Temperature Changes Personality

Who would have ever thought?

Columbia researchers claim temperature is a key factor in determining personality traits. People who grew up in more temperate areas, around 72 degrees Fahrenheit, scored better on five broad personality traits than those who grew up where it’s too hot or too cold.

“Clement temperatures encourage individuals to explore the outside environment, where social interactions and new experiences abound,” Jackson Lu, a Columbia doctoral candidate, said in a statement.

Lu contends that future global warming could mean personality changes across the world over time.

“Venturing outdoors and interacting with lots of people make people more agreeable, conscientious, emotionally stable, extraverted, and open to new experiences,” said Lu. “But when the temperature is too hot or too cold, individuals are less likely to go outside to meet up with friends or to try new activities.”

Interestingly, comfort levels also involve amygdala-activity. Get too hot or too cold, and you create a constant amygdala-activation. That is producing a K-psychology which leftist researchers instinctively recognize is not to their liking.

Notice the exploratory behavior being cited as a positive. That is also the foundation of a migratory psychology.

Now ask yourself what an ice age will do to personalities:

A bombshell study, led by professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University, suggests that in the next few years Earth will enter into a cooling phase that will set off a series of events leading to a mini ice age.

Researchers came to the somewhat alarming conclusions by creating a mathematical model of the sun’s magnetic fields.

According to the models, there will be a “huge reduction” in solar activity for 33 years between 2020 and 2053. This will cause global temperatures to decrease—drastically. The temperatures will plummet to levels not seen since the 17th century.

I strongly suspect these cycles are somehow the underlying forces driving r and K. If so, we have a rough timeline of the outermost boundaries of the onset of our next K-shift.

Though truth be told, given how r we have gone, I am not sure we will be able to maintain the r until then, what with the left working overtime to collapse all of Western civilization.

Spread r/K Theory, because it will heat up if it cools down

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7 years ago

It was all about as(s)tronomy after all, lol.

More seriously thou, I agree with you, and according to Martin Armstrong the coming monetary crisis can start as soon as 2021, right on schedule to allign with “the winter is cumming, fug” event.

The cycle seems to be 10000 years of r, 90000 of K, according to the cycles of solar output and its impact on Earth’s temperature.

When we conquer the stars (it doesn’t get more K than space and space colonies, even if we get access to super medicine and infinite energy from water, which we will have when deep state gets destroyed and humanity is free from the evil globalist grasp, mark my words), we’re going to be able to live away from r selected people forever.

Question: if you have a population that has 0 persons with the r selection genes (the addiction and wanderlust thingy I don’t recall the name) is it possible they can appear spontaneously on the newer generations? Kinda like when the blue eye genes skip some generations.

Have a great day frens!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

The DRD4 alleles frequently mutate. Another aspect of r and K being cyclic and an environmental adaptation. There are several working models. We could create a very high K environment, but once resources increased enough someone would get one of these mutations (and/or some mutating variant of T.Gondi) be relatively r- and have an advantage in a resource rich environment.

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Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Makes sense, its like the organism’s DNA always keeps r selected gene potential in some hidden place just in case epigenetics communicate to the organism that an over abundant environment is now a reality, making r selection genes appear again now that there is no pressure to evolve due to the glut.

Kinda off topic, this link is a speech by Dan Pena, a rich guy that lives in a castle in Scotland and one of the people who always supported Trump for president. The interesting thing is he always said Trump would change the world, I thought he meant regarding finance,, taxes and corruption, but the last Q crumbs regarding big pharma reminded me of this speech because he tells the audience that the big players of the world already have the cure for cancer and ways to make free cheap energy from water, they just keep it secret to be able to make more money. Given the last drops from Q and all the winning our side is making against the deep state, I now beleive him 100 per cent.


Bónus vídeo for lulz: https://youtu.be/klZ0yYCtr7U – Dan Pena’s class room at the castle has portraits of Hitler, Jesus and Trump :DDDDDD

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Given the fallen nature of creation. It seems a degree of r is necessary to have the genetic diversity that K-selection turns into excellence. Unless the necessary variants exists excellence cannot be selected for.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

This fallen nature is revealed by the corruption of creation:
Romans 8:20-21
20For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but because of the One who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

Why people suffer from inherited diseases but lethal and sub-lethal. And why people like me has to wear glasses to see properly. Until the redemption of creation.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

Evolution is not a one way street.
Evolution is constant and probably regresses as much as progresses.
I find that not many people seem to grasp evolution. If they did, they would probably be scared to death… or turn religious…

Reply to  rien
7 years ago

Checks out, the more I learn, the harder I pray.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

33 years, eh? Not the least bit Masonic sounding.

James A Pyrich
James A Pyrich
7 years ago

I was hoping for a deep winter this year, but it looks like I may get my wish, just a few years hence. Go back to Mexico, already!

As for me, I’ve been out jogging, with a handful of temperatures down to 15F in my neck of the woods. I’m built for this shit. Bring it on.

James A Pyrich
James A Pyrich
7 years ago

Picture tangentially related:


This reveals rather starkly that ICE hasn’t been so much in the business of deportation, if a jellyfish like this was on the payroll.

Also… just *look* at that guy’s *face*. Holy cow. So much fear. And blubber.

Reply to  James A Pyrich
7 years ago

Oh my God, I almost sprayed my soup everywhere. I can’t even… the facial meme.