Ted Cruz’s Eyebrows – How Experts Often Aren’t

A neurologist critiques Ted Cruz’s facial expressions:

The outside of his eyebrows bend down, too, when he emotes, something so atypical that it disturbs me. Typically a person’s eyebrows arch up, as does the corrugator muscle that furrow the forehead. What is such a downturned face signaling?

Downturned expressions usually signal disagreeableness or disgust. But I honestly don’t know because such an expression is rare in the context of public presentations meant to win people over.

One of the best things which can happen to a person is to be exposed to experts who have no idea what they are talking about. If it happens often enough, you come out of it with a total disregard for the status quo’s opinions, and you end up a free thinker.

Cruz’s eyebrows arch up in the middle because he is evincing a conflict-avoiding expression. It really doesn’t mean much, beyond the fact he is seeking to defuse a battle he expects to encounter. In Cruz’s case it is almost certainly a mien he developed as a debater, to appear non-confrontational and likable, even as he was arguing. It is sort of an inverse of the alternative, which is angry eyebrows which arch up at the outer edges, and pull down in the center.

One example of such an expression was serial killer Danny Rolling, who exhibited it when confronted with authority. Like most serial killers, his attacks were opportunistic attacks launched on sleeping girls, designed to allow him to kill, without any risk or cost. An ambush killer, he was not the type of guy to throw down equally with another man, face to face. This facial expression was a subconscious adaptation designed to allow him to avoid open, face to face confrontation with a prepared opponent. My guess is he developed it as a child, seeking to avoid the abuse of his father by appearing “not angry.”

Another conflict avoiding eyebrow archer is actor Nathan Lane, who probably evolved it either to smooth his path through some conflict endured in his past, or to seem more agreeable in the asskissocracy of Hollywood:

The actress who played Elaine Benes on Seinfeld does this a lot too.

Donald, of course, never does that with his eyebrows when dealing with other people. As a general rule I would expect to not see this with confrontational guys, or guys accustomed to operating from positions of strength, both of which apply to Donald. This may explain why when Ted and Donald meet, observers will instantly sense a dynamic between them which will subconsciously guide their perception of who is more of a dominant leader, and who is more submissive and less dominant. Obviously there is more to social dynamics than the skillset which lets you win a Harvard debate.

The main point of this is, never take anything any expert provides as anything more than generally, maybe, possibly useful. More often than not today the “experts” are just talking out of their asses. In this case a common facial expression used by people to avoid conflict and ingratiate themselves, seems completely foreign to a guy who supposedly does facial analysis as part of his living.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Microexpressions are bullshit.

8 years ago

“experts” are just talking out of their asses. +100 !! “quote” mark credentialists: zero real life experience – check. zero common sense – check. zero uncommon sense – check. etc.

8 years ago

Do you think domestic violence when young from one’s own Father or older brother who is typically stronger is an r-type stimulus?

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

Another explanation is he’s a psychopath and hasn’t exactly mastered facial expressions to deceive people. His former roommate in college talks about his behavior and if you pay attention he sounds like a psychopath. Look at Nancy Pelosi how she open her eyes real wide when she smiles. A lot of people do that automatically but they also have facial expressions to go along with it. The rest of her face looks dead.

comment image

Hillary does this sometimes too. If what I read about her private life is true she’s very likely a psychopath. Who better to control than a person who only cares about money and power and has no empathy for the voters at all. All you have to do is pay them and they’ll do whatever you want.


I wonder if it’s easier to recognize female psychopaths because their faces are scrutinized more?

8 years ago

Heresy!! What kind of good little credentialist are you?