The Biggest Danger in K-selection

If you have lived in civilization, your brain is not adapted to what it is like:


Police have identified — and now are searching for — the man suspected of shooting a New Orleans medical student.

Euric Cain, 21, is suspected of shooting Tulane University resident Peter Gold, 25, early Friday morning when the student stopped to help a woman who Cain appeared to be dragging down the street.

Most of the incident was caught on surveillance video. In the video, Cain shoots Gold in the stomach before trying to shoot him at least two more times. That’s when the gun jammed and he fled.

The video is at the link. What the article doesn’t say, is that the perp tried to shoot the guy two more times, in the head, at point blank range as he cowered helpless on the ground in a fetal position, disabled by the first shot. The senseless aspect of it makes me wonder if they don’t have a couple of missing girls down there, or a pattern of girls getting roofied and raped, and he felt he had to kill the doctor, lest the police track him down and figure out a larger pattern of actions he has been involved in.

It does give us a window into the apocalypse approaching. In our present state, we are in control. In an r-selected world things escalate slowly, and rabbits either back down or it becomes obvious the opponent isn’t a rabbit and won’t back down. Whether you escalate, de-escalate, or take it into conflict, you can do it all in a controlled fashion. People can be reasoned with, and risk of death, inflicted suddenly and for no reason, is foreign to us.

See a girl being attacked? Walk up with your cell phone. If things get too hot, you can just reason your way out of it, de-escalate, and walk away while explaining to your attacker how illogical it would be to kill you.

K-selection isn’t like that. It will often be one shot for all the marbles, and over before you know it. There are ambushes you don’t see coming, and in a moment you go from enjoying your day, to bleeding out as you look up at the sky. There are guys who you show mercy to, or deal with civilly, who will reward you with a surprise bullet to the gut and a superfluous finishing shot to the head, delivered for no reason at all.

Visualize yourself as this medical student and live his experience, on the ground helpless, posing no threat, and watching this little prick try to execute you for no reason at all. This is the best experience you can survive. He showed this savage decency and reason, and the savage’s response was to try and execute him at point blank range for no reason. Never trust a savage, never reason with a savage, never be decent to a savage. If you encounter one and have to engage, go in knowing one of you is about to die, you get to choose who, and it is all because of him.

Once you experience being decent, being reasonable, and then lying on the ground looking up as a moron with a 68 IQ struggles with a failure to discharge in the hopes he will be able to recoup and blow your brains out onto the sidewalk – for no reason at all – your perspective and understanding will change. You will understand that in a K-selected world, it is either avoid the situation entirely, or roll in stealthy without being seen, assess the situation as quickly as you can, confirm what is going on, and then explode out of nowhere and say you had to kill him because you thought you saw a gun. If half measures are necessary, don’t get involved – either call the cops, or leave the body in the street.

Also, note the prevalence of surveillance, and know that it makes the old Shoot, Shovel and Shut-up, or Shoot, Scoot, and Shut-up less of an option for a well-intentioned good Samaritan operating in a hostile, leftist governmental structure he would rather not interact with. Chances are covert plate readers have tracked you all along your journey, your tablet, your phone, and your car’s wifi has been pinging your location off a hidden stealth network throughout the city, your OnStar has a hidden record of exactly where you were and when, and your cell phone has been pinging the towers around you and triangulating your position. Your toll payment and maybe even your credit card chips have also probably been quietly picked up by covert readers all along your path, and you have been recorded by the now ubiquitous private-sector surveillance cameras, as well as traffic cameras at stoplights and intersections. And all of that ignores the roving vehicle surveillance you have driven by without knowing, that is driving around metro areas 24/7 waiting for something to do while videoing out all four sides of their vehicles. It is a different world today, and surveillance is everywhere. What has been built since 9/11 would blow everyone away.

As the Apocalypse approaches, it is important to understand how far out of our elements we all will be. Tread carefully, and learn the lessons you need to without ending up like that doctor. Surviving a screw up like that will tend to be the exception rather than the rule, and nobody wants to die knowing a savage like that is continuing on to victimize other innocent people. Know the rules have changed, and adapt appropriately.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

This reminds me of the subway shooter Bernie Goetz. If you read his accounts of the incident and why he responded as fiercely as he did (shooting 4 men within less than a second before dusting himself off and fleeing), his justification was that “speed is everything”. I never really understood what that meant until now, and maybe I still don’t. If I was in Bernie’s situation I would have just pulled the gun. Or maybe shot the nearest guy who was threatening me. But the idea of gunning down 4 guys in less than a second just for threatening you is something I can hardly imagine.

9 years ago

I had a friend who had a Tec-9 back in the 80’s. He liked it because it looked bad ass. Kept him from a beating by a bunch of nar do wells one time. When he pulled it out they scattered. I think it was the ammo not the gun. His always worked fine.

I live around blacks in the South and it scares me sometimes. I don’t live in a bad neighborhood but most places have pockets of Blacks all around them no matter where you are. The randomness is what’s so annoying. That and if you defend yourself it going to be a problem. How much? Never know there’s a bit of randomness to that also.

Ever read

His harm city and other stuff is just nuts. It’s not near as bad here but I can see it happening at some point.