Texas is calling in their gold, and building their own vault to store it in, before it disappears. Interestingly they also took active legal measures to prevent federal confiscation, and lay the groundwork to transition to a gold-based currency model, should they want to.
If they can conclude this quickly, it will be like when Uma Thurman showed up at her money manager’s office, and made a scene over a missing million dollars. The manager, running his own Ponzi scheme, was quick to get all her money together and get her out the door with as little fuss as possible, lest word get around that someone had doubts about his operation’s trustworthiness. I have a feeling Texas will get its gold easily, if this goes down before ITZ.
Hedge fund genius Kyle Bass had 20 Million nickels on pallets delivered to an armored facility in Texas for safekeeping. Although unspoken, his logic was clear. Each nickel was worth 6.7 cents, if you looked at the copper and nickel content, and that value would remain even if the purchasing power of a nickel plummeted. You can’t legally smelt it down, so long as the US government is in existence or has authority over you. The only way that bet can pay off is if the US government disappears or if Texas ceases to exist underneath it. So one of the smartest minds in finance is at least making a backup plan for one of those two possibilities.
Personally, I find it laughable anyone thinks that when the SHTF Texans will gladly give all the money they worked so hard for to the liberals, to allow the leftists in DC and LA to continue to spend like drunken sailors on the welfarites and savages, and maintain the federal governmental machine that allows liberals to tell Texans what to do.
ITZ coming, and ITZ will be unlike anything we have any experience with. It is nice to see that American spirit still alive and well in Texas, as the apocalypse approaches.
[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]
Pray tell, what is “ITZ.”
I stole it from Vault-Co, who uses it to represent the apocalyptic outcome we all know is approaching, but which none of us can accurately predict the nature of yet.
Texas can be self sufficient on food production. Texas is self sufficient on petroleum production and refining. Texas houses the majority of the main battle tank force in America, and also houses the helicopters which are the only thing that can reliably kill them. The Texas grid is ERCOT, and it can be reliably severed from the rest of the US grid in a heartbeat. It is, also, self sufficient, with surplus production capability. Texas houses several defense contractors, microchip production facilities, and soon, we will have our own gold reserve.
None of this is an accident.
“ITZ”, as in “Itz Coming!”
Coined by A. Linder, ca. 2000