JQ, I have long thought that there are two ethnic groups who buck the trend and are a sort of high IQ r selected people, namely the Jews and the sub continent Indians. There are specific reasons how that came about with the Jews, not sure how it would have happened with the Indians. Normally being r selected would dumb down a people rather than raise IQs.

Regarding the rest of what you wrote, the Jewish religion always struck me as a form of mind control, designed to force its members to demonstrate their loyalty to the group, with the Cohen family at the top and in charge. “Prove your loyalty by wearing your hair in a weird way”. Etc. But it is not unreasonable to to ask if the Cohens were the original beneficiaries of Judaism, then are they in turn in a cult controlled by someone else? Moloch? Rothschilds?

For what it’s worth, the Rothschild family is clearly behind much of Jewish policy today, and they are probably the replacement family for the Cohens in Judaism. Query if other ethnicities have their analogues and if there’s yet someone else above the Rothschilds and European royals who we haven’t heard of.

6 years ago

“My impression is the very phrase, “The Jewish Question,” and the whole meme of Jews being the problem, may in fact be a carefully crafted persuasion campaign designed to put the Jews as one last firewall before the Machine, so if the masses ever wake up and rise up, they would kill all the Jews, and tell themselves the problem was solved, while the real actors slip away into their redoubts to rebuild what parts of the Machine were destroyed – probably exactly like after WWII.”

Bingo. Layers

6 years ago

>My impression is the very phrase, “The Jewish Question,” and the whole meme of Jews being the problem, may in fact be a carefully crafted persuasion campaign designed to put the Jews as one last firewall before the Machine, so if the masses ever wake up and rise up, they would kill all the Jews, and tell themselves the problem was solved, while the real actors slip away into their redoubts to rebuild what parts of the Machine were destroyed – probably exactly like after WWII.

Bingo, I came to the same conclusion myself, as have others. Give this article a read, you’ll find it interesting:

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
6 years ago


Jews are genetically predisposed to sociopathy. Hitler, the Founding Fathers, Henry Ford and General Patton all realized this. The fact that they own all the major porn studios and turned Hollywood into a rape factory kinda confirms it.

Holocaust denial is simple math. Since no body of a “holocaust victim” has ever been found, the claim is, they were all burned to ash. How long does it take to cremate a body? How many bodies could be processed per oven, per day. How many ovens were at the camps? How long were the camps active? The answers may surprise you…

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

You’re almost there. I’m sure you’ve researched the Holohoax. There is no way 6 million jews were killed. Not only were there not 6 million jews in the area the Reich controlled, the world jewish population was about the same in 1948 as it was in 1938. If 6 million were killed this would have been impossible. Take the facts that there were millions of jewish survivors that have received reparations, there have been “new” survivors every year skimming some money off the stupid goy, there were still an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 survivors in 2016 (70 years after the war), plus the facts that there has never been underground deposits of bones found near any of the concentration camps (they don’t just disappear even as ash), the Nazis did not have the wartime capacity to incinerate the millions that are attributed to them, nor were the “showers” actually capable of killing this amount of prisoners, and the “showers” on display have no traces of cyanide. There are so many lies it strains credulity to believe in the 6 million lie. Poland has even changed the plague at Auschwitz and decreased the number of dead from 4 million to 1.5 million, not all of which were jews. Sure, jews died…..of typhus, malnutrition, and other conditions, but so did the non-jewish prisoners. Most of which occurred during the last 2 years of the war, when the Germans didn’t have enough to feed their own people, much less prisoners. Just as an example, Elie the Weasel was in an Auschwitz HOSPITAL when he was given the choice to wait for the Soviets to liberate him or be transported to the West. He chose the West. Just think of the absurdity of that if the Germans were trying to kill jews!

So, the question remains, why do they still get away with the 6 million BS taught to your children and grandchildren? If you want to know who is in control, ask who cannot be criticized or who always gets their way. It is even more sinister than that but if I dropped it on you, you wouldn’t believe it. Just continue to study.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“But even if the death camps were entirely a conjured lie, we know the Nazis did discriminate against Jews, inflame the populace against them, seize wealth from them, and so on.”

