T. gondii Makes PMS Worse?

PMS is worse if you have Toxoplamsa gondii:

For some women, that time of the month can be so bad it triggers a complete emotional meltdown.

But those who suffer severe forms of premenstrual syndrome may be suffering from more than raging hormones – their symptoms could be caused by a parasite carried by cats, research suggests.

Scientists found women with extreme symptoms such as depression and anger are more likely than others to have the parasite in their bloodstream.

Called toxoplasma gondii, the organism can be caught by handling cat litter and has previously been linked with anxiety, aggression and schizophrenia in humans.

Now, for the first time, researchers have found it may be linked with extreme PMS too.

T. gondii reduces amygdala function, as it preferentially colonizes the amygdala and fills it full of cysts. Under normal conditions, the afflicted are able to contain themselves. But add in some hormonal bursts to amp things up, and under the additional pressures the amygdala cannot keep up. The result is something akin to your crazy cat lady, in the mold of Ashley Judd, or any other crazed feminist or SJW.

There is probably a lot at play here, though. Some will have robust amygdale that can handle the effects of T. gondii and keep on functioning normally. Others will have immune systems that suppress the infection better. So T. gondii will not be an instant death sentence to amygdala function. But as statistical probabilities play out, it does have some effect.

Where you see the kind of mental dysfunction we see at the extreme edges of the far left, among the SJW and ultra-feminist margins, I will bet you will find concrete brain damage in many, and it would not surprise me if some of it, or even much of it, was due to T. gondii infection.

Spread r/K Theory, because it works exactly the opposite to T. gondii

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

Based off of the way the feds act I wouldn’t be surprised if someone has been putting it into the drinking water in DC.

8 years ago

We should pass out health pamphlets at the menopause march. “Do you own a cat? Your beliefs might be the result of brain damage. Get checked for PSTD: pussy scat transmitted disorder.

8 years ago

This Tweet mentions Toxo, but I don’t know how related the study is to your post.
