Sweden and the Coming Apocalypse

There is so much going on here:

A tranquil Swedish village is being torn apart by bitter tensions after the arrival of 20 refugee families, MailOnline can reveal…

Residents and newcomers have exchanged insults, thrown rocks and set fire to cars, leaving many on both sides scared to leave the safety of their homes.

Once you reach that point, things will get much more K before they get less K.

Instead Tärnsjö, a relatively small village with a population of 1,200, is a snapshot of those places where bubbling anger has spilled over into violence and arson…

‘The village integration works badly because people don’t want immigrants in the village. This is no longer a happy community, it’s divided and is not a pleasant place to live.’

The councillor continued: ‘We have the highest tax rate in the county because we are paying for so many immigrants…

The problems are said to have begun in September when migrants started throwing stones at locals’ cars, and residents retaliated by throwing them back…

The following day a car belonging to a refugee family was set on fire…

Rasmus Leng lives just metres from the migrant block, and has witnessed much of the problem first-hand.

‘The neighbours living in the apartment nearby have caused all kinds of devilry,’ he told MailOnline, pointing to marks on his car, where someone had shot an air gun at it.

‘I’ve heard a lot of noise and disturbance among them. I don’t like them.

‘They have been throwing stones and they scream a lot during the night…

Tobias Willhall added: ‘The immigrants have caused all kinds of trouble for us. I have friends whose storage spaces have been burgled by immigrants and bicycles have been stolen…

But then, in September, there was a sudden escalation: from the 15th to today, there have been 17 fires. At one point in October, the fires were so common there was one every day, if not twice a day…

‘For one day I felt safe,’ said Mustafa, a computing student from Gaza who was staying at the centre.

‘The day after my arrival, the house burned down.’

The article has a lot of other good stuff to give you a feel for what is going on. Refugees on government assistance who have bought cars and air guns to shoot at locals, and when they are interviewed, they complain that the town is boring, there is nothing fun to do, and there aren’t any pubs or nightclubs. These are r-strategist migrants in search of free dopamine.

So, what is triggering this violence? “We have highest tax rate in the county because we are paying for so many immigrants.”

That stands out to them because they are all beginning to feel the financial pinch. Want to reverse it? Flood the area with resources, ease, and lack of threat. Free delicious food, free luxurious housing, lack of criminal threat. That dopamine will flood their mind and shut off their amygdala, in the exact same way hypnosis would shut off the amygdala. Suddenly the citizens will think and do as they are told.

You can almost see a mechanism conserved by evolution there. Flood a group with dopamine and their amygdala shuts off. They begin to act exactly like hypnotized automatons, accepting suggestions and doing as they are told by the group. Thereby the group continues to do what they are doing presently under the current leadership – they continue to do what is bringing all the dopamine that is shutting off their amygdala. Not everyone falls under the spell, but a large enough mass of those prone to hypnosis do, and suddenly that mass will believe anything.

Bruce Jenner is a woman – and she is beautiful, and vibrant, and courageous. A 20 year old criminal who tried to stab a cop was actually an innocent child deserving of sympathy until that evil officer shot him. Bringing in Islam, the scourge of Western civilization for centuries, is a great idea, and we need more of it. There is nothing wrong with transgender men, the apex of sexual freakishness, being allowed to shower with little girls in locker rooms. Up is down. Left is right. The hypnotized massed will believe anything, if you hypnotize them enough with dopamine.

Pull the dopamine, and their amygdalae light up. Suddenly each individual begins to think for themselves. Bruce Jenner is not a woman – and he is kind of gross. The cops are the good guys, and the criminals are the bad guys. The King has no clothes. Think about that last story, and ruminate on how the person who created it had lived through exactly what we are seeing. The King was fully naked, and yet all the tools of society didn’t just say he was wearing clothes. They actually thought he was wearing clothes, even as they were looking at his junk. You don’t even have to ask. That author lived in a time when the people were hypnotized by dopamine. You know it just as you know night follows day. He was thinking exactly what we are thinking now.

None of this is new, not even in scope. It is forged into the mechanism that is the brain, through r/K adaptivity, and on the deepest level we know all about it. We wine and dine people we want to agree to our desires, to shut off their amygdala, and make them more agreeable. If you would take a hot date out to a fine restaurant, after buying her chocolates and a tennis bracelet, you understood hypnosis on some deep level, without even knowing it. The only difference between you and Milton Erickson is he realized he could do the same thing with words and visualization, and if he focused his efforts, the effect could be heightened. People bribe officials to shut off their amygdalae, and those who accede are “the corrupt.” The dopamine corrupts them by shutting off their amygdala. War is produced by shortage. Violent crime follows the Misery Index. It is all their in our brain.

Now the worm is turning. The money, never a limitless quantity, is drying up and people are feeling the pinch. As the hypnosis is turned off and each individual emerges from the dopamine soaked automaton they are presently trapped in, the full horror we see every day will become apparent to them. As they enter dopamine withdrawal, it will appear even worse than it is, and they will freak out. As their amygdalae light up, anything will be possible.

This is the apocalypse beginning in Sweden. Now all we need is the economic collapse, and it will spread everywhere. If the ideas behind r/K Theory have spread wide enough by that time, the rabbits will have nowhere to hide.

It can’t happen soon enough.

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General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago
9 years ago

“It can’t happen soon enough.”
If we’re in a race to spread the implications of your theory, more time would be better. Though I think people are as ready as they are going to be, at any rate.

We’ll have to fight with what we have.

BTW, I’m almost done with the book. Nice to finally have some explanation for the behavior I have puzzled over my whole life. Thank you for that. Growing up among the rabbits (Mass), I despaired of humanity.

Strange, even given the obvious inevitability, I feel much better about it now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

More like a tactical nuke. Connections explode across my synapses. Nothing is the same.
I never could make sense of it all, before. Fortunately, I pulled my family out years ago, moved to the woods of Maine and started learning how to make do.

Your work has validated that decision. I am at peace with the apocalypse.

In regards to narcs, it seems to me they are a much higher percentage of the population than you indicate. Is this because other rabbits are mimicking a successful strategy?

I went to high school in Mass (after Oklahoma), as far as I can tell the entire culture is modeled on the narcs behavior. I did not fair well there and despaired for our culture.
I was too young to realize there were other sides to it elsewhere.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

BTW Archive links would be nice. I’d like to go back to the beginning and read your blog straight through but I haven’t been able to figure it out, yet.

John Calabro
9 years ago

Best thing about the news article was the comments and the up votes. I have notice a changing trend. I went to school in the late 90s early 00s and I was one of the few people more on the right. Boy did I get told off by the teacher and some of the students for being against Gay rights for married or mass immigration. Also there was another time we student had to chose a person who changed the world day (Hopefully for the better). I fought with the teachers since someone was going as Stalin and another as Lenin I ask if I could go as Hitler or Mussolini. When I got told no because these people were evil, I then debate with them for some time and not backing down on that if Hitler is evil then so must Stalin and Lenin for they killed their own people (I know they did not actually kill people themselves but order other people to do it for them) far more of their own people then how is that fair. They ban students from using Stalin and Lenin as well as Hitler as a person you could chose. Note I did not want to go as Hitler (I ended going as Robin Williams) but I was so sick of seeing and hearing about how good Socialism and Communism is. Most students did not debate the story we got feed and wanted to just get through school. Anonymous Conservative thank you for your work. We need more people like yourself

9 years ago

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