To which I reply, “So?” Is this not what the jews have done with their propaganda organs? You need to differentiate between the jewish leadership and your average jew. Wealthy jews were allowed to leave Germany with their wealth.

6 years ago

For something this complex go to the Bible. Are we talking about Jews? Or those who say they are Jews, but are not? The house of Israel was taken into Babylonian exile- and even up to that point it was waning and polluted with sin. After the exile ended there were undoubtedly genetic and ideological hitchhikers (not Jews). After this there was heavy mixing with Edomites (cousins of the Jews) and then finally interaction with Greeks and Romans that resulted in the destruction of ancient Israel. But more mixing was to come, in Eastern Europe and the middle East.

Still, some of these people are surely descendants of the ancient house of Israel, but how well do they follow the laws that were given to them? How well do they understand Hebrew? Do they just repeat Hebrew which they don’t understand during their Bar Mitzvahs? The ancient Israelite’s would find that abhorrent. Did anything important happen concerning the Talmud in Babylon? (Yes) Are there occultic issues with the Kabbalah? (Yes) Did certain rabbis of unknown lineage adulterate/change or grossly misinterpret Jewish theology in the middle ages? (Yes) Did some perhaps do that on purpose? All will be known, at some point.

Even though Jewishness is passed down matrilinealy (which itself is very r) we can still find genetic clues. One clue, the Y-chromosome associated with the Rothschilds is not the same as those who descend from Jacob. The Rothschild haplogroup is more frequently found in semitic peoples who live in northern Iraq, around the ruins of ancient Babylon and Sumeria. A proper mitochondria study, to determine matrilineal descent would also be interesting. So how many of those who claim to be Jews are really, not Jews? How well do these people even follow the original Israelite laws? The Old Testament isn’t lying, and neither are the genes.

Check out the trees
J1a1b (Jewish, Edomite, Ishmaelite)
J2-Y15238 (Rothschild/Babylonian)

6 years ago

Off Topic but related to the theme on how the machine control a HUGE part of the population (movies):

comment image

I had already noticed this before I read that, mainly because at a moment in my life in the past, after spending some months just researching without much of a social life, when I”d talk to people about anything deeper than some superficial bullshit, I was surprised at the HUGE amount of time they would say “Yeah, like in that movie…”, and although there could be som kind of relationship between what wa said and the movie, most of the times most people can’t keep up with very info dense convo, and I would end up getting basically bored like an autist. I then reflected on it and it dawned on me that most people focus on their work/job, then when they take in content they look for movies, music, books, and most of them want to get away from reality, not face it (reality is ugly and truth hurts, if you want to make people hate you just tell them the truth, lol).

That being said I don’t find talking with regular people interesting anymore for the most part. I prefer the autists at the chans and the authors and comenters at my regularly visited blogs.

That being said, talking with older people and listening to them is very interesting, as well as listening to people with vastly different backgrounds as stories. It’s very interesting to see how their environments affect their paradigms and shape their inner world. Like Scott Adams says, we all live in our own movies. The map is not the territory, but we can always upgrade the resolution of our own maps thru the constant seeking of truth.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

>I suppose that is how you should assume it would work, but it still feels wrong they don’t just explain the rules of the game from the start.

Pimp culture saying: The game is to be sold, not told.

Off course the machine rigs every game there is. Why wouldn’t it?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“… I wonder how many went to Hollywood because they thought if they were the best director they would become the next Steven Spielberg…”

Steven Spielberg. I read, said that he just wandered onto the movie lot and found himself an empty room. He placed his name on it and called it his office and went to work every day like he actually worked there until they needed a director for some project. HHAHHAHAHAHHA

(First link I found and not that Snopes is not a bunch of liars).

