Swiss Artist Poses Naked Outside Cologne Cathedral

Pretty girl:

Artist Milo Moiré took to the streets naked in 4C temperatures outside Cologne cathedral on Friday in a bid to show women should not be molested under any circumstances.

“Respect us! We are not fair game, even when we’re naked,” Moiré’s sign read.

If you look at this picture of her and examine the areas under the eyes, you can see anguish.


Plus she is smiling, and yet her top lip actually begins to curve downward at the outer corners, and her nostrils are flared. That is a pained person trying to smile. It is very different, if you imagine what she would look like were she genuinely ebullient and delighted with everything around her.

It is possible that she is uncomfortable being naked, but it is more likely she has some psychological pain that she is distracting her amygdala from with the rush of exhilaration of being naked in public. She is a rabbit.

Finally, notice the subtext. If you judge her by her deeds and not her words, that is a woman who is driven to actions that will get her raped. She travels to where the migrants are raping, to protest naked. She is doing it in an r-selected environment where being raped would place her genes in a little rapist child who would then spread her genes very effectively through the cowardly r-selected environment. Finally, she is doing it all in a way that will allow her to avoid any social stigma which might arise from a population pissed off that she is contributing her genes and reproductive ability to the building of a rape army within the population, for the purposes of spreading her genes. She is avoiding conflict, advertising herself as rape-able, and going where the rapes are to do it. If she refuses to oppose importing refugees, as most feminists do, the circle will be complete.

It is either a very fortuitous set of circumstance for her genetic drive, or it is one of those strategies that Darwin has conserved because it works.

Never let any feminist tell you she opposes rape culture, if she doesn’t oppose importing Muslim refugees. She will either be lying, or too stupid to take anything she says seriously.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Actions, or better yet expressions, eh? Thing is, she would have an abortion, unless she was a captive.

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
9 years ago

I have to say, though, she is a great deal easier on the eyes than most of the crazy femcunts who hold naked protests in Europe.

9 years ago

I read an account of real life kinky sex in which the more times the male verbally chastised the woman as “naughty” the more high off arousal she got. BDSM in general seems to be about stimulating pain whether physical or emotional, I just assumed it was for that little extra tiy bit of dopamine which is released when experiencing pain. But you’re positing that it is to quench an amygdala by doing something painful? How so? Is it like distracting yourself from a broken leg by pinching your arm?

9 years ago

I have to say that yours is the only explanation that makes any sense. Actions, not words.

Standing naked protesting rape culture? Forget the garbage on her sign and spewing from her lips; the statement she is making *is* “rape me”!

People talk a lot of shit but ultimately 99.5% of words serve only to rationalize actions driven by deeper forces. 99.5% of explanations plain don’t make any sense but because they are delivered in a grammatical “because… therefore” structure, our soft, squishy brains accept it.

Unfortunately most people will are simply not able to accept the explanation they posit, because they lack the ability to reflect on their true motives, and their conscious processes trapped in the narratives they have been programmed to accept and repeat. The majority of those few actually able to understand what you say will reject your explanation for egoistical reasons. Most conscious brains refuse to accept that they are simply diagnostic suites meant to optimize DNA delivery.

I found my way here from CH and I’d thought it one of the most enlightened sites out there, but 50% of the commentators go on and on about the Jews. 20 million jews responsible for the bullshit afflicting 1 billion whites. There seems to be a great reluctance to accept that the Western nations have grown soft and selfish from resource availability and sad to say, the tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants, as Jefferson observed.

I’d suggest though that the driving force is not genetic, cos genes can’t change so much in a generation, though perhaps genes predispose people to certain behaviours. But the thesis is sound – wealth enervates, fosters selfishness – leftism, rabbitry is nothing but selfish behaviour taken to an extreme, because selfishness can go unpunished when there is sufficient resources.

And when times of stress return, people must band together and fight to survive; selfish behaviour is rooted out and destroyed.

Such is our fallen nature as humans.

6 years ago

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