Swedish Gangrapes Still Happening

No surprises:

Two attacks were reported yesterday (16.12.2017) alone. A 17 year old girl was brutally attacked and gang-raped by Muslim rapists in Sofielund, Malmö. The attack occurred around 3 AM at a playground, with the victim suffering serious injuries, requiring hospitalization. Latest reports state that the girl was tortured with lighter fluid being poured in her vagina, and setting it on fire.

Defective amygdalae, miserable in life, crave distractions from the horrors of their own personal lives. Often a powerful distraction is the pain of another person. The more shocking the torture, the more the distraction from their own miserable existence. That is what was probably at play here, in addition to the rapist reproductive strategy of highly inbred r-strategist migrants.

There is no dealing with such people. You can’t make them love life, or respect the freedom of others to freely enjoy life. You can only kill them, and be rid of them.

Sweden will eventually learn to not import the defective amygdalae of r-strategist migrants, but until it does, a lot of innocents are going to suffer greatly. When the tide finally turns, those Swedes who produced all the suffering must be held to account for the genocide and torture of their own people by these savages. Their amygdalae will need pathways burned into them to teach them not to do that again, and future generations need to have something to look back upon to show them that betrayal of their own people is a bad idea.

Until then, pray for the Apocalypse to come, and quickly.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because you want retribution

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7 years ago

Read about it a week ago, was reminded of an older case a few years back when another rape victim was burned after the fact. I suspected to be fake cause i couldn’t find the original report, and the site you linked also lacks the report. And then i stopped looking cause what does it even matter anymore. The swedes are more afraid of fighting then they love their life. Because all the swedes who loved fighting, they died. They died in Britain, Ireland, Stiklestad and Germany. They are gone. The low status Thralls that stayed back at home, they reproduced and created this society of social-sheep people that even the lowest type of desert dweller can pray upon.

I don’t wanna save sweden. I wanna ready a few Torpedo Boats and go Viking along its long coastlines. The swedes are cattle that waits for someone to take it. And i rather have it that those who take it are white vikings rather then dysgenetic creatures that are not even what europeans understand as a human being.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Andy
7 years ago

“…I don’t wanna save sweden…”

I disagree. I believe this is a weakness of ours. I had a disagreement with A.C. about whether aligning or recognizing the Jews as “K” or one of us was appropriate. I hope A.C. will recognize what ever he thinks of me I hold him the highest esteem but that I don’t always agree with everything he says.

Now we can take the,”only the strong survive” attitude but who rules us? The Jews do. They have lots of K and r and they look after all of them before us and they are on top. They own all the TV, Cable, Radio, Newspapers, most of the banks and all of the important ones, Congress, they have stymied Trump (if he ever was on our side), they own most all the productive parts of our economy(what do you think they did with that bailout money and is this why the stock market is so high) and socially we are the dregs compared to their 10,000 watt continuous berating of Whites and our so called diseased culture. Which of these groups would you want to be. The mighty K with nothing or the full tilt Tribal that has everything?

One of the biggest mistakes we are making is assuming that (((they))) think like us. White cultures when they have overwhelming power back off a little. They say to themselves,”we can afford to not push so hard”. If you look at the Jews past the more power they have the more they crush you underfoot. The more ruthless they get. They’re all sweets and nice when they don’t have power but when they do the pressure is relentless. They start piling the bodies up. Ours. Notice how the Alt-Right can’t believe how hard they are pushing now. I submit they believe that we will do nothing and they have the power and as tech improves they will become ever more oppressive. China leading the way in this technopressive State.

I’m for all Whites that are for our people first. Homos, Nazis, suburbanites, city dwellers, Alt-Right, Alt-Left, whatever as long as they are for Whites first. We’re losing and we need all the help we can get. We can settle our differences between ourselves later. Right now we’re all losing.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

“Jews” are the modern descendants of an ancient Israelite priest caste. The Pharisees tried to sell the Israelites a “New Testament” of sorts called the Talmud. Jesus called them out, said their Holy Book wasn’t Holy. This schism caused most low-caste Israelites to follow Jesus and eventually Islam when their lands were conquered.

The Pharisees became a rogue priest class. The priest class is inherently r-selected and parasitic in that they avoid physical labor and confrontational physical violence. They are also inherently high IQ, especially verbal IQ, and earn their keep by performing what we would today call “white-collar” jobs. A rogue priest class would seek to install itself as the priest-class of another tribe and “suck them dry” before moving on to a new host tribe.