Rich K Hyde
Rich K Hyde
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
6 years ago

There’s a semi-obscure book called Society of the Spectacle, which is largely Marxist trash but can be viewed as what happens when a leftist who accepts Marxist framing starts to realize that all of his/her thoughts and memories are artificial constructions from this kind of cultural programming.

In some ways it gives me a little bit of hope that even the most programmed, die hard leftist is capable of seeing what’s going on to them and all of us. If only we could clear them of the Marxist mind virus, they could be red-pilled.

6 years ago

My uncle gave me a copy of None Dare Call it Conspiracy when I was 14. Reading the book instantly red pilled me and was quite revealing of what goes on behind the curtain we aren’t supposed to know about or question. Please pray daily for President Trump, his family and all God fearing patriots. God’s Speed!

Reply to  ladyvigilant
6 years ago


Also, based uncle!

6 years ago

The problem here are the following:

– Jews really aren’t smarter than whites. Objective IQ tests all over the place show that. So it can’t be them being smarter that makes the more successful in gaining power.

– Jews have been expelled for centuries from many, many different countries. It wasn’t just the germans, but a lot more who did the same before that. Coincidence? Unlikely.

– Who controls the money, controls the states and governments. When christianity and islam still were against interest rates, jews already started building up banking systems and are now firmly in control of most worldwide bank.

– Jews are highly nepotistic. Same for muslims, but they are more overt about it – so they don’t get AS succcessful int hese matters.

– Modern jews have nothing to do anymore with the original jews during the times of Jesus. Neither genetically nor culturally nor religiously.

– Modern jewish scriptures teach how to manipulate to their advantage. Talmud and Torah have very clear passages on that matter – including saying that you can do everything to the gentile (=non-jew) as they are mere cattle. So don’t need to be empathic to animals, right? And if you have a blueprint how to manipulate and get teached about that early on in religious classes helps as well, right?

– Rothschilds. The richest people on eart are fully jewish. That alone with jewish natural nepotism is a big factor. Fun fact: Rothschilds aren’t listed on the Forbes lists of richest people alive BECAUSE they are aristocratic. Aristocrats willnot be listed on that list.

– Judaism is the only big religion where the religion goes through the mothers “bloodline”. Non-jewish man + jewish woman = jewish children. This is a very easy way to increase your influence by marrying rich, wealthy men.

– Fact is that there is an ridiculous amount of jews in positions of power. In politics, in the top universities, in media (it’s especially bad here), in banking, law, etc. And if I learned anything in life, then that there are no coincidences.

– Jews are deceptive by nature. I have met my fair share of jews in my life and each one of them were lying scumbags. Not a single exception. This seems to be part of their cultural identity pretty much.

– A group of people who think they are “god’s chosen people” and better than all other human beings is in itself already an issue, because they will treat anyone out of their group as inferior.

– Jewish people in media are clearly pushing for all sorts of degeneracy. And whenver you see a degenerate show in TV, a movie, an article, etc. and you look at who is involved in this – you will ABSOLUTELY see an increased amoung of jewish involvement. The TV show broad city is one of the most recent ones I remember. Also Big Mouth is disgusting as heck.

– They killed Jesus. Nuff said.

Seriously though. There is a lot of shady things going on with jews. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, but as a general thing they have their hands in anything. Including marxism and modern cultural marxism. Marx himself and other strong marxists of his time were jewish. 60’s feminism was almost exclusively jewish in it’s leadership. Frankfurt school was fully jewish. So on and so forth.

P.S. You always need to put things into perspective. The number of jews on this planet / in a specific country and how much positions of power they hold. There is ALWAYS a discrepancy. Especially in the UK and US, but in all western countries pretty much. The way older wife of french Macaroni guy for example. The opponent of Merkel that the Media tried really hard to shill for (Schulz), etcetc.

P.P.S. Read the Synagogue of Satan

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

It’s quite likely that Judaism is just a group to introduce the right people into the Kabal. Just as Masons, Rosicrucian, Skull & Bones, etc.

