Here is an interesting one – The Carrying Capacity Network
CCN is a group of activists working to promote and conserve what’s right with America and to eliminate what’s wrong with America. Most of America’s main problems – from traffic, to classroom crowding, to pollution, depletion, welfare dependency, increasing taxes, and cultural fragmentation, have deep roots in our unsustainable population growth. Because of that, CCN focuses on stabilizing our population. We are even willing to face the awkward demographic fact that immigration is the cause of most of our recent growth (at current rates, immigration will cause about 80% of our growth as we double in an estimated 50 years or so).
CCN simply wants to conserve the best of America – before it’s developed, overrun, consumed, and polluted by runaway population growth. It’s not too late, and we hope that you will join us in this effort.
This is actually a group of leftist environmentalists who are so smart they realized that if America reaches its carrying capacity, bad things that they won’t like will begin, namely K-selection.
What they seem to not realize is that the carrying capacity is based on economic productivity. I wonder if they realized that, whether they could be converted to Conservatism, and made to favor lower taxes, limited government, reduced economic regulations affecting the business community, and so on.
The Carrying Capacity cometh™
Lately I’ve been brainstorming possible ways that leftism could be highjacked to serve K-type interests and this presents a good example of how that could be done.