Swedish Journalist Taken Out

There are powerful forces at work trying to destroy Western Civilization:

The information regarding Bechir Rabani’s death leaked on Reddit yesterday…

So who was Bechir Rabani? He was a brave, Swedish journalist who was uncovering parts about George Soros’s story that no one had the b*lls to uncover. According to popular forum known as 4chan.com, Bechir Rabani was working heavily for the nationalist cause in Sweden…

Absolute ZERO mainstream media outlets are reporting this. Here is some of the Swedish translated article that broke the scoop…

Bechir Rabani’s last project was a review by Robert Aschberg, director of left extremes expo – a left-wing extremist organization dedicated to registering people on the right hand side…

“After my visit to Aschberg, my facebook accounts were permanently closed. This has never happened before. And the text below the report was deleted everywhere on facebook. Our website has also been attacked. The report will be coming soon and probably the first ever to review Aschberg. Look out for the days and spread as much as you can, “wrote Bechir Rabani in a blog post on December 7th…

According to Social News, Rabani has contacted the newspaper reporter Egor Putilov two weeks before his death and said that he personally received a warning from a “safe” contact to “be careful”. However, in the FB conversation with Putilov, Rabani’s answers are now removed, “which is not usually the case even if a profile is removed,” says Social News. According to the online newspaper Rabani will also have worked with a review of Facebook and its employees.

Suspicious circumstances, according to Police:

33-year-old Bechir Rabani was a hugely popular Swedish independent reporter, well known for his daring exposés.He was found dead at his home on Friday night in “suspicious circumstances” according to Police.He was working on an investigation into radical leftist mainstream journalist Robert Aschberg and his connection to George Soros funded extremist organizations when he was killed.Shortly before he died, Rabani had revealed he was about to lift the lid on mass corruption that linked Soros and Aschberg.

I’ve actually gotten a few “be careful“‘s myself, with identical phrasing, via different mediums, from highly geographically divergent IPs. But I am still around, so no telling what they mean. Friends trying to help, enemies trying to bluff you into silence, enemies warning you to stop or else they will catch you when your guard drops one day – I can’t say. If I wasn’t a little bit of a thrill-seeker and weirdly driven to conflict, I might have taken them seriously. However if it ever comes out I got my ticket punched (or posts at this site stop before r/K has taken off globally) you should file away for your purposes that those warnings might actually be significant.

Sadly there is only so much you can do to avoid this type of thing, especially when the uppermost echelons of your intel agencies are compromised by whatever this conspiracy is that is trying to destroy Western Civilization from behind the scenes. When the FBI Deputy Director can deploy any assets he desires to the ends of ending you, and he is ideologically motivated to do so and has a history of such activity, it doesn’t matter who you are. Everybody sooner or later leaves a piece of food somewhere vulnerable in their house and eats it later, or touches a doorknob, or breathes air and drinks water somebody can contaminate.

If I had to guess on this guy, he came home and without thinking dove into something out of a fridge he hadn’t secured.

But these days, if you’re going to get taken out they already have a file a mile deep on you by the time they make their move. So if you secure your fridge, they know – and they know when you leave your car parked somewhere, and something in a skin penetrant like DMSO can be sprayed on the steering wheel, or even the car door handles. Or they know where you buy gas, and can have the coins you get for change contaminated with something in a skin penetrant by a guy they put behind the register. Or they know where you sleep with a window open, and how to get a canister of some gas sprayed in it at 2AM. Their first move on this guy was not the poison’s placement. They began months, if not years prior, deploying surveillance specialists who were amassing the intelligence they would need so that they would know when the direct action guys showed up and acted, nothing would go awry.

When governmental resources are in play, they will eventually find something if they look long enough, and they will have the manpower to look and the guys who will carry out the operation when the order comes down. It is why this FBI corruption issue is so troubling. The freewheeling way those guys in domestic intel operate is great when it is pointed at the Mafia, or terrorists looking to launch a mass casualty attack. However when the Deputy Director of the FBI is having meetings with his CIA and NSA counterparts in his office to fix elections and arrange attacks on those who are not political leftists to please Hillary Clinton, that free-wheeling style is not so great. Suddenly anything is possible.

Know ahead of time what you are getting into, and what you are into already. Until the Apocalypse hits and cuts back on these resources, keep your eyes open, be as unpredictable as you can to make the intelligence they already have less usable, and try to secure as many vulnerabilities to attack you as you can find.

Then pray to God to protect you and help you carry out His will. You’ll be surprised at how it turns out.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is inevitable

This entry was posted in Conspiracy, Economic Collapse, Intel, ITZ, Nationalism, Politics, Surveillance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Have you backed up this blog with trusted parties?

7 years ago

I would be curious about what he was about to publish about all around boogeyman Soros. Most wannabee patriot activsts are too dumb to see behind the Act that is put up with Soros. Hes like some Emanuel Goldstein Charakter from 1984, where the System like realy hates this guy when hes an Agent for them anyways. Soros is a Kremlin Puppet, send to the west to destablize it and fundle Money to pseudo-Opposition Forces in eastern Europe.
If he was about to uncover something, i think it would be Soros being a Kremlin Puppet. The Kremlin staged in the past big plots to kill people with Plutonium to make a point.

Robert What?
7 years ago

There is only one (((group))) who ultimately have a desire to destroy Western (ie, White) civilization. Not all of them, but certainly the most powerful and influential ones.

7 years ago

It is a funny feeling when you get “feelers”. In the grand scheme of things though, AC, your blog, commenters etc. we are hecklers in the stands. If an intel network were to go after private people it would leave a trail of breadcrumbs that could reveal their operations. That would be called an “unforced error” in baseball, for a losing team to start fighting the hecklers while bases were stolen. In a weird way it would spread the r vs. K idea, exactly what neo-coms Soros and Aschberg don’t want. Strong organizations don’t go after hecklers, weak ones always do.

7 years ago

Excellent work my friend. I had not heard of this until I saw your post but it is quite interesting. I think we will see more and more ‘weird’ occurences in Sweden as things deteriorate.

4Chan Moderator
4Chan Moderator
7 years ago

Q just got arrested. Spread the word. This website is being monitored. Take precautions.

7 years ago

I’ve told people to be careful before and I’ll tell you. Be careful man. You provide an invaluable service. I believe in what you say and you make me think in new and different ways. I appreciate that rare commodity. You’re on a very short list of people in my life. Most people are dull. I bought your book long ago, but I’m sad to say that I still haven’t cracked it open yet. Waiting for a power outage, I guess. I read you on here, everything you write.

I think you’re right on that line. If this idea of basic human behavior being guided by differing mating strategies takes off -and it makes so much sense that it now appears obvious- you’re in trouble. This smashes the Synagogue’s value of equality. They run the world according to their values. Rev 2:9

I’d say tread lightly, but this may be your End Time role. You’re preparing God’s battlefield by prepping a side with useful information. Only the Godly side would use this information. The sinful would want it suppressed. Be careful and keep writing.