Doesn’t mean one should put a blind eye on them and instead see and treat them as what they are – a dangerous demographic group that are easily to spot. Especially with the clearly satanstic Kabbalah and Talmud in place. Most importantly though – all those groups are very occult to it’s core with Judaism being no exception. And all those groups are used to screen people.

Richard Nichols
Richard Nichols
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I think it helps a lot to distinguish between the various factions of Jew. The Israeli Jew, for example, tends to be very K. He likes strong borders, strong immigration rules, has strong in-group preferences, has probably served in the military, is probably armed, etc etc. This is in stark contrast with the jews of the diaspora who, while sharing a strong in-group preference, are notoriously un-K in almost every other respect (think Madoff or Weinstein, for example). The Jews themselves understand that these differences exist, and know that the gap is now so wide that it may result in a permanent split. Once that happens it will be interesting to see what the fallout reveals!

Reply to  Richard Nichols
6 years ago

And both – r & K jews – look down as much on non-jews. There is no difference in their cultural and religious teachings.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Why would God choose a people for his own inheritance who are the ethnic group that opposes him most?

Gen. Kong
Gen. Kong
6 years ago

AC: “An average Jew without a Machine hookup is nothing, just like everybody else. Once you see the Machine, it is everything.”

Agreed. Compare and contrast:

*Bernard Goetz (NY subway shooter) – non-machine Jew who got hard time for merely defending his own person with firearm in NYC subway.

*Robert M. Morganthau (NY District Attorney) – machine Jew who prosecuted Goetz (one of hos fellow tribesmen) to the max.

The point being, there are too many Jews for them to all be part of the machine. Most support and obey the machine of course, but so do most blacks and even most whites when you factor in the cuckservative elements along with the raving SJWs.

By the way, AC, there are quite a few blogs and posts who refer to the whole r and k theory mentioned and promoted here.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Gen. Kong
6 years ago

Which blogs refer to r and K? I’d like to read them.

Rich K Hyde
Rich K Hyde
Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Even Stefan Molyneux has been mentioning r/K, although I believe it’s a simplified, watered-down version.

Doctor_ Mayhem
Doctor_ Mayhem
6 years ago

Sure is a lot of tapdancing around just saying, “A rootless, cosmopolitan, international clique.” AKA “Da Jooz.”

Basically, it’s the Kohanim. High jews like Soros and the Rothschilds. Still… nothing of what you said was wrong…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Quoting the Matrix movie:

“The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.”

― Morpheus The Matrix

Brian B
Brian B
Reply to  Doctor_ Mayhem
6 years ago

It was a big brain way of saying it’s not just Jews, it’s Anglos too! Which is true.

Doesn’t change the fact that if you criticize Jews too much and point out their shit they will try and starve you ala DS and CC.

American Graffiti
American Graffiti
6 years ago

Maybe H only killed the conservative, orthodox Js while the rest took the money and run?

Makes you wonder. The website vigilant citizen has similar theme primarily with pop culture. Once you see it, it cant be unseen. Like recent Thor movie, a Trump like figure (Hela) decimates the populace before satan shows up to destroy Asgard; but the one-eyed god leads a few resistance to greener climes (bc Asgard isn’t a place, it’s an idea). During key scenes Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song plays–which isn’t about immigrants at all but rather violent viking invaders who with the hammer of the gods become the new overlords. Seems to be the underlying elite theme of rape, pillage, move on. Wikipedia says the single for immigrant song had a quote from Alistair Crowley about the only law is to do what you want… great…

Gen. Kong
Gen. Kong
Reply to  American Graffiti
6 years ago

I think it would be more accurate to say that the vast majority of Jews killed by the Nazi regime were non-elite Jews. Many of the better-known bad actors (the Fankfurt Schul, for example) got away to the UK and the USA well in advance. Most of those left behind were small-time merchants, academics, tradesmen and their families. I’ve read some theories – which seem to be reflected to an extent on the Q-threads in the chans – that Hitler and the Nazi regime were part of a bigger operation of the machine (which of course include the Rothschilds). If Hitler had wanted to cleanse Germany and Austria of Jews in 1938, he could have paid all of them to move to British Palestine and caused a major problem for his enemies in London: The Zionists in Palestine were a major part of the ongoing slow-burn war there. Adding a few million to their number would have made things that much worse for the ramshackle remains of the British Empire – already teetering with the independence movement in India.

