Sweden Deports Christians to Muslim Nations

Rabbits are not compassionate:

The Swedish Migration Board issued a deportation order against Faisel Javaid, concluding that Christians from Pakistan do not need protection because they can just keep their faith a secret.

Clearly being a Christian in a Muslim nation is a lot more dangerous than living in most of Syria while the war goes on. If the rabbits were compassionate, they would welcome the peaceful Christian. Yet they do not. Like a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, they welcome the Muslims who will rape and murder their people and reject all entreaties from the Christian who would integrate into their population.

If rabbits are not importing foreigners for compassion, one has to wonder just why they seek to import them.

Liberalism is a competitive reproductive strategy, one aspect of which seeks to mire everyone around them in conflict. Importing violent outsiders is a part of that strategy. There is no other explanation.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

[…] Sweden Deports Christians to Muslim Nations | […]

9 years ago

Reading that literally made me feel like vomiting.

9 years ago

I don’t know if you have the correct take on this. What they said is so utterly evil and demented, that they must have said it to further hurt and traumatize both the victims and all Christians in general.

Your take on their actions being to kill all the K selected sounds more accurate. These people have a hatred of any normal human being. You’ve written extensively on narcissists, so I don’t need to add to it. I have the image in my mind of that picture you put up of the murderous woman who was only happy when she was near a dead victim of hers.

What I am saying is that they did that because they are evil and cruel. They added that little reason as an extra joke.

I know what I want to say further, but I am afraid to say it openly.

Melissa Shahzad
9 years ago

The ignorance of corruption will bring its own self destruction. I want to address this issue in face of the UN and the world leaders and bring to their attention of this hypocracy and double standard of religious dogma. No one faith is better than the other if this was fact the middle east would not be run solely on the dictators of the Quran and the Palistine people would have their own state and freedoms. World leaders would rather support extremists that live under laws of a 2000 year old book that states its ok to stone women and marry children? Sad world we live in. I for one will continue to fight for Christian rights and Women and Children’s rights in the middle east and all over the world.