Modern Jews have unique genetic disease do to the inbreeding necessary to turn a priest-class into it’s own tribe. Inbreeding would have magnified the priestly IQ and r-selected nature, while adding mental instability and sociopathy.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Hey Sam, i’m not interested in novel size ramblings about how the jews own anything. Empires crumbled long before Jews left Egypt because people, well, people are no damn good.

7 years ago

Imagine an hiperinflation while having a massive welfare class.

Most obvious country in the west for a near future case study may be Argentina’s unsustainable status quo with 30% of the country being “structural poor” meaning they are and will be welfearits, plus those are the fastest breeders. Also most of the country are net takers and not givers to the sistem. The ratio is about 20:8 (million); meaning 5 takers per 2 providers.

If during an hyperinflation the idiotic takers cut the chain of supply, effectively everybody dies.

Argentina’s last hyperinflation was during 1988s-1992 and suffers from chronic crisis from which it never even recovers…

Also an hiperinflationary fenomenon is just at an economic movement by lebacs holders, by selling those and buying foreign currency…

So my country seems to me will be a really good case study for most of us of what would happen to America or Europe if their welfare states some day prove to be unfundable.

7 years ago

So she was raped at 3am. What the hell was she doing out that late anyways? She probably thought that hanging out with a bunch of swarthy inbred rapemonkeys would be fun. I guess she learned different.

Seriously is there no common sense at all among women?

Reply to  Michael
7 years ago

Agree. “Innocent” should include a modicum of self-awareness. It all sounds to me like Sweden’s adults are sacrificing their children to Moloch.

Such people do not deserve to survive. If I were deciding who to admit to my castle keep, those who sacrifice their own kids would not be on the A list. They’d be added to the compost pile.

7 years ago

Swedish hobbies:
Covering up crimes, including a girls vagina being burned with a lighter.

American hobbies:
Particalizing vibrants

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

A couple of years ago I would have cringed at that. Now I find great satisfaction, knowing who they are. Amygdala development.

Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

“American Hobbies”

American hobbies are getting illegal Aliens off the Hook after they murder white girls. Don’t make a fool out of yourself with this retarded “murica” posting about how the army blows up third worlders with billion dollar hardware. Jerk yourself off to that shit while at home you all retreat into suburbs cause you are scared of hand-to-hand combat with the urban demographic.

7 years ago

Swedes will keep their distance from Muslims until they are overwhelmed. Then it will be time to emigrate to North America. Inter-marriage will not solve the problem.

7 years ago

The Pollyannas, what to make of them? They themselves lead K-ish lives but they will not see or admit to bad things. Is it K-type loyalty perverted? Is it seriously atrophied amygdaloid? Narcissism? You see it all over with Swedes and (one example) devout Catholics who otherwise should know better claiming Frankenpope is being misquoted for the 10,000th time.

7 years ago

I was told on Faceborg that I didn’t have an opinion about what was going on in Sweden, because I didn’t live there. A rabbit with whom I was talking on the thread lived in Sweden and talked effusively of “our migrant brothers.” Write them off.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I think it likely, from what I’ve seen, that Melonheads were or are a real thing. There’s lots of pictures of these and they don’t seem to be from binding which looks different.

King Tutankhamen seems to be related as he has a Melonhead. X-ray of his skull.


The ones in Peru have, supposedly, a larger volume brain case. Same with the ones in Malta and Russian. They’re all over.

The Peruvian ones have been tested to have different mtDNA than any known.

I think they’re a different species of human. I think they used to run the planet during the ice age. They seemed to be smart but very dismissive of normal humans. Why they died off ??? I think disease. The reason I say so is the hasty burials in Peru. It doesn’t seem to be that they were overthrown or we would see the skeletons smashed. Some survived. There was a line of nobility in early Europe that had the same elongated heads. In 900 CE, a mysterious family group appeared in southern Europe. They early on assumed the name of `The House of Este’. They came to control a lot in Europe. Some of their relatives


comment image


They were smart but I don’t think they had as much curiosity as we have. They did a lot of amazing stuff with geopolymers (the stuff a lot of the pyramids and the South American walls and temples are made of) but they missed a lot of stuff machinery wise. I think they liked man power for everything and as long as they were in power they didn’t care about tech progress.

There’s a guy who says the whole intercoastal water way was built. It also shows canals leading deep into Mexico and other places. If you look it does seem very plausible.

This would also explain Charles Hapgood book on Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. They appear to be Ice Age period maps with excellent detail.

