Swedish Leftist Wants To Genocide Swedish Nationalists

A reader dropped an article in the comments:

Sweden should be “filled” with Islamist terrorists so that anti-mass immigration, rural, working class Swedes are forced into exile, the opinion editor of a left-wing news site has said.

Teodor Stig-Matz wrote on Nyheter24 that he would “honestly fill the land with IS soldiers” if it meant the sort of people who vote for the Sweden Democrats (SD) disappeared.

He wrote his column as an open letter to Kent Ekeroth, a senior SD MP who has previously said that mass immigration is “Islamising” Sweden.

…“I think that we are not so different, you and I, Kent. The attitude you and your party have towards immigrants resembles the way I look at your party and voters.”

He goes on to list a number of items from Swedish working class culture that he despises, adding that the sorts of people who vote for the Sweden Democrats “talk with disgusting dialects”.

“I think you dirty our country,” he says, adding: “Your version of Swedish culture is just as meaningless as an IKEA bookcase, and equally as greasy as the béarnaise sauce you drown your food in.”

He goes on to say that while he does not share Mr Ekeroth’s views on migrants, he cannot get angry over his “xenophobia” because he feels the same towards SD supporters.

This is a perfect example of the r-strategy’s natural alliance with outsiders, as part of it’s migratory evolutionary history. Leftists are designed to embrace the out-group, adopt its ideals and mores, embrace its culture, and turn on their own as means of facilitating migration to the out-group’s lands, should resources fall short at home. It is r-strategy 101.

What I have been wondering is, how could we present to leftists evidence that they are out-groups to their own lands, and we view them as our out-groups, as way of triggering these urges in reverse, so they will ally with their own nations? Is there a way to make the right so foreign to leftists that they would ally with us? Why do they not ally with us now, when we are so dissimilar?

The only thing I can think of is a variant of “by our fruits they should know us.”

Right now, despite our rhetoric, we are very much like the left’s idea of what Americans are. We don’t rape, we don’t murder, we try to be reasonable and friendly, we don’t engage in violence, and so on. We talk about being different, but we don’t tangibly act different.

It makes me wonder if we created an alt-right subculture, obsessed with fight-club-like violence, with leaders picked through fighting tournaments, with celebrations of violence and misogyny, with a noticeable push to humorously break political correctness barriers, and so on, whether many leftists would embrace it due to their Stockholm-Syndrome-like urges being tripped.

This kind of subculture already exists to some extent, and I have noticed it has seemed successful in converting leftist to a more rightward ideology. That subculture is /pol on 4Chan.

I was reading /pol and was struck by how many leftists post, saying they showed up there, and were initially shocked by the scene, only to have been fascinated and converted to alt-right red-pillers, for reasons they still seemed fuzzy on and uncertain of. I have wondered if we are seeing some sort of nascent triggering of that Stockholm-instinct in leftists who happen on that site.

From the posts I have seen, those leftists are struck by several things. One, /pol is completely politically incorrect. From racial slurs, to ethnic jokes, to insults, to racist caricatures, and so on, /pol is shockingly politically incorrect.

Two, /pol is funny. A few have said the contrast of the humor has attracted them. I would assume because it is a sign of total gives-no-fuck, unashamedness and utter lack of weakness. Nobody on /pol is apologizing, or about to grovel.

Three would be the facts. These converts say once they read them on /pol, the facts suddenly appeared clear to them. I think I see the mechanism at play here.

If a leftist shows up on a website and sees a post that says migrant rapists are bad, they will get triggered, and reject the premise because it is painful to the amygdala, and no matter what you say they will lock you out of their brain.

On /pol, the first post is about how Hitler was the good guy in WWII. The second post is a “Nigger hate thread” which talks about blacks needing to be exterminated in the coming white ethnostate, and features all sorts of historical photos of lynchings and dead bodies, as well as some pics of naked fat black women that are disgusting in a way that is difficult to describe in words. The next thread is a “Gook hate/gore thread” complete with surveillance camera videos of Asian men beating small children to death on the street for no reason at all, torturing animals, and running innocent people down with cars, often jumping out and stabbing them with swords to be sure they are dead. Then you come to the Holocaust threads.

By the time you get to the thread with the facts about Muslim migrant crime rates in Sweden, even the most leftist amygdalae are so worn out they can’t get triggered, so the facts are able to drift in unobstructed. It is amygdala-desensitization on steroids, and it is connecting people to the moderately tough realities of the world by sadistically making them endure the absolute worst the globe has to offer, to a ridiculous degree, so the regular reality is not that bad.

Once you open yourself to that first red pill, you are conditioned to question your own wisdom and absorb an idea from /pol, meaning subsequent ideas can drift in more easily. And it is all down hill from there. That is amygdala-based cognitive deprogramming from the cult of leftism.

