The Apocalypse Appears To Still Be On

In case you were wondering:

Daring Mr. Trump to make good on his grand infrastructure promises, Senate Democrats on Tuesday will unveil a trillion-dollar plan to rebuild the nation’s roads, railways, airports, waterways and sewer systems over 10 years.

One trillion additional dollars, in just the first few months of an administration still seems as if it is totally normal and acceptable.

Granted President Trump is much smarter than these rubes, but there comes a point in human adaptation where you cannot save individuals from the outside. The change that needs to occur needs to occur inside them, and it can only happen when they hit rock bottom, and are thus forced to face the consequences of their actions – so those consequences can reprogram who they are inside. All other efforts to shield them from the consequences of their internal disorder will only forestall the consequences they need to perform the reprogramming.

In my view, Donald Trump will save the nation from its consequences for his eight year term. But all he will do is forestall the inevitable, as the politicians who follow him one day will exchange all the good he did for some short term bubble that will enhance their own legacy.

We need the Apocalypse – and an Apocalypse we shall have.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the Apocalypse is ultimately unavoidable

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8 years ago

[…] The Apocalypse Appears To Still Be On […]

8 years ago

Imagine if Hillary were President instead. We’d all probably be extra crispy right now. Now, if that doesn’t motivate people, per r/K, nothing will.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Feel free to get started! 🙂 It would make for an interesting post: alternate timeline review if HRC had won.

8 years ago

In a democracy it never pays to be frugal. If you try to shut off the money spigot, the voters will throw you out of office, and the benefits of your thrift will accrue to your political enemies. So it would be better for Donald to run up the tab and try to get some useful infrastructure out of it.

Why do you suppose the EU has been so desperate to keep Greece barely afloat all these years? Because once a critical mass of non-poor people realize that extending credit to any democratic state is a sucker bet, the game is over, and democratic social-welfare states will collapse as quickly and totally as communist prison states did after November 9, 1989.

8 years ago

If you liked Stefan Molyneux’s work then I encourage you to check out Tom Woods as well. He had some interesting thoughts recently on the left and on Trump, for example suggesting that Trump’s mere election has sped up the potential political fracturing/secession of the USA. Of course the machine might not allow CA to secede because of how concentrated Democrat power is in the cities, but it’s still a possibility.

8 years ago

There is one critical difference here though. The apocalypse may be inevitable: but at the end of it, our people will be here. Smaller and poorer perhaps, but not driven to extinction.

That might seem like a low bar, but it’s been the fate of many civilizations before us (but not all, so I refuse the ‘in the long run that’s inevitable’ line of thought) and it was the fate that our own treasonous elite and their global allies had in store for us.

If the entire sum of Trump’s actions are that he creates a critical mass of K, in numbers and in awareness and in strength, that we survive the apocalypse, then he will rightfully deserve his place at the front-and-center in the pantheon of western heroes.