Switzerland Sees Bestiality Increase – Refugee Effect?

Animal abuse and bestiality sharply increase:

More Swiss people are having sex with horses, according to a sickening new report…

Overall, there were 1,709 incidents of abuse against animals in Switzerland in 2014, up from 1,542 from the previous year, according to Tier im Recht.

It is possible this is part of the slide in sexual morals that accompanies r, but the Swiss had less threat last year, and the year before. It also doesn’t explain the cruelty to animals. Now with the migrants threatening, the K should be rising among the natives, yet sex with animals is up, as is cruelty. It makes you wonder if these are that fine body of highly desired future citizens who will make Europe great again – the refugees.

I strongly suspect in-bred/conquering populations will exhibit highly reduced sexual discrimination and increased sex drive. Under this model, the migration and rapes can be seen as arising due to a genetic drive to spread genes into newly conquered populations. If so, it would not be surprising to find accidental overshoots of the strategy, who have such little sexual discrimination that men, boys, and even animals, become sexually stimulating.

It is not impossible that the jokes about camels have some root in reality. You know your government has failed you when the most hope you have to keep your women from being raped is the hope that at least some of the invaders will prefer horses.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

You do realize that Swiss aren’t Swedes, right?

9 years ago

The firsthand reports that I have heard is that goats and sheep are preferred to camels.

(And one hand grenade will get both the guys there and the goat. It’s hard to run from ordinance with your pants around your ankles.)

9 years ago

Switzerland, not Sweden.
This is the 2nd time you have mixed them up

9 years ago

Given polygamy its probably due to the artificial shortage of women that leads to this kind of perverted behavior in the 1st place.

Bob Wallace
9 years ago

I saw some night video from an attack helicopter showing three Afghanis taking turns with a goat. And we want to import these people? I’d better hide my dog.

Reply to  Bob Wallace
9 years ago

What your pet needs is a Burka.

9 years ago

Sweden is not Switzerland, and immigration (legal and otherwise) into Switzerland is low.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

It is a large percentage, but I think it is partially explained by their lack of birthright citizenship, if I recall correctly.

9 years ago

Switzerland, not Sweden

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
9 years ago

Headline reads “Sweden”, news story is about Switzerland. Different countries. You should fix that.

Friends of mine who spent time in Iraq, Afghanistan and other vacation spots have told me that bestiality is pretty common over there. Pederasty is common in some parts of Afghanistan. Both are probably due to the Islamic rules controlling access to women. One of my Iraq vet friends said with disgust that some Iraqi’s are more likely to screw their donkey than their wife if they have one.

Most likely explanation: more “refugees” means more men from cultures where screwing animals is tolerated, who bring their cultural attitudes with them. Yet another failure of the “magic dirt” theory of immigration / acculturation.

9 years ago

Well this ain’t surprising to me. What do people expect from a cult that permits bestiality? Islam also permits necrophilia and pedophilia. These economic migrants are bringing their sexual deviations with them. I bet moslems and leftists will team up to promote the “rights” of pedophiles, bestialists, and other degenerates.