6 years ago

The real driving force of the Deep state is Satan(2 Corinthians 4:4) and his fellow ruling spirits:

Ephesians 6:12
”For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

When the veil is pulled back:

Daniel 10:12-13
”12Then he said to me, “Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words. 13The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days, but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I was left there with the kings of Persia, 14and came to make you understand what is to happen to your people in the latter days. For the vision is for days yet to come.””

Daniel 10:20-21
20Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? But now I will return to fight against the prince of Persia; and when I go out, behold, the prince of Greece will come. 21But I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth: there is none who contends by my side against these except Michael, your prince.

Ephesian 2:2
”And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience”

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Y’know, I was thinking this when I read the original post (perhaps your finest, AC). Lucifer is the original liar, and still the best, judging by what we know of him, and of course all the mentions he gets in Masonic (“machine”) circles.

Reply to  info
6 years ago

“Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.”

Revelation 3:9

6 years ago

Being a Christian, I know who is behind all of it. He is the prince of powers of darkness and the father of lies. He is Satan.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Rosalys
6 years ago

“Father of” lies is deeper than you think.”Father of” is so strong in Hebrew culture that even girls’ names have this odd attribute, e.g. “Abigail”. In Hebrew, “Ab” means father. Abigail means father of joy. It’s a superlative. How much more a liar is Lucifer than we even know?

6 years ago

The things that I cannot merge is this: if the all-powerful elite is true, then why let Trump rise to power?

I mean, its not that difficult to kill somebody. Especially if you have people on the inside in every organisation.

Either Trump is in on all this, or this deflates the whole notion of being all powerful.

If Trump is all in, and the elite is all powerful, then why worry about it? There is nothing you can do.

This is in a sense the nihilistic argument of post-modernisn rephrased. And nihilism will ALWAYS bring to to a very dark place.

OTOH if Trump is not all in, then there is no reason to assume that they are all-powerful. Powerful perhaps, but it would seem unreasonable to ascribe literally everything to be the result of their machinations.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

If Trump was shoved in by the contra forces, then I would have expected more preparation. The churn in the white house would suggest that Trump was not all that well prepared. I am not complaining, but if this was well orchestrated they would have had a lineup of people they wanted. As it seems, Trump must have had a few backers, but not enough to support a theory of duelling powers imo.

Another problem I see is that when the machine is not all-powerful, then it faces two important problems: 1) the possibility of there being more machines than one. 2) mission stability.

Reply to  rien
6 years ago

How can you prepare to be in Government when you’ve never been in Government before? Which was the whole point of Trump. Unlike the usual candidates from either side of the Uniparty, he had no team to bring in and no policies in place either. You have to remember that Congress doesn’t write legislation. That is done by outside lobbyist groups, who then use their bought and paid for Congress critters to ‘enact’ it. Check out the Conservative Tree House blog for a whole analysis on how that works.

IMO Trump knew he would have to use establishment people initially to get things up and running. Eventually, once he had got his feet under the table and a good grasp of how things were shaping up, he has started to get rid of those who are no longer useful to him and bring in or promote those he now thinks he can work with to move his agenda to the next phase.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  rien
6 years ago

Here is one way to look at Trump and the very powerful people running the planet:

“Both the left and right in America have been branches of the Anglo-American establishment for a long time. Trump and some of his administration are operating outside of the goals and beliefs of this establishment, and are representing a more macro and international power which is attempting to engineer and implement a multilateral monetary and geopolitical framework.”

