Techies Are Prepping For An Apocalypse

The brightest bulbs see speed bumps on the horizon:

But the existence of a very different group of Preppers was laid bare by a political row in New Zealand this week.

Attracted by a remote First World country that has the potential to be self-sufficient and is on no one’s list of nuclear targets, the super-rich kings of Silicon Valley and Wall Street are buying up vast tracts of its land — in anticipation of the day when they may need to live there.

The controversy has revealed the extraordinary precautions being taken by the mega- rich to ensure that WTSHTF — a crude survivalist acronym for ‘when the **** hits the fan’ — they and their loved ones will be safe and comfortable…

Tellingly, the geeks of Silicon Valley appear to be most worried that it will be a struggle between rich and poor in a world economy turned upside down by new technology — with them as the main targets…

Naturally, property developers are eagerly capitalising on such concerns. The Survival Condo Project, a former underground nuclear missile silo in Kansas, has been converted into a 15- storey luxury apartment complex with a pool, gym, classroom and a miniature hospital.

It also has ground-level security cameras, electric fences, an on-site armoury, a sniper post and even a prison cell in which to put unwanted visitors. Instead of windows, giant LED screens show live pictures of the prairie above…

All this panic among the super-rich begs an obvious question: what do they know that the rest of us don’t?

Amusingly, they are smart enough to see what is coming, but cannot see their own hand in creating it.

If you have the money, creating a complete system to insure against what is coming would be a big amygdala assuager, especially as you add elements to address every possibility of threat. I like the TVs instead of windows, the gym, the fish tanks, and the underground vaults.

I thought the prison cell idea was interesting. I would not see any reason to hold prisoners myself, as they would just consume resources. So long as you have a sharp Katana it would seem there would be no reason. But perhaps a “Dexter room” for interrogations, complete with workbench to shrink wrap someone down on, main drain in the floor, garden hose to rinse down the waterproof walls, power tools, cutting instruments, and dental equipment might prove useful if you needed data out of a captured prisoner quick. Just shrink wrap them down, tourniquet an arm, fire up a chainsaw, and let them see some dried ketchup sprayed on the walls “from the last interogee,” and I would bet they would talk quick.

The Apocalypse is coming, and nothing we see is guaranteed to survive it. The rich know it, the politicians know it, and you should know it too. Do what you can to prepare, because it will probably be in a decade or so.

Spread r/K Theory, because when the Apocalypse comes we need to focus the mobs on the rabbits

This entry was posted in Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Psychology, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Techies Are Prepping For An Apocalypse […]

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

unless they plan on manning these bolt holes themselves, why do the wealthy assume anyone they bring along for security won’t kill them and their family immediately?

Reply to  Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

Exactly. They are insane and evil.

If I had that kind of money, I would be strengthening my community, trade and agriculture schools for the young men, I would invest in gyms and martial arts clubs for men of all ages, I would focus on encourahing blue collar and construction jobs because those are precisely the sort of men that make society great. I would remove any special rights for women, and support movements that tried to remove the punishing nature of the family courts, I would absolutely encourage gun ownership among men, i would also support initiatives to encourage homeowners to grow food on their property.

8 years ago

Do they really see “It” coming? Or are they just caught up in the silly leftist “OMG TRUMP = APOCALYPSE!” nonsense much of the left is indulging in? A broken clock being right twice a day and all that.

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

“Remote”? New Zealand and Patagonia aren’t that remote for determined agents of the new Nationalist governments.

8 years ago

All they had to do was hire a few more Americans and not violate Cold War norms with Russia. That was too hard, and then they let China and Islam feed on the West. They neutered the Western militaries. They made it an anti-Christian matter. Well the Russians are Christian now, and they probably view apocalypse through that lens. That’s why the Russians have developed survivable mobile ICBMs, like the SS-27 and SS-29, that could survive a first strike, and turn every globalist bunker worldwide into glowing green breccia. By now New Zealand probably has more nukes pointed at it than Washington D.C. That’s why you don’t poke the Bear, especially right after you’ve clipped the Eagle.

8 years ago

When the Apocalypse hits – I hope the natives of NZ turn on every one of them with a vengeance and fury that would defy their worst nightmare.

8 years ago

What makes them think Kiwi’s won’t hate them too?