Sweden is Burning

I remember an article a long time ago on Islamic radicals in Germany. The reporter stopped by a mosque, and mentioned how the blowhards denouncing the west outside didn’t scare him in the least, but there were a couple of quiet guys on the margins of the group who looked terrifying, even though they said nothing, and just listened intently.

Sweden is burning:

“The situation in the gang-controlled no-go zones of Sweden is deteriorating rapidly. Following the police report conceding the areas to the primarily Muslim immigrant gangs, the Swedish ambulance union is now demanding military grade protection gear to enter the no-go zones.”


“Despite being a small country of less than 10 million citizens, a 2012 study showed an average of one school being burned per day in Sweden, costing tax payers upwards of half a billion SEK annually. By comparison, Greece has 11 million citizens and averages only five school fires per year.

Not even the police are safe from attacks. In May 2014, two police officers were cornered by 50 thugs in the no-go zone of Landskrona. They pulled their weapons to hold off the attackers and called for backup, but the police commander refused to send in backup, fearing escalation. One of the officers knew a few locals who intervened and convinced the gang to let the officers escape.”

So a place a little bigger than New York City is having one school burned down each day, for 365 total per year. Their women are being raped. And you know such wonders of diversity will only get worse. This problem is actually smoldering everywhere throughout Europe, from the no-go zones in the projects in France to the Muslim neighborhoods in England.

The rabbits are all about show. Who can denounce the opposition loudest. Who can best malign the enemy. They seem to have no idea that real force exists on the continuum of actions they engage in. Nor do they grasp that their enemies often do not even engage them, not because of weakness, but because of boredom. Why engage if they are not to be utterly destroyed once and for all, and removed from our world forever? What is the point in socially demeaning someone, if they can go on with their lives afterward? That we view the consequences of social demeaning as so unworthy of our time reveals both, how little it affects us, and what will happen if conditions ever reach the point that we view action as worth our time.

Off at the margins, Larry Correia, Vox, and a whole host of people who are fully violence capable are sitting quiet, and listening intently. Engaging now is just not worth the effort, but have no doubt, the non-rabbits are the scary guys at the margins.

At some point, things will get bad enough that society will stop listening to the rabbits, and will begin looking for someone, anyone, to rescue the beautiful peaceful life our civilization once had. As that point approaches, foremost in the minds of non-rabbits should be that the more thoroughly the situation devolves, the more completely it will be able to be dealt with. When the times comes, the quiet margins will quietly get up, carefully stow away their valuables, put their wristwatches in their pockets, look at each other with relieved grins, and things will then begin to move quickly. Of course, until then will seem like an eternity for any non-rabbit.

Between the ever deepening financial mess, the possible move to a much colder climate due to reduced solar activity, the increasing incidences of disease in the news, the growing tensions inherent to diversity, and the astonishingly incompetent leadership we seem unable to avoid electing, it truly feels as if an historic period, a true turning point in the history of man approaches. Have no illusions, the men who have shaped history are still everywhere throughout our populations.

Now is just not the time.

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10 years ago

I am also getting this vibe. Strongly.

The alternative would involve a steady series of consistent small victories, a la a more developed GamerGate, that take the pressure off of the fault lines the same way minor tremors do. If enough of that happens in time for the coming external shocks, the phase change may be a lot less violent because it has a peaceful base.

If it doesn’t happen like that, legitimacy will shatter. And the only thing predictable about what happens next is its unpleasantness.

10 years ago

The thing is in countries like scandinavia only the extremists are really doing anything. While the moderates do nothing. Hence paving the way for the extremists to take over

10 years ago

I get the feeling that Sweden is an entire country trying to commit suicide. The Unbearable Whiteness of Being has made their every waking moment a torment–the sooner the Muslim hordes scimitar their way through their population, the sooner the pale manboobed elite can expiate the hideous racist sins committed by their Viking ancestors. (Okay, the sins were actually committed against other whites, but somewhere in the New World a Viking had to oppress a Native American or two.)

I really can’t imagine that the ethnic whites in Sweden are just whistling in the dark waiting for some magical civilizing transformation to occur in their immigrant populations. They MUST know this is going to end in their doom. They’re embracing it. Sweden is in the grip of a Death Cult. Jim Jones can only look on from Hell with envy.

proudest swede
proudest swede
Reply to  TroperA
10 years ago

Excuse you? Sweden is an amazing country and you know nothing about us.
Go shove your country up your ass.

Kudzu Bob
Kudzu Bob
Reply to  proudest swede
10 years ago

That’s the spirit. If you and your countrymen can bring some of that attitude to bear on Sweden’s non-White invaders instead of on allies such as the poster that you insulted, your nation just might survive to see the Twenty-second Century. Good luck.

10 years ago

As long as the Middle have jobs and kids with futures and things to lose, they’ll sit still and take the beatings (rhetorically from “their betters” and in the physical world from the violence-prone with nothing to lose.)

When the ocean of IOU’s now in existence reaches is maximum and trust inverts to fear, the Middle’s “something to lose” will be lost. The illusion of endless wealth necessary to “fix” intractable social problems (from educating the imbeciles to managing the culturally antagonistic) is about to go “poof,” and with it will go acquiescence to this folly.

What collectivists should fear is the full realization of their desires. The moment those of lighter skin and Western culture coalesce into a single collective, and they embrace a narrative of “dark/alien people mean to end me,” a full “othering” of those people will occur overnight.

Think “Hutus vs Tutsis” where there is no longer any reason or rationale to targeting, or the kinds of interpersonal murder seen during the Hundred Years War.

This is what the left has asked for, and they forgot to a man about the old dictum.