The Philosophy of Metrics author believes that there are layers of power like AC says. The Anglo-American Establishment is below the “Crown Beast” aka “International Banksters”. The Anglo-American Establishment is being removed from power by the Crown Beast because they are no longer needed. They were needed before but not now.

Trump’s agenda is the new Crown Beast agenda. It includes nationalism. It will be better for the average American but we will still be controlled by the Crown Beast. It includes moving away from the US dollar being primary to a basket of currencies. Trump is bringing in global multilateral governance. The USA will not dominate the planet any more.

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Spot on, in my opinion.

The ‘machine, is big business, they want to own it all, the whole planet. Many are Jews, but not original Jews, impostors.

Find the link…..axe me any question, I’m a Roffschild ( deliberate mis-spelling). It gives you a glimpse into their black souls. Descendants of Babelists I reckon.

Financially, the collapse ahead transports wealth from the West to the East, via debt bubble bursting and gold revaluing upwards. The West will have been sucked dry.

The Trump move will be very similar to Orban in Hungary: looks right wing, is in fact national socialism, the merger of state and corporates. The perfect evil alliance.

And because the US will be financially crippled, the New World Order is run by the East, the Chinks, the Russians, the UN. All the while, Eastern nations will themselves be slowly eaten alive by the machine.

None of it is worth worrying about, as Jesus will return if need be.

For your own nation, listen to Leviticus 26, implement Gods laws, pray for His blessing, and you can defeat any number of evil enemies. A few good men, that’s all you need, to start a new nation.

Reply to  rien
6 years ago

Its a conundrum – sort of like a weird inversion the philosophical problem of evil:
If the Cabal is all evil, why does it allow Trump in the world?
And if the Cabal cannot stop Trump, is it all powerful? And then can it really be called the Cabal?

6 years ago

A standard write up to explain what most have overlooked:

Conspiracy theory: a.k.a. contemporary history.

*10 years (or less): Straight answers are rarely given
*20 years: The facade begins to crack
*30 years: The truth starts to come out

Some skeptics of conspiracy theories act like they expect notebooks to be kept on events and turned over upon request. It is mind numbing how many don’t understand a simple concept:

History is the study of conspiracies.

If you were taught that history was the study of names, dates, and places then you were lied to. History is the study of the relationships between names, dates, and places relative to other names, dates, and places. Read a real study of history and you will quickly learn that there are far more conspiracies than can be imagined.

The key element of thirty years is that now one generation has passed. So, most of them were in government run schools that teach history to indoctrinate good little citizens that cannot believe these things happen.

Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

This “Machine” that is being talked about apparently absolutely hates when the Jews are talked about. You get banned from the internet and financial system if you talk about the Jews. Dailystormer and Christopher Cantrell being the main ones thus far.

Complain about Jews running the financial system and suddenly you cannot process payments. From what I have seen, if you call out the Jews they try and starve you and your family (meanwhile they are proving your point).

This “Machine” has made it utterly clear that talking about Jewish power and influence is not allowed.

Just because White men are starting to catch on to their tricks doesn’t mean it is not true.

Also you do not understand the JQ if you repeatedly refer to them as a religion. They are an ethnic group with specific genes that make them act the way they do. In other words, it is in their DNA to subvert and destroy the goyim.

Brian B
Brian B
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Another theory I have heard floating around (which you may or may not have heard, but it is your expertise) is that Jews get themselves pogromed or killed as an ethnic strategy to get rid of undesirable Jews. We have seen it literally everywhere they go, they get ousted. They piss of the native/local population to the point where they either need to leave or get killed. The high level Jews have the resources and expertise to leave, the average-everyday jew is the one that is punished (stripped of his resources and/or killed). It is this “purge” they perform that is a eugenics program which is why you see so many Jews in positions of power and with high IQ’s.

I have no real evidence of this, just food for thought.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…What if some controlling force was putting shitbags in power, and it just happened to use Jews often because they found a large number with the IQ and rabbity instincts who were willing to sign on to their operation?…”

Ok maybe you are right but there’s almost little to no information that backs this up and you got to start somewhere. Cleaning up the Jews and getting them away from us wouldn’t hurt.

