The Culling is Coming

I was watching the news and they were covering the flooding that just devastated the former Russian Republic of Georgia. The story ended with the announcer saying that the citizens of Tbilisi were pouring out into the streets to clean up the damage, as they showed footage of streets filled with people busily cleaning up the mess. They even showed people teaming up in a mass to swarm and save the zoo’s Hippo, who had gotten loose.

In other news, Haiti is complaining about how now that 5 years have passed and the $9 billion they were given is spent, the international community has forgotten about reconstructing their favela shacks for them after the earthquake that occurred in 2010.

You thought Idiocracy was just a movie. If each favela shack cost $.079 in cardboard, saran wrap, duct-tape, and random junk they found at the dump (and bear in mind, that is like a luxury condo favela shack), that $9 billion could have built housing for 114 billion people, or roughly 19 times the world’s population. And it would probably have withstood the next earthquake better than the favela shacks they had before. Maybe my math is a little off, but $9 billion delivered, and all they did in five years was level out the rubble in some places. And now they are complaining that we didn’t do enough for them. I can’t help but think that money could have been better spent somehow.

This is a metaphor for the greater course of Western Civilization, and the mass of idiots who are presently too stupid to realize that the peace and safety they enjoy each day isn’t just dropped on them from above like a great cosmic lottery jackpot that will never run out. The only difference is when the SHTF, we can ignore Haiti and leave them to their fate. But the likeminded idiots we have living next door to us here, they will be a problem.

There are vast swaths of the world, accustomed to free resources, that will not make it when mankind begins the Great Reorganization, where the haves find themselves too busy trying to survive day to day to provide for the have-nots. Some such peoples we will find have gone extinct when we pop our head into their native lands decades after the sorting. Others will have to die, or be driven off to endure a certain death brought about by forced self sufficiency, if civilization is to have any chance. Add in climate change, such as glaciation and changes in rainfall patterns diminishing crop outputs, and the carnage that naturally ensues when starving savages see people with stuff, and I won’t be surprised to see half the world’s population just evaporate into the ether, even without what I suspect will be the inevitable pandemic.

ITZ coming.

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9 years ago

[…] The Culling is Coming […]

9 years ago

Our world population skyrocketed after the discovery of oil. The resource-abundant nature of our present lives depends on the extremely cheap energy provided by oil (not to mention the chemical-based fertilizers and equipment used by farmers).

If the oil goes, (or our free and easy access to it goes) and we haven’t been able to find a substitute for it, we can probably expect numbers to go back to where they were before the Green Revolution in 1950, but that’s still an awful lot of people dying off:

Aeoli Pera
Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

The ordering of the Four Horsemen is interesting, isn’t it?