Sweden Imports Camels To Give Work To Migrants

Really unbelievable:

Swedish political leadership has gone insane. They are importing camels and calling it “a job market initiative” in order to give Somali Muslim migrants work.

Listen to this absurd phone call. The caller (an anonymous Swedish citizen journalist) is talking to Lena Salo, the Development Leader in the department of Social Resource administration in Gothenburg city… They are talking about importing camels into Sweden in order to put Somali Muslim migrants to work.

According to the government’s thinking, not only will it give Muslim migrants work, the hope is that automotive companies like Volvo will use the camels in their advertisements in Sweden… The government thinks that tourists might come to Sweden to “pet the camels” and that there “will be fashion shows.”

So, you bring in the migrants, so they can work and support your older generation. But they don’t, so you have to pay them welfare. So then you pay to import camels, so the migrants will have something to do. You even try to imagine how successful it will be, if only companies will hire the camels.

This shows two things. One, with their 69 average IQ’s, Somalis are not capable of integrating in a first world society. They just would not have the brain power to compete, even if their religion hadn’t taught them to wash in camel urine. Yes, this is a Muslim showering in his camels warm pee:

Two, politics, and especially the r-strategist psychology’s urges, are not logical. Even a mentally ill imbecile would not propose a scheme as stupid as this, and that ignores the threat of mass Islamic migration as we head for the Apocalypse.

These are programmed instincts expressing themselves, regardless of environmental conditions, and their origin lies in our species evolved r and K-selected reproductive strategies.

Spread r/K Theory, because we do not need to import all of Africa to the first world

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Sweden Imports Camels To Give Work To Migrants […]

8 years ago

Did the Russians supply that picture AC?

8 years ago

Good one, man! You almost had me there! I see what you’re doing, though – sort of a test column to see if we’re paying attention. But you overstepped, because this is clearly a reprint from the old National Lampoon or an outtake from Idiocracy. No one would ever believe that anyone in a leadership position would actually propose such a thing. Better luck with the satire next time!

Reply to  SteveRogers42
8 years ago

Search Norse News on youtube, or Red Ice TV. They are Swedes.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

From Free Republic comments,

If that works, why not import some sheep and goats? Will cut down on the rapes…”


8 years ago

[…] Sweden Imports Camels To Give Work To Migrants – Swedish political leadership has gone insane … and their origin lies in our species evolved r and K-selected reproductive strategies. This site asks … […]

Joe Lluu
Joe Lluu
8 years ago

They are NOT ‘refugees’.
They are NOT ‘migrants’.
They are NOT ‘immigrants’.
They are NOT ‘asylum seekers’.
They are NOT ‘citizens’; nor will they ever be citizens of any country, except of the subhuman, murderous, political filth & ideological sewage called islam.
The system of islam is NOT a ‘religion’. It is a total political-social system, intended and designed for the conquest, destruction and death of anything which opposes it.
The enemy is the subhuman filth, called islam. It is incompatible with Western Civilization.
They are carrying diseases we eradicated decades ago, and re-spreading them throughout the Western World’s Civilizations.
The islamists will not assimilate, and are coming to take over your country, your way of life, and kill us all.
The flood of islamic rapists, mutilators, molesters and murderers is just beginning.
It will get many times worse this year, even after Merkel & 0sambo are dead and gone, and are back in hell where they belong.
The murderous islamic caliphate, and its subhuman, lowlife tribal moslem filth, are on the move, worldwide.
The murderous filth of islam – moslems – are your problem, not ‘gun control’ and ‘climate change’.
Wake-up Europe and America!

Joe Lluu
Joe Lluu
8 years ago

Get also 100 stepladders so Somalis can start their favorite pastime, f**king the camels.