I agree with all the points made by Iprefertostayanonymous especially about the money as they are the ones controlling the central banks, that we know of.

The only people that I could even imagine being who you say are these people. The Melonheads.

Malta and Egypt and the elongated skulls and the “Serpent Priests”

Best I can tell they used to run the world during the Ice Age. There’s a lot of their bodies in what seem to be hastily buried graves in Peru that for some reason no prominent archeologist seem to be interested in. A former person at the world bank says she has seen them and they run the world. Of course she’s a Jew so I believe she’s just trying to deflect from the Jews.

I see your point but it would be tough for them to have hidden themselves so well. There should be folk tales at the least about them and there does not seem to be so. I think that some kind of disease that selected for the blunt skulls, us, took them out. Tex speculated that Jews are the offspring of melonheads and Neanderthals???????? I don’t believe that. I think the Jews ARE Neanderthals. Not all but they have a high percentage. Some of this hatred for all others is possibly due to the defeat of the Neanderthals by us the Cro-Mags. Their psychopathic behavior is the reason the Neanderthals never did a damn thing even though they were in Europe for 350 thousand years and that’s why we attacked them and drove them into mountainous areas. You just can’t live with psychopaths and their constant attacks on you. It’s just not possible. . Psychopaths can manipulate others but have little ability to keep a society running smoothly. They’re running ours now and look what a shit hole it’s turning in to.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Circumcision. ..MGM

The west needs to ban circumcision (some countries have)
Follow up with HARSH penalties and the Moslems and Joos will self deport… Win-win

Circumcision permanently alters the infant Brain.

My suspicion is that it’s how the child is treated post circumcision that matters….

Moslems – Barbarically

Joos – in a way to foster ingroup loyalty/IQ

Anyone else – normally (with just with decreased sexual pleasure as a result)

Either way am glad I didn’t lose upto 70% of the sensitive tissue on my rather impressive Cock! (So she says, am not in the habit of comparing)

It’s an appalling practise that should be dealt with, as is FGM!

Though FGM is apparently OK in the UK!
With 100’s of 1000’s of victims and ZERO prosecutuons.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Rothschild is of the Nephilim? Wow.

(I know, it’s more nuanced than that but still…very interesting to see that conehead profile!)

Ygg Drasil
6 years ago

Everyone, should read Kevin MacDonald’s book “The Culture of Critique”. In my mind it is a perfect companion piece to R/K. Jewish people have developed am evolutionary psychology that is fascinating and extremely dangerous to white westerners. R/K is a beautiful theory because it intuitive and simple, yet is effect are anything but simple. Same goes for the JQ addressed by MacDonald. It adds a racial element to evolutionary psychology (yes jew is a race too) and puts the world into new light.

@AC, ” I have glimpsed reality, and I will tell you that 97% at least, of the forces which move the world around you are almost impossible for you to imagine” Phewy on you. We have all been reading this blog for years and you throw this out there, that you have some secret knowledge that us plebs cant understand. Share it, or don’ appeal to it.

“If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize” – Voltaire

Reply to  Ygg Drasil
6 years ago

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Iprefertostayanonymous
6 years ago

HAHA that’s funny. I’m going to really watch them from now on.

6 years ago

cabal- high functioning narcissists

6 years ago

The synagogue of Satan. Not the church of Satan. Not the mosque of Satan. The synagogue. (((They))) serve their father, the devil himself.
The bread pill is the final pill, anonymous conservative. God bless you and I hope you come home to Jesus Christ, it will all make sense when you do.

6 years ago

The JQ is, a hard to swallow after all our conditioning but it makes more sense and is way less convoluted than anything else. Also, you can see there is a pathology there from degeneracy and greed and to destructiveness and malice. Barbara Specter is a good example.