Tex says that Jews are a combination of Neanderthal and these Melonheads. I don’t believe this. It just doesn’t really fit their skull shape, (some Rothschilds may be an exception). The Jews in their more pure unmixed state resemble Neanderthals EXACTLY. Long trunk, No chin. They look exactly like them. So…I assume that’s what they are. Maybe I’m wrong but if they look like them then, who’s to say. They have spent vast sums of money making sure that any study of skull shape or body shape is seen as nothing more than superstition. That makes me even more sure I’m right about them being Neanderthals. After all if they were another species and everyone knew it it would make them pay more attention to them.

A big leap in thought(actually speculation with little to no data). The Neanderthals/Jews were known to be very, very violent. I’m betting that they were extremely uncooperative with anyone. Cro-Mag comes into their territory after the huge massive comet strike that destroys the Northern American continent around 12,000 years ago, ending the ice age and really putting a hurt on the Neanderthals. There’s NO Neanderthal mtDNA(only comes from Women). All Neanderthal DNA we have seems to be from Men. Meaning it’s likely Cro-Mag Women were raped by Neanderthals. Cro-Mags get sick of bad Neanderthal/Jew behavior and wipe them mostly out. The remnants are in the mountains in the Middle East and Caucasus areas. The Neanderthals are utterly defeated and they decide that the world belongs to them and they will stick together through thick and thin to destroy the Cro-Mags and they are.

It’s us or them. Choose.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…knowing who they are…”

This is a huge mistake. We’re just murdering people for no reason who did nothing to us. It’s a great evil and we will pay for this some day and no one will have any pity for us in any way at all.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…Argentina’s last hyperinflation was during 1988s-1992 and suffers from chronic crisis from which it never even recovers…

Also an hiperinflationary fenomenon is just at an economic movement by lebacs holders, by selling those and buying foreign currency…

So my country seems to me will be a really good case study for most of us of what would happen to America or Europe if their welfare states some day prove to be unfundable…”

My understanding is that Argentina had high inflation and Goldman-Sacks came into the country and promised that all bank accounts they opened could be kept in dollars. After they had swooped out most every peso in the country into dollar based accounts they bribed the politicians and got a law passed. They converted, unilaterally, all the dollar accounts into pesos, limited the amounts that could be withdraw to a minimal amount then inflated away the entire wealth of the middle class. I also understand that while not rich before this there was middle class that went on vacations and stuff like that. After this ALL the middle class money was siphoned away. This is not a new phenomenon the Jews did EXACTLY, I mean exactly, the same thing to the Germans and turned the Germans into a poor people almost overnight. So as as something to watch I think it’s a great lesson.

I think they’ll do exactly the same thing to us if they can keep enough political control. In the US case here’s what they’ll do. Hyperinflation then, when they have vacuumed up all the property and anything of value for nothing, (they print the money and they’re half way there now), they will bring in a new currency based on Special Drawing Rights(SDR), look it up it’s a real thing they’re pushing it now, where we will have virtually no control over our currency and be at the whim of the globalists. We already are now but it’s not completely institutionalized yet. If this happens it will be because Trump let it happen. He will be responsible. So we’ll see in a currency crisis who’s side he’s on.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…It is possible the Melonhead is a form that would evolve wherever a socially manipulating model of brain emerged…”

I think it was the guy who wrote “Ice Age Now” and “Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps” and I think others too that we have a mass of gens for all different type environments already. They’re there they’re just not turned on and when enough stress happens they turn on. Possibly even changing the form of what was one species to another. Robert W. Felix says we have magnetic reversals and excursions, where the mag. field moves but comes back, and volcanoes and earthquakes let go all at once. During these times rapid evolution occurs. Both his books are good reading and way outside the box but based on real geological evidence.

“What good is half a wing?” asked geneticist Richard Goldschmidt in his 1940 book The Material Basis of Evolution. “Or half a jaw?” If evolution works in tiny imperceptible steps, asked Goldschmidt, why do we never find those intermediate stages in the fossil record?


Of course all of what I’ve written above is just wild speculation. Probably wrong but I can’t help but feel that there’s an undercurrent of history that they’re not telling us about. There’s been digs digs in the USA that found giants with 6 fingers and red hair. Indian tales. There’s all kinds of strange stuff that points to us being much older and different groups or species rising and falling yet it’s ignored for the most part.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

You may not be interested in what the Jews own but they’re interested in owning all that you have.