Ted Cruz Goes For The Amygdala Trigger

It was a good one:

Ted Cruz knows how to deal with lying behavior.

That’s the message the Republican presidential candidate sent to supporters Friday during a campaign stop at a coffee shop in Iowa but his words set off the hypersensitive left.

Cruz was asked by an audience member what he would do to finally hold someone accountable for Benghazi.

The Texas senator complained that President Obama and Hillary Clinton engaged in “deception, obstruction and (a) cover up” and agreed with the audience member that someone needs to be held to account.

“You know I’ll tell you, in my house, if my daughter Catherine, the five-year-old, says something she knows to be false, she gets a spanking,” Cruz said. “Well, in America, the voters have a way of administering a spanking.”

It is kind of meaningless to us, but that is its magic. Feminists blow a gasket if you don’t use the proper pronoun to address them, and here Ted is talking about Hillary being spanked like a little girl who lied – a image which evokes emotions relating to the violent assertion of patriarchal superiority over her. It also has diminution of stature, might makes right, the implication of consequences being inflicted for moral transgressions, and it assumes the sale that Hillary has no power or control. All of that occurs in the leftist brain, without any normal person even knowing it happened.

An excellent tool in the capable politician’s arsenal.

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[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]