6 years ago

One thought on this. Eventaully that red pill you are taking becomes blue….. Which is to say that questioning assumptions always has to be going on to find truth.
The 3 blind men and the elephant are each right on the elephant, but not completely, and even not amoung what they share as complete. If they moved to another spot, they’d be red pilling, but over time back to blue.

As to people accepting r/K as giving the driver for politics, at least in the west, if not everywhere. It is not fashionable knowledge. We (humans) only accept as true that which we want to beleive. everything else is discarded as a lie. Since people don’t want to beleive that biology is driving (“what about my free will??”) and that we are born as little r’s (“are you saying that we should do nothing becasue we are born this way?” optionally “I don’t believe we are born this way, but we can be anything if we just let the govt/market do it’s thing”)
So why r/K didn’t take off could come down to simple psychology, and not conspiricy. that doesn’t mean there isn’t a conspiricy, just that it is taking advantage of said psychology. But really, you are dealing will 2 groups of old school generals and admirals saying “I’ve got this new thing call the airplane, it will change war.” And they are like “we are happy with our horses and battleships.”

I guess that is two things.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“… the Jewish religion always struck me as a form of mind control, designed to force its members to demonstrate their loyalty to the group, with the Cohen family at the top and in charge…”

I think this is an EXTREMELY important point. Here’s a video that’s a BIG clue into how this works. The actual words used here stunned me and immediately channeled my interest. The real important part is Weiner continuously saying,”You’re my judge… ask your Rabbi about that…”. This actually shuts the guy up. He had every right to criticize Weiner from our moral precepts but by theirs, you don’t. I think this is a VERY strong point. The Rabbi’s control things. I have said, over and over, that the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Maybe it’s mostly the Rabbis and the Rabbis have figured out a standard way to do this in that THEY are the ones that judge. This allows the wicked Jews to get away with murder because only the Rabbi is supposed to judge and if the Rabbi is paid off then…he doesn’t and the whole thing goes on and on. Now saying this doesn’t mean I let off the Jews brcause they damn well attack us constantly. Look at the issue of slavery where half the nation fought the other half to stop it and STILL supposedly all Whites are guilty, not to mention it was Whites who stopped the slave trade all together. So spare me the talk about the good Jew because not enough of them speak up about the bad to change things. Whites are much more likely to speak up about abuses of our own. Probably more than about other races.

When you here about how we should always take each Jew individually then first you should think about the concepts in this video and then compare it to the behavior of Jews towards others.

Myth of the good Jew

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Yo make my point clean I really don;t know what the Melonheads are. They could even be bound but looking at the skulls and comparing to known bound skulls I don;t think so. Also there are baby Melonhead mummy skulls that are already shaped that way so binding doesn’t seem to be the issue. I can only go by pictures and what people write and show.

There were also a line of nobility in early Europe that had the same elongated heads.In 900 CE, a mysterious family group appeared in southern Europe. They early on assumed the name of `The House of Este’. They came to control a lot in Europe. Some of their relatives

comment image

Robert What?
6 years ago

That is true that most Jews are no closer to the Machine than your average Joe and the elites would throw their “lesser brethren” under the bus without a second thought. However most Jews (but not all) support the same policies as the Machine: globalism, liberal social policies, anti Second Amendment, open borders (except for Israel of course), etc. In addition Jews are wildly overrepresented at the top levels of the Machine.

As for the Holocaust Jews have been playing that victim card for decades to amass power and influence. But that is a whole different story. Serious inquiry into the Holocaust is verboten. If it were as true as they say, serious inquiry would be welcomed.

6 years ago

I have a half-baked theory that one of the West’s problems that put most of white civilization at a disadvantage to Jews was the coincidence of the Industrial Revolution, and the Great Awakening.

Industrialization, especially of the Northern US and Western Europe, created large-scale enterprises that could not be staffed through traditional social networks of families and neighbors.

In addition to that, the Great Awakening multiplied the number of Protestant denominations, which had the nasty side effect of socially isolating more people from each other.

The result was the devaluation of traditional networking skills especially among WASPs in particular.