Technology Begins Aiding the K-Shift

I must confess to having been somewhat bothered by the effect of technology on our r/K balance. I was particularly bothered by smartphones. If the internet is a big dopamine eliciting drug, then the smartphone is the little package you carry with you filled with needles and spoons to get your fix throughout the day. Dopamine is bad, because when you are high on dopamine, your amygdala is not registering reality and guiding you to avoid harshness.

The truth is that smartphones are proving to be a mixed bag. On the one hand, the dopamine they elicit is deadening and their content is distracting, both good for the r-strategists, who need a deadened and distracted population to ply their rabbity trade.

But cell phones are also bad for the r-strategists. The video of the police officer shooting in South Carolina is a shocking, horrific video. It is an amygdala stimulant which will trigger aversive stimulus in even the most deadened rabbit. I can barely watch it. Although not as shocking, it triggers similar pathways to the videos of the planes hitting the towers on September 11th. Now the black community is becoming more K – more aggressive, more in-grouped, more driven to act, and desirous of a resolution to their aversive stimulus.

When you see something, and suddenly experience that aversive stimulus, whether it is a harmless guy being killed in the course of his daily activities (however stupid they may be), or planes purposely flown into buildings, neurons fire in the brain to produce the aversive stimulus sensation. Neurons fire to register it. Just through use, those neuron’s and neurological pathways strengthen, and their effects in the future will, as a result, be more powerful. To turn it off, you think about the idea that precipitated it, and look for a cognitive pathway to render the idea less powerful in the mind’s eye. For most people, they think, “Well, I’d better never run away from the cops,” or, “If my plane is hijacked, I’ll fight to the end no matter what,” and that is enough to make the idea manageable.

However by then, the brain has already changed. It has been conditioned to feel the aversive stimulus, focus on what is causing it, and look for a solution to resolve the cognitive discord. As those pathways are used, they become easier to use in the future. You begin to change, from a dreamy, oblivious pleasure seeker, to a problem noticing and problem solving machine. Although most readers here made that transition so long ago they don’t even remember it, there is a whole swath of rabbit America that has yet to make the transition.

John Jost documented that mortal salience stimuli, even just a picture of a hearse or a gravestone, would produce a measurable shift toward all measures of conservatism in individuals, from economic to social. It is almost certainly because the problem noticing and solving structure in the brain, the amygdala, also handles issues of loyalty and sexual drive. Stimulate that aversive stimulus, and it all changes.

I can’t imagine what the change will be like in the population, when videos such as the Rodney King Riot videos begin to be seen widely online. If the economic collapse is bad enough, those videos will be unimaginable. Gang-rapes, beatings, killings, torture – it will all be out there online.

As our world goes to crap, nothing will drive a K-shift faster than real-life videos of the horrors to come. Imagine videos of the diversified mobs in the city running roughshod over the decent and peaceful. Imagine videos of violent home invasions. Imagine exposure of the killing of a prominent and popular political leader by a rabbit-inflamed mob. Seeing would certainly elicit a much more powerful reaction than merely hearing the story. Seeing will put you right there. The aversive stimulus will be overwhelming.

To that end, the proliferation of recording devices is certain to aid our population’s grasp of, and reaction to reality as the coming apocalypse approaches. It will be incumbent upon us to popularize the videos, and spread them as widely as possible while offering the cognitive solution to relieve the angst – an adoption of small-government Conservative self-sufficiency.

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9 years ago

[…] Technology Begins Aiding the K-Shift […]

Davis M.J. Aurini
9 years ago

Prior to the next election, by a week or so, it might be prudent for a private group to put up billboards advertising fake funeral homes near voting stations.

Heywood Jablome
9 years ago

How real will any of those online horror shows seem, though? Right now, there are hundreds of gory videos online of ISIS wallowing in the gore of their victims. Most Americans are now inured to that stimulus.

The serious stimuli will occur in person, when the neighbor’s neighbor gets dragged into the street to be victimized by the howling mob.

9 years ago

Like ISIS, most of the videos will be taken and published by the perpetrators. Their need for narcissistic supply pushes them to document their deeds for wider praise.

9 years ago

The upside is that the human race is learning lessons increasingly in pace with one another, giving no excuses for people to repeat social experiments in one place that have already been shown to fail somewhere else. Mass individual autonomy is about to be reintroduced to the world, and the consequences will be televised.