State-run pension systems across the country were underfunded by $1.2 trillion last year and are expected to be in even worse shape in the years ahead, according to a report released Thursday from a top credit rating agency.
Moody’s Investors Service said it expects the gap to hit $1.7 trillion with the next round of state audits, largely because investment returns have been far below expectations for the funds.
That is just the shortfall in one state’s state pension fund system.
Bear in mind, this is with those pension funds swimming in r-selected free resources themselves, propping up the markets. Once the economic collapse goes down, those pension funds may very well be basically worthless, and God only knows what that $1.2 Trillion shortfall will blow up to.
How many of those retirees, unable to feed themselves, will be for copious free resources, given to new migrants who came here for a life of ease and plenty? That is a K-shift.
It is like we are splashing around in a giant oasis of water, but the moment we get thirsty, it will all disappear, and we will be smack dab in the middle of the Sahara. All of the resources we presently expect will disappear, just as everyone else tries to demand the resources we all owe.
It would be difficult to take a thriving economic superpower and engineer a more effective shift to massive K-selection, if decades back we had decided to try and come up with the perfect plan. As it stands now, we are in the position Sun Tzu spoke of – Sit by the river long enough, and the bodies of your enemies will float by.
[…] The Debt Terrain – California’s Pension System $1.2 Trillion Short […]