Interspersed throughout the horrors at /pol are pictures of pretty girls, pictures of interesting scenes and facts, funny memes, and clever, funny, often politically incorrect comments that will make you laugh out loud, and keep you scrolling down through the horrors for more. Sometimes they come up with stuff so fascinating you can’t turn away, like secret bases they discovered on satellite photos in the middle of nowhere, and details about news stories that blow your mind. The awfulness of the worst stimuli may actually make the girls seem prettier, the memes more interesting, the fascinating stuff more rewarding, and the jokes seem funnier. You worked hard and endured awfulness to get to all of them.

This is probably like what will happen at the Apocalypse. You leave for work, step over a dismembered torso on your front stoop, your neighbor makes a joke about not losing your head, you dodge a highway robbery on your way to work, you find out your boss was raped by a street gang the night before so he is out sick, your company is going out of business and now you have no job, and on your way home from work you watch a bridge collapse. By the time you get home and see a crime stat on the evening news about migrants, you can absorb it because compared to everything else, it is harmless.

There is gold in there with respect to the study of using cognitive neuroscience to advance the reality-based ideologies we will need as the Apocalypse sets in. As in so many cases, I do not think there is much of any use for advancing the left. They need to put their people in bubbles, and shield them from anything even vaguely triggering. As for the moderates and right, once you can endure triggering, the left’s world is pure ultra-controlled, oppressive dystopia.

We need to do more study of this. We need more leftists having their amygdala unbalanced and brains opened up, and their entire worldviews shifted. Because once we open their eyes, they will never want to be blind again.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because if you know how the brain works, you can control it

This entry was posted in Amygdala, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.
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Robert What?
7 years ago

Actually I am surprised that 4Chan hasn’t suffered the same fate as the Daily Stormer: a completely legal site banned from the internet by an unholy collusion between Google and many domain registrars. Now that they have become emboldened by the lack of pushback I wouldn’t be surprised to see it happen in the future to more sites that engage in BadThink.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

WOW! I wonder if you’re not 100% right on this. It’s logical but counter intuitive to the way I think for r’s to react that way. The Nazis definitely were scrapping people. They armed themselves and went down the middle of town. They would have mass brawls with the Commies. Their leaders were scrappers.

You know it’s said, and I believe, that the Jews find people who mark around in suits like Hitler to scare off the normies so it’s said to be counterproductive by the right. Well what if the number of r’s becomes so great that their funding of the crazy marching Nazis switches them over to Nazi and it gives the right enough votes to pass the 10% mark that’s said to needed to completely flip a nations political stance? Oh the delicious irony of that!

[Back in the 1970’s there was an actual case of this. A homosexual pedophile Jew ran the American Nazi party]. No shit look it up.

Robert What?
7 years ago

I was in Sweden a couple of times in the early 1990s, before the Swedes lost their sanity. It was still almost exclusively White and completely safe. That is how I want to remember it. The Swedes definitely have a death wish now.

7 years ago

“/pol/ is a hurtbox.”
comment image

7 years ago

I was a lefty until 23/24, then I decided I would like to make some serious money after obsessing about PUA which broke down the “money is evil” spell I had absorved from the environment all my life (Portugal is a place where the constitution prohibits right wing parties being formed, and although we have a quasi-neo-nazi party thatmanaged to exploit a legal loop hole to get formed and is super retarded, the suposed right wing parties here are pretty much controled oposition, and most people associate right wing with bad here,and right wing is associated with big money on peoples minds here), and started to obsessively research about it.

What scared me to my bones wasn’t the ridiculousness of the fiat system or the way central banks are massive ponzi scheme pedlers, but the way every thing is set up that if you never delve into research about it, you’re induced to beleive it works in a totally different way. If PUA had me questioning a lot of things, that research into banking, forex and money only showed me how blind almost everyone is to reality.

At a certain point my research lead me to Martin Armstrong’s blog, and soon after his documentary The Forecaster was out and I watched it. This is when I decided that although I hated politics and the whole lying and manipulation triggered me, I had to understand politics if I wanted to understand monetária. So down the rabbit hole I went. I pretty much turned right as soon as I looked at various numbers and stats that never in a billion years would see on TV or the pappers.

The most interesting thing is watching TV and instantly recognizing the false narratives being pushed, and its insane to think one would not see past that near subliminal mind control if it wasn’t for the Internet.

Interestingly, people here dispise the right wing (true right wing, not this central just a bit to the right thing we call the right wing here) because we had a right wing dictatorship until 1974 and they Don’t like the idea of being controled, so they end up being controled by the socialists and the slightly less socialist 2 big parties over and over again while they laugth their way to the bank and keep pushing for the cultural marxism of the globalists to become mainstream.

Redpills make people scared, mainly because it is emotionally distressing to face the fact the people you use to trust are just being dumb and delusional or worse, they are playing you on purpose. It gets to a point you don’t freak out at reality thou. Personaly I dont redpill on line very much anymore cuz all my shit got hacked and my sociopath brother who is bent on keeping my life being as hard as possible because I exposed him for what he is to my parents, which had him bent on my destruction, might have some bad ideas beside running surveilance on my parents house, which is where I live like the loser I am at the moment in result of my bad choices and misguided loyalty.

Lefties may get what they want, which only results in the hard way of redpilling themselves like they did in Venezuela. Or not, cuz you know, of course that isn’t true socialism/communism.


Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

To be absolutly clear my comment on how Venezuela is not a victim of socialism/communism because it isn’t tasting the fruits of what communism/socialism really is was ironic, unfortunatly I have seen 1st hand that many deluded leftards really beleive that evil lie,the least one can do is mock that sad fact of life.

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

Very interesting. This would validate the strategy of Mike Enoch and his show, The Daily Shoah (and his web site, therightstuff.biz), as well as Andrew Anglin and The Daily Stormer.

I have been very skeptical of this approach, but opened my mind to it over time, realizing that my own understanding of these things is very limited; largely as a result of reading your web site, AC. And watching Trump in action.

It’s quite counter-intuitive, of course. But it just may be seen as genius in retrospect.

Also it’s probably best as just part of a larger strategy with different approaches attracting, and “converting”, different types of people.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

Haven’t yet braved the chans, but your description reminds me of why I occasionally check out the bestgore website It’s not that I have a macabre mindset it’s just that I find it strangely relaxing sometimes to contrast the stresses in my life with the brutal deaths and crimes that others experience in shithole countries. It’s centering, really, in a way that makes no sense unless one considers amygdala

7 years ago

Feel free to not publish this comment,I’m having trouble with my e-mail access so I will just leave this humble request/sugestion here.

Could you possibly make some posts on faith and the bibble?

Asking for this if possible because although I had always had a leaning toward buddhism and the meditative practices, once Q appeared on the scene and asked people to start praying I gave it a go and something curious happened, latter at night. Latter on my bed a thought came to me, the thought that all this hearthly pain is just an illusion, and that when we die there is nothing but infinite, unconditional love. It was beautiful. After being absorted on that thought, and experience, because it was more than a mere thought, I could feel it, I was rather surprised because why would I think that?

Yesterday I got to open a bibble for the first time in my adult life, and I read the revelation chapter. Much introspection ensued and I feelt guilt and shame for past sins, and I wonder if repent is enough. It isn’t, it seems that we are not only punished for our sins,weare also punished by them. A dedication to good is neecessary, and redpilling people online and IRL can be seen in such way, but its clearly not enough for me to feel like I’m being good enough,even if I refrain from giving in to my self sabotaging impulses that lead me to much grieff and caused pain to people that didn’t deserve it,and I think faith can be a big help in making one a better person and so I think it would be nice to spurt discussion about faith in this place if you feel its adequate.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

A big sign there is God among us is also the fact our Dolan beat the witch despite all the corruption and evil they throwed at them 🙂

Military courts for the evil traitors is also a breddy gud zigcnal :DDDDD


7 years ago

Funny, I always thought /pol was a necessary outlet for righteous anger and indignation. Any minority reading it should go “I’ve got to do better, I’m not like those people”. Wishful thinking? Perhaps. Perhaps not. America is still, thankfully, a free country. It would only be more free in an Apocalypse.

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
7 years ago

I have a Swedish friend whose mouth tightens with rage when the subject of the invasion comes up. Perhaps I will send him the link so this fellow Stig-Matz can go on The List.

7 years ago

This is an open question for me: Are the leftists that are converting (red-piiling) true leftists?

Especially amygdala wise: Maybe the ones that are converting were not true r’s, but had in fact good amygdala’s. Only they were so indoctrinated with leftish garbage that they themselves thought they were leftist. But to repeat, their amygdala’s were fine to start with.

I remember reading/hearing that amygdala regrowth is not possible. (Which of course does not mean that amygdala reprogramming is not possible.)

Still, I am wondering if the ‘little amygdala’ leftist can be red pilled. I almost think that these people would more likely end up in an asylum after the K-shift than join the right.

PS: I tend to see the world as populated by incorrigible leftist, incorrigible rights en a great big puddle in between that can swing either left or right depending on circumstances. And I would expect that great big puddle to swing right as the K-shift gets underway.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  rien
7 years ago

I agree with your PS.

As to the rest (and as for AC’s comments): My assessment of leftists is that they, by and large, are simply weak-minded, credulous people–children in ammay ways. Completely unacquainted with life or reality. Dwellers in a fantasyland. They have no toughness of mind, so they are easily indoctrinated, and since the Blue Church gets them in childhood, the most impressionable period in life, they become leftists almost by default. They’re just simple-minded idiots, in short, and they have some kind of deep-seated insecurity that does not allow them to remain mentally and emotionally balanced when they hear their superstitions debunked by ordinary, healthy people.
My two cents’ worth.

ned flanders
ned flanders
7 years ago

Two, /pol is funny. I would assume because it is a sign of total gives-no-fuck, unashamedness and utter lack of weakness.

mildly on topic Women say that like funny guys. I didn’t appreciate this when i was 17 but when women say ‘funny’ they don’t mean goofy.

funny = wit aka intelligence + giving no fucks aka confidence + power.

6 years ago

i used to be anti-racist
i visited pol to troll nazis
the nazis made me laugh
i ironically larped as a nazi because it was funny
3 months later i